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@Former Member posted:

On a serious day like today you guys indulging in comic relief? Enjoy yourselves. By Thursday marning some allyuh gon laff and some gon gnash yuh teeth.

One way or another, it looks like Guyana might have bigger problems, with acceptance.

Last edited by Django
@Tola posted:

One way or another, it looks like Guyana might have bigger problems, with acceptance.

Howdy, Tola.

Guyana is small country with big problems. Since the early 1950s. No ending in sight.

Last edited by Django
@kp posted:

Let me ask you this, have you ever met Dr Ali? but you have First Hand information that the man is a Crook?

I haven't met him but people in the PPP have told me about him.  Moreover, I have scrutinized his academic record and that is fraudulent in many ways. Come on KP let's be serious: a man gets someone to print an undergraduate diploma from a school that doesn't exist ( to allow him to get a government scholarship) and you want that man to be your president.  Irfaan Ali is a crook.

@Former Member posted:

Bhai, better to steal fowl and duck and sheep than to steal innocent citizens' votes. 😃

Seriously, my answer to your question is NEVER.

You were a good boy.  Of course stealing innocent citizens' votes is unacceptable:  that's exactly what Lowenfield is saying in his report.

@Former Member posted:

Howdy, Tola.

Guyana is small country with big problems. Since the early 1950s. No ending in sight.

Gilly, instead of bad talking each adda on dis forum, me wish we can help with some solutions. This hurts a lot, since me heart is still dea and me want to go back and enjoy the cool sea breeze. Bhai, 53 winters is a looong time.   

@Tola posted:

Gilly, instead of bad talking each adda on dis forum, me wish we can help with some solutions. This hurts a lot, since me heart is still dea and me want to go back and enjoy the cool sea breeze. Bhai, 53 winters is a looong time.   

Just the thought of 53 winters makes me feel like having a strong drink.

@Totaram posted:

You were a good boy.  Of course stealing innocent citizens' votes is unacceptable:  that's exactly what Lowenfield is saying in his report.

Lowenfield is shooting him self in the foot. He is actually confessing to a crime he commit, as CEO of GECOM the illegal action of the thousand plus employees is totally his responsibility..

@sachin_05 posted:

Lowenfield is shooting him self in the foot. He is actually confessing to a crime he commit, as CEO of GECOM the illegal action of the thousand plus employees is totally his responsibility..

Not true--how is it his responsibility if some of the thousands of election day workers were corrupt?  

@Totaram posted:

Just the thought of 53 winters makes me feel like having a strong drink.

Not easy Totaram, since I worked on mountain top radio microwave sites in -40C weather.  Our goal is to return to Guyana, now dis political dilemma. 


People need to read the Constitution of Guyana Cap 1:01, Article 177 (1)(b):

"...if more votes are cast in favour of the list in which a person is designated as Presidential candidate than in favour of any other list, that Presidential candidate shall be deemed to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the chairman of the Elections Commission acting only in accordance with the advice of the Chief Election Officer, after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission at a duly summoned meeting."

@Tola posted:

One way or another, it looks like Guyana might have bigger problems, with acceptance.

There will always be such. However, the election outcome needs to be adhered to as a baseline principle.

There will be a non-acceptance from maybe 20% hardcore.  The alternative is a rejection by 50%+ and the rejection by the entire international community. Guyana will be completely isolated and development curtailed. Social and political unrest will engulf the nation and even rebellion and civil war.

The election outcome must be honored however, the PPP must address the concerns of the Afro community. Jagdeo cannot just dismiss it with ”they were led to believe”.  The PPP needs to address this perception head on and engage the leadership of those who feel aggrieved.

I believe things will be different as the international community will remain engaged and the PPP cannot be dismissive.

Big-Up Guyana, big up PPP, big up Jagdeo!

@Rochelle posted:

People need to read the Constitution of Guyana Cap 1:01, Article 177 (1)(b):

"...if more votes are cast in favour of the list in which a person is designated as Presidential candidate than in favour of any other list, that Presidential candidate shall be deemed to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the chairman of the Elections Commission acting only in accordance with the advice of the Chief Election Officer, after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission at a duly summoned meeting."

Gyal, that one sentence taken out of context of the intent of the electoral process does not give the whole picture.

@Totaram posted:

Not true--how is it his responsibility if some of the thousands of election day workers were corrupt?  

That’s a farce!  That alone shows how ludicrous the claims are!

The PPP masterminded a grand scheme to corrupt thousands of PNC agents and the international community under the watchful “hawk eyes” of Harmon to rig the election however, they lost the same election in 2015. 

@Former Member posted:

Gyal, that one sentence taken out of context of the intent of the electoral process does not give the whole picture.

Taken out of context how?

The law is clear: 

(1) The Chief Election Officer can actually offer advice;

(2) the advice must be taken into consideration before any declaration is made; and 

(3) the declaration must be in tangent with the advice provided by the CEO. 

@Rochelle posted:

Taken out of context how?

