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Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Which side will first draw guns ?  Guyanese have to watch out , new migrants will take over in the future.

Yes Yes ...they are here by the thousands. In GT their is lots of Venezuelans and Cubans. Guyanese are still migrating. Lawlessness is getting out of hand, it appears the government is loosing control.The sex trade is rampant. I believe the locals getting carried away by the color of skin , them blowing sakewinki whistle  .. 

Last night was listening to a live program , with FK and DH , heard lots of Chinese in the country. It was mentioned, in a few years the new immigrants will be a force.

Coolie and Blackman guh lose Guyana one day soon!  And it good fuh dem rass!!  Blackman hate Indians!  Wonder how they see themselves faring under Latinos or Chinese domination!

Is weh Caribj deh?

Also Indians hate Blackman , heard that from another talk show, from the an Indian popular in the comedy show business.

I don’t agree!

My question really was how the Blackman thinks he will fare under a Latino or Chinese dominated country!

 Indians will prosper and you can bet crime will be under better control!

Don't agree with what ?

How do they fare in countries like Venezuela ,Brazil for that matter other countries in South America. What makes you think Afro Guyanese differs from other Africans in the region  ,do you expect to be squeezed out from the pie and stay silent.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted


Last night was listening to a live program , with FK and DH , heard lots of Chinese in the country. It was mentioned, in a few years the new immigrants will be a force.

Coolie and Blackman guh lose Guyana one day soon!  And it good fuh dem rass!!  Blackman hate Indians!  Wonder how they see themselves faring under Latinos or Chinese domination!

Is weh Caribj deh?

Also Indians hate Blackman , heard that from another talk show, from the an Indian popular in the comedy show business.

I don’t agree!

My question really was how the Blackman thinks he will fare under a Latino or Chinese dominated country!

 Indians will prosper and you can bet crime will be under better control!

Don't agree with what ?

How do they fare in countries like Venezuela ,Brazil for that matter other countries in south America. What makes you think Afro Guyanese differs from other Africans ,do you expect to be squeezed out from the pie and stay silent.

You need to ask Caribj how Blacks fare in LATAM!

Its not a matter of staying silent!  The inertia is already there!

Dave posted:

The last I heard, the murder rate from 2015 surpass the PPP government 23 years in office. 

Tell we how much murder was committed between October,1992 and May,2015 ,categorize how much was extrajudicial killings, and how much was killings under robbery , and how much by individuals killing each other.

When you present the figures of each category , we can compare what you heard is true.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

The last I heard, the murder rate from 2015 surpass the PPP government 23 years in office. 

Tell we how much murder was committed between October,1992 and May,2015 ,categorize how much was extrajudicial killings, and how much was killings under robbery , and how much by individuals killing each other.

When you present the figures of each category , we can compare what you heard is true.

Here you go with your bullshit!  

Murder rate was high because of your PNC cohorts!  It’s was about 40-50 terrorist taken out!

Today, it not political, it’s all over!

Django posted:
Dave posted:

The last I heard, the murder rate from 2015 surpass the PPP government 23 years in office. 

Tell we how much murder was committed between October,1992 and May,2015 ,categorize how much was extrajudicial killings, and how much was killings under robbery , and how much by individuals killing each other.

When you present the figures of each category , we can compare what you heard is true.

A whopping 631 murders were recorded in the country between the year 2015 and the November, 2019, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) said.

In 2015, there were 149 murders.

In 2016, this figure was slightly reduced to 142.

A further reduction to 115 murders was recorded in the year 2017.

In 2018 there were 111 murders countrywide.

However, with less than two months away from 2019 ending, there have been a total of 114 murders recorded in Guyana.

Disorderly murders dominated the list of the types or murders committed, according to Crime Chief (ag) Michael Kingston.

β€œThis is one area in murders that is very concerning to us,” he stated during a press conference today.

He noted that disorderly murders normally occur in interior locations in Regions 1, 7, 8, and 9.

β€œThis is resulting from the heavy drinking and sporting and it is a known fact that it is not easy to contain these kind of murders but we are partnering with our stakeholders at the moment in order to minimize this kind of behavior within the interior location,” he stated.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

The last I heard, the murder rate from 2015 surpass the PPP government 23 years in office. 

Tell we how much murder was committed between October,1992 and May,2015 ,categorize how much was extrajudicial killings, and how much was killings under robbery , and how much by individuals killing each other.

When you present the figures of each category , we can compare what you heard is true.

Here you go with your bullshit!  

Murder rate was high because of your PNC cohorts!  It’s was about 40-50 terrorist taken out!

Today, it not political, it’s all over!

