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December 3 2019

ExxonMobil’s local subsidiary Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) has applied to the Environmental Protection Agency for authorization to drill some 31 wells in three offshore blocks.

A notice from the environmental agency is in today’s edition of the state-owned Guyana Chronicle and gives a breakdown stating that 25 of the wells will be drilled in the Stabroek Block and three each in the Kaieteur and Canje Blocks respectively.

The applications signal a continuous ramping up of drilling operations by Exxon even as it prepares for first oil in Guyana’s waters sometime later this month.

The EPA says that the projects have already been screened to assess their potential environmental impacts and it has been determined that “these projects will not significantly affect the environment, and therefore are exempt from the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

However, in the interest of “sound environmental management”, an environmental assessment and management plan must be undertaken  to assess any possible impacts to the environment, human health. The plan also will detail specific mitigation measures to be undertaken to ensure that the proposed project is implemented in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner.

It is in this vein that the EPA is asking members of the public, in accordance with EPA Act,  that if they believe  that they may be affected to lodge an appeal against the agency’s decision within 30 days from today.

Details on the procedure for submitting appeals can be obtained from the agency’s website.

ExxonMobil Guyana has made 14 discoveries offshore since May 2015 and will begin producing up to 120,000 barrels of oil per day from the Liza Phase 1 development.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We still have to wait and see where the money ends up. If like the 18 Million advance that still missing then GUYANA will be worst off. I am not Naive, I will wait and see. We dealing with THIEVES!!


Great for Guyana great for Exxon.  They took the risk, is payback!  Let the crabs guh sit and shit in a coornah wishing for bad news!

Guyana just need to ensure they on top of the charges being made to the Profit Share P&L!

Nehru posted:

We still have to wait and see where the money ends up. If like the 18 Million advance that still missing then GUYANA will be worst off. I am not Naive, I will wait and see. We dealing with THIEVES!!

That’s why we have a strong opposition Leader in Dr Jagdeo!!

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

He is indeed a great man with tons of intelligence, knowledge and experiences!!

He f#k#d up GUYSICKO.

The Chinese Fup Guysuco and you can expect more Fups under this gov't. beginning with the airport and continue with the country's oil business.  

Billy Ram Balgobin

Billy, the PPP has a lot to answer for with regards to the Skeldon Factory!! Why was the chinese Company not sanctioned? The PPP should have demanded a cancellation of the Loan after the Factory was found to be defective!!

Nehru posted:

Billy, the PPP has a lot to answer for with regards to the Skeldon Factory!! Why was the chinese Company not sanctioned? The PPP should have demanded a cancellation of the Loan after the Factory was found to be defective!!

Even Granjuh ask why we did not go with an Indian factory!  He thinks the Indians are a far better match for Guyana's situation!

You cannot just demand cancellation of a loan, you have to go to court!

kp posted:

With that many of wells Exxon planning to drill, they are hoping to drain Guyana dry in 10 years. Then what, they go back to Sugar and rice??

Exxon has 10-15 years to make the money!  Oil will wane and Exxon leave.  After that, hopefully Guyana will have a developed a diversified economy based not only on products and commodities, but also the infinite human capital, the most valuable of all!


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