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Georgetown, Guyana – (November 7, 2017) President David Granger, this morning, said that the Government of Guyana welcomes the $10M donation from ExxonMobil Guyana and their partners Hess and Nexen towards this country’s relief effort for countries affected by the devastating storms during the current Hurricane season, which ends on November 30. The donation was handed over to Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon, who holds responsibility for the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) just before the start of this week’s Cabinet meeting at the Ministry of the Presidency today. President Granger said that the Government is grateful for the contribution as it will go a long way towards helping the persons, who have been affected by the hurricanes.

Minister Harmon, in brief remarks after receiving the cheque, said that the Government thanks all members of the private sector, including ExxonMobil that have made resources available to the CDC to support their work. “On behalf of the CDC and the Government of Guyana, we would like to thank ExxonMobil for giving so generously and contributing to the disaster relief efforts of the Civil Defence Commission. We are all aware of the damages, which were done by Hurricanes Irma and Maria and we believe that this is an excellent demonstration of your social corporate responsibility and corporate consciousness that you have come forward without even prodding to give this generous donation,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Rod Henson, ExxonMobil Guyana’s Country Manager said that the company considers their community relationships an essential element of their business and added that in times of crisis it is important that resources are combined. “We have worked with the CDC before. They do a fantastic job and so we are happy to help in this effort, [which will go a long way in helping thousands of persons who have been left affected by the hurricanes],” he said.

Senior Director, Public and Government Affairs at ExxonMobil Guyana, Ms. Kimberly Brasington said that the company remains supportive of efforts, which can improve the lives of persons, particularly those who have been left in vulnerable positions. “We are committed to providing support and assistance for disaster relief and recovery efforts to affected Guyanese. We want to do our part help ensure storm victims have the support to recover and rebuild,” she said.

Earlier this year, the Company supported the CDC’s work in post-flood relief and recovery in the Cuyuni-Mazaruni (Region Seven) and Potaro-Siparuni (Region Eight) to the tune of $5M. The more recent contribution is made in support of the Ministry of Natural Resources in line with the company and their partners’, Hess and Nexen’s commitment to a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programme, from which the funds are being allocated.

This brings the total donation from corporate Guyana to the cause to $25M. The effort will be further boosted by a Hurricane Relief Concert, which will be held this Saturday at the Durban Park. The concert will feature from Trinidad, artists Patrice Roberts, Ola Tungi and Orlando Octave alongside Guyana’s best performers.

Director General of the CDC, Colonel (retired) Chabilall Ramsarup was also present for the handing over of the cheque today.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

ksazma posted:

So what is Harmon going to do with this money?

Harmon should use most of that money to cover the cost of some badly-needed plastic surgery ! Have you ever looked at that that 'bandar's' face .... his nose is almost as 'braaaad' as his entire face ! If you encounter him on a lonely road during the night, I am certain you will need toilet paper immediately !!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Guyana had a hurricane???

If you read the article, the money was given to Guyana to assist with the hurricane relief in the caribbean countries that were affected...


ksazma posted:

So what is Harmon going to do with this money?

He will use most of it to fix his incredibly ugly face. His nose is almost as broad as his mouth; anyone ever seen such a hideous face ?   

Last edited by Keffer
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Guyana had a hurricane???

If you read the article, the money was given to Guyana to assist with the hurricane relief in the caribbean countries that were affected...


What a dumb-ass thing to do; give Guyana the $$ to help hurricane-affected countries in the West Indies ? How/where is the sense in that ? 

Keffer posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Guyana had a hurricane???

If you read the article, the money was given to Guyana to assist with the hurricane relief in the caribbean countries that were affected...


What a dumb-ass thing to do; give Guyana the $$ to help hurricane-affected countries in the West Indies ? How/where is the sense in that ? 

Those countries in the Caribbean that were affected by the hurricane don't have oil. 

Last edited by Former Member

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