Why is it bullshit , when queries are made to present the facts ? How do you arrive at my allegiance ? do you make it up because of my challenge to most of the biased bullshit presented on GNI ?

Who is responsible people killing each other , for some form of disagreement , [The percentage is high of all the murders committed ] what measures can be taken to reduce these types of snuffing ?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

The last I heard, the murder rate from 2015 surpass the PPP government 23 years in office. 

Tell we how much murder was committed between October,1992 and May,2015 ,categorize how much was extrajudicial killings, and how much was killings under robbery , and how much by individuals killing each other.

When you present the figures of each category , we can compare what you heard is true.

Here you go with your bullshit!  

Murder rate was high because of your PNC cohorts!  It’s was about 40-50 terrorist taken out!

Today, it not political, it’s all over!

Why is it bullshit , when queries are made to present the facts ? How do you arrive at my allegiance ? do you make it up because of my challenge to most of the biased bullshit presented on GNI ?

Who is responsible people killing each other , for some form of disagreement , [The percentage is high of all the murders committed ] what measures can be taken to reduce these types of snuffing ?

It’s BS because you know the underlying factor was your PNC sponsored terror campaign!  Even granger now cannot get cooperation from the police to investigate!  They cannot, because the blood 🩸 trail leads back to some squatting in office today!

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

The last I heard, the murder rate from 2015 surpass the PPP government 23 years in office. 

Tell we how much murder was committed between October,1992 and May,2015 ,categorize how much was extrajudicial killings, and how much was killings under robbery , and how much by individuals killing each other.

When you present the figures of each category , we can compare what you heard is true.

A whopping 631 murders were recorded in the country between the year 2015 and the November, 2019, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) said.In 2015, there were 149 murders.In 2016, this figure was slightly reduced to 142.A further reduction to 115 murders was recorded in the year 2017.In 2018 there were 111 murders countrywide.

However, with less than two months away from 2019 ending, there have been a total of 114 murders recorded in Guyana.

Disorderly murders dominated the list of the types or murders committed, according to Crime Chief (ag) Michael Kingston.β€œThis is one area in murders that is very concerning to us,” he stated during a press conference today.He noted that disorderly murders normally occur in interior locations in Regions 1, 7, 8, and 9.β€œThis is resulting from the heavy drinking and sporting and it is a known fact that it is not easy to contain these kind of murders but we are partnering with our stakeholders at the moment in order to minimize this kind of behavior within the interior location,” he stated.


Thank you for the post ,

any idea how these types of murders can be curtailed?

Any figures from October,1992 to May ,2015 , we can split up in to four year periods and do a comparison.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

The last I heard, the murder rate from 2015 surpass the PPP government 23 years in office. 

Tell we how much murder was committed between October,1992 and May,2015 ,categorize how much was extrajudicial killings, and how much was killings under robbery , and how much by individuals killing each other.

When you present the figures of each category , we can compare what you heard is true.

Here you go with your bullshit!  

Murder rate was high because of your PNC cohorts!  It’s was about 40-50 terrorist taken out!

Today, it not political, it’s all over!

Why is it bullshit , when queries are made to present the facts ? How do you arrive at my allegiance ? do you make it up because of my challenge to most of the biased bullshit presented on GNI ?

Who is responsible people killing each other , for some form of disagreement , [The percentage is high of all the murders committed ] what measures can be taken to reduce these types of snuffing ?

It’s BS because you know the underlying factor was your PNC sponsored terror campaign!  Even granger now cannot get cooperation from the police to investigate!  They cannot, because the blood 🩸 trail leads back to some squatting in office today!

Take a chill pill !!!

I will ask again how do you arrive my allegiance to the PNC ?


Django, you need to live in reality with what’s goes on in Guyana. 

majority of Indians businessmen felt APNU will curtail crime, because everyone knew they were the instigator for the lawlessness during PPP government, with their slogan Mo Faya Slow Faya, the Buxton uprising. Well they started Agricola village uprising so as to add more pressure on the police forces. 
Now, Agricola is more dangerous than Buxton. I will still stop in Buxton at Churches and picked up my chicken. I am afraid of having a flat tyre in Agricola PR. That same Agricola, I used to drive our TL truck overnight to Macdoom ( Flourmill) and go back at 5 am the next day without any issues. 

APNU is responsible for the crime waves in Guyana going back in the 70s and 80s under PNC when they will send their goons to kick down India’s doors .

Businessmen felt more secure with APNU Government, but that’s not the case, it got worst. Even Granger and Nagamootoo entourages with out riders surpasses Burnham days. Granger recently, close down the  airways to fly from Ogle to Berbice for security reasons. 