The law is clear: 

(1) The Chief Election Officer can actually offer advice;

(2) the advice must be taken into consideration before any declaration is made; and 

(3) the declaration must be in tangent with the advice provided by the CEO. 

So what is the role of the Election commission?

 Tuesday will be the declaration day, let's see.

@Totaram posted:

Not true--how is it his responsibility if some of the thousands of election day workers were corrupt?  

As CEO the buck stop with him. If you were ever own and run your own business or be in a supervising position you would know what I’m talking about...

@Totaram posted:

Owen Arthur is talking too much.  He doesn't have what it takes to be conciliator or elder statesman.  He would be in a very difficult position if Lowenfield, as seems to be the case, testifies that the election was not credible.

And what about the other observers.... who agreed that the elections up to the point of Mingo's calculation, said it was free and fair. The recount simply confirmed Mingo's fraud and that the coalition lost.  These leaders do not want a pariah state and a dictator in their midst. 

@Rochelle posted:

People need to read the Constitution of Guyana Cap 1:01, Article 177 (1)(b):

"...if more votes are cast in favour of the list in which a person is designated as Presidential candidate than in favour of any other list, that Presidential candidate shall be deemed to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the chairman of the Elections Commission acting only in accordance with the advice of the Chief Election Officer, after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission at a duly summoned meeting."


177. (1) Any list of candidates for an election held pursuant to theprovisions of article 60(2) shall designate not more than one of those candidates as a Presidential candidate. An elector voting at such an election in favour of a list shall be deemed to be also voting in favour of the Presidential candidate named in the list.

(2) (a) there is only one Presidential candidate at the election; or

     (b) there are two or more Presidential candidate,

if more votes are cast in favour of the list in which a person is designated as Presidential candidate than in favour of any other list, that Presidential candidate shall be deemed to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the chairman of the Elections Commission acting only in accordance with the advice of the Chief Election Officer, after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission at a duly summoned meeting.


The Chief Election Officer is to provide the facts of the matter to the Chairman of Guyana Election Commission - GECOM -  as per the Constitution.

@Former Member posted:


177. (1) Any list of candidates for an election held pursuant to theprovisions of article 60(2) shall designate not more than one of those candidates as a Presidential candidate. An elector voting at such an election in favour of a list shall be deemed to be also voting in favour of the Presidential candidate named in the list.

(2) (a) there is only one Presidential candidate at the election; or

     (b) there are two or more Presidential candidate,

if more votes are cast in favour of the list in which a person is designated as Presidential candidate than in favour of any other list, that Presidential candidate shall be deemed to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the chairman of the Elections Commission acting only in accordance with the advice of the Chief Election Officer, after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission at a duly summoned meeting.


The Chief Election Officer is to provide the facts of the matter to the Chairman of Guyana Election Commission - GECOM -  as per the Constitution.

Your entire bolded is subject to the content that follows: "and shall be so declared...acting only in accordance with the advice of the CEO."

So much for the claim of Lowenfield only having the authority to summarise findings. He can advise, and that he did.

It also appears the Chairwoman is more limited by what she can do, versus that of the CEO.

Checkmate, PPP/C.

Last edited by Rochelle

Keith Lowenfield's explicit advice must comply with the the process of the constitution ... nothing more, nothing less -- hence indeed the words --  "acting only in accordance with" --- .

Chairperson is the ultimate authority of GECOM.

@Former Member posted:

Keith Lowenfield's explicit advice must comply with the the process of the constitution ... nothing more, nothing less -- hence indeed the words --  "acting only in accordance with" --- .

Chairperson is the ultimate authority of GECOM.

Most respectfully, do you understand what you have just quoted?

The Chairwoman can only declare and act in accordance with Lowenfield's advice/findings/report. 

She may be the ultimate authority, but she cannot act or declare contrary to Lowenfield/CEO's findings. This is in essence what the law calls for.

@Rochelle posted:

Most respectfully, do you understand what you have just quoted?

The Chairwoman can only declare and act in accordance with Lowenfield's advice/findings/report. 

She may be the ultimate authority, but she cannot act or declare contrary to Lowenfield/CEO's findings. This is in essence what the law calls for.

1. Lowenfield indeed can provide advice, reports, etc..

2. Chairman does not have to act in accordance with Lowenfield's advice.

3. Chairman can indeed make decisions contrary to Lowenfield's findings.

4. Pertinent laws are that the Chairman heads and makes decisions for the entire GECOM.


The PNC trying all sorts of Michael Jackson moves to finagle a “win” out of a convincing defeat.  But the curtains will come down when the show’s over and the have to pack up their grip and go home.

@Rochelle posted:

Most respectfully, do you understand what you have just quoted?

The Chairwoman can only declare and act in accordance with Lowenfield's advice/findings/report. 

She may be the ultimate authority, but she cannot act or declare contrary to Lowenfield/CEO's findings. This is in essence what the law calls for.

Girl, relax and genuflect!  PPP won!


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