Shut yo Rass, and let’s live in reality.  

Last edited by Former Member

The thinking among the many naive Indos, including businessmen was that crime will drop if the blackman get power and rule again.  Well, their wish came through partially but not wholly.  The problem of crime persists and there is no program or policy in place to curb it under this regime.  This gov't. is a replica of the Burnhamist regime.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Dave posted:

Django, you need to live in reality with what’s goes on in Guyana. 

majority of Indians businessmen felt APNU will curtail crime, because everyone knew they were the instigator for the lawlessness during PPP government, with their slogan Mo Faya Slow Faya, the Buxton uprising. Well they started Agricola village uprising so as to add more pressure on the police forces. 
Now, Agricola is more dangerous than Buxton. I will still stop in Buxton at Churches and picked up my chicken. I am afraid of having a flat tyre in Agricola PR. That same Agricola, I used to drive our TL truck overnight to Macdoom ( Flourmill) and go back at 5 am the next day without any issues. 

APNU is responsible for the crime waves in Guyana going back in the 70s and 80s under PNC when they will send their goons to kick down India’s doors .

Businessmen felt more secure with APNU Government, but that’s not the case, it got worst. Even Granger and Nagamootoo entourages with out riders surpasses Burnham days. Granger recently, close down the  airways to fly from Ogle to Berbice for security reasons. 

Shut yo Rass, and let’s live in reality.  

Banna , i have stated how many years lived in Guyana , i am aware what was happening during the 70's up to the mid 90's .I owned a small business ,know the groups of bandits in the Region, wasn't afraid to threaten them, because i had backings.People was moving freely, used to shop parts in GT ,would have wads of $$ in my hands going it to store , never was robbed. There were a few attempts to rob in Stabroek Market , the robbers were outsmarted, i have friends in the market and was easy to thwart their intention. I learned the tricks to identify attempts of robbery by working in Robb Street for 8 yrs. After migrated the country became more lawless ,there are  lots of reasons, top the list ,too many guns in the wrong hands and compromised law enforcement.

Last edited by Django

The PNC has always been responsible for crimes in Guyana. It started with the events in the 60's, continued in the 70's and eighties and when they became the opposition in 1992, they instituted their slo fiah mo fiah terrorist campaigns. Even Cribby like to boast that Granger called off hid dogs during the 2015 elections. He does miss the bigger picture that those were Granger's dogs who were wrecking havoc in the first place. Y'all wait and see how things will be in the next few months. Hell will never experience the kind of fury that the PNC dogs will unleach on Guyana. Hell will never look as horrendous as Guyana is about to.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The thinking among the many naive Indos, including businessmen was that crime will drop if the blackman get power and rule again.  Well, their wish came through partially but not wholly.  The problem of crime persists and there is no program or policy in place to curb it under this regime.  This gov't. is a replica of the Burnhamist regime.

I am one of them who think APNU will curb crime... as they control the police and army. they control the criminals. These people can mobilize their people at a whim to shut down GT. They can tell their people " get off the street now" 

We should never forget Granger words in 2014, when Ramoutar prologue parliament " ramoutar is risking a nation that can rise up"  when Granger leads a rally of over 2000 at Cuffy square .. this is what he told his supporters who then start beating drums and dance que que around cuffy statue. 

I live through the trouble times during PPP government, and saw first hand what was taking place. I used to patrol with the police during the night to provide support ( because of our businesses)  

We should never forget in 1985, it was Jimmy Carter who called on Hoyte to get the people of the street or he will make the call to Washington . 

Dave posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The thinking among the many naive Indos, including businessmen was that crime will drop if the blackman get power and rule again.  Well, their wish came through partially but not wholly.  The problem of crime persists and there is no program or policy in place to curb it under this regime.  This gov't. is a replica of the Burnhamist regime.

I am one of them who think APNU will curb crime... as they control the police and army. they control the criminals. These people can mobilize their people at a whim to shut down GT. They can tell their people " get off the street now" 

We should never forget Granger words in 2014, when Ramoutar prologue parliament " ramoutar is risking a nation that can rise up"  when Granger leads a rally of over 2000 at Cuffy square .. this is what he told his supporters who then start beating drums and dance que que around cuffy statue. 

I live through the trouble times during PPP government, and saw first hand what was taking place. I used to patrol with the police during the night to provide support ( because of our businesses)  

We should never forget in 1985, it was Jimmy Carter who called on Hoyte to get the people of the street or he will make the call to Washington . 

That dumb fvck Williams did the same thing some six months ago when he effectively threatened the CCJ that the PNC dogs will rise up is the CCJ voted against the PNC. The CCJ just told Williams to cyer he skont.


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