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Breaking News…EZ boss accused of stealing $5.4M from hospital chain


…Sonny Ramdeo transferred money to EZ Jet—court records

WEST PALM BEACH (Court House News Service) – A hospital chain claims in court that its payroll manager and his two companies embezzled $5.4 million from it.

Promise Healthcare and 11 of its hospitals have sued Sonny Ramdeo, PayServ Tax and Ez-Jet for a US$5.4M embezzlement.

Promise Healthcare and 11 of its hospitals sued Sonny Ramdeo, PayServ Tax and Ez-Jet GT, in Palm Beach County Court. It claims it hired Ramdeo eight years ago to manage payroll for its 3,500 employees in its hospitals nationwide.
Promise accuses, “Sonny Ramdeo, and his companies (of) stealing over five million dollars from Promise through a sophisticated scheme of fraud and deception. Specifically, Ramdeo incorporated a company called ‘PayServ Tax Inc.’ and deceived Promise’s senior management into believing that PayServ was a legitimate payroll tax processing company affiliated with the nationally known payroll processing company, Ceridian.
“Based on this lie, he deceived Promise into transferring millions of dollars to PayServ Tax Inc. and diverted over five million dollars of Promise’s money to himself and his companies,” the complaint states.
Ceridian is not a party to the complaint.
”Around October 2010, Ramdeo incorporated PayServ,” the complaint states. “Thereafter, through a sophisticated fraud including false representations, fabricated documents and e-mails, and a fictitious website, Ramdeo deceived Promise’s senior management into believing that Promise’s payroll taxes were being received, processed, and paid by Ceridian (a global payroll services company that Promise had used for years).
Instead, Ramdeo received Promise’s money allocated for payroll taxes through his own company, PayServ, so that he could steal millions of dollars from Promise along the way. Upon information and belief, he did this by forging signatures on standing transfer orders that purported to authorize Promise’s bank to debit funds from Promise’s account for transfer to PayServ’s account at PNC Bank. …
”Significantly, in the past two months alone, Ramdeo stole $5,387,000 from Promise by diverting its funds to Ez Jet. He did this by diverting money in the PayServ account that had been deposited for payment of Promise’s payroll taxes to his jet charter company, EZJet GT Inc.
”Upon information and belief, since creating PayServ, Ramdeo has been knowingly and intentionally misstating the amount of payroll taxes actually due by Promise and/or misstating the amount of payroll taxes actually transferred to government agencies and stealing the excess funds (in a sum that exceeds $5,000,000).
“Ramdeo effected this fraud through a sophisticated scheme of fraud that deceived not only Promise’s senior management, but also its auditors. This is because Ramdeo not only fabricated documents, but also emails and websites to deceive Promise and its auditors into believing that Ceridian was receiving and processing Promise’s payroll taxes.
For example, when Promise’s senior management requested additional information from Ramdeo regarding the Ceridian bank account where payroll taxes were being deposited, Ramdeo provided Promise’s senior management with a document – on Ceridian letterhead – which purported to identify ‘the Payroll Trust Account information in which Promise Healthcare’s taxes are being collected into and disbursed out of.’ Ramdeo even fabricated an e-mail to himself from a purported Ken Taylor of Paytax so that it would appear as if he had received the Paytax letter from a third party.
However, like Ramdeo’s other representations, the PayTax Letter and the e-mail from a purported Ken Taylor were fraudulent. They were fabricated by Ramdeo in response to Promise’s request for additional information about the payroll tax account.
”The PayTax Letter and email were only one part of Ramdeo’s scheme. For example, upon information and belief, Ramdeo also purchased the domain name and directed that Internet address to link directly to Ceridian’s website so that anyone investigating would be deceived into thinking that they were dealing with Ceridian.” (Citations to exhibits omitted; parentheses in complaint.)
The hospitals seek damages for fraud, unjust enrichment, conversion, and civil theft and imposition of a constructive trust.
They are represented by Matthew Triggs, with Proskauer Rose, of Boca Raton.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hahaha, Sonny is a known AFC supporter. Notice how the govt did not support him when EZjet made its virgin voyage to Guyana. Vishnu was on that plane and he complained that the ministers did not show up at the airport to support EZjet. 


Now I wonder if all those people that flying ezjet will lose their money. 


First it was former Guyana cop------Ed Ahmad

Then Guyana former magistrate......Albert Baldeo

Then former Guyanese tax man...Sonny Ramdeo

Next ......Former Guyana president...BJ



Dem boys seh…Another one bite de dust


Coconut tree does fall one by one; awarra does fall one by one and lime does fall one by one. Is just suh Bharrat friend falling into trouble. Ed Ahmad fall because he see other people money and he think was he own.
And according to dem boys, he didn’t tek li’l bit. He tek suh till he couldn’t fold he hand. Now de Easy Jet one fall. He start just like Ed and now dem boys find out that he tek other people money. De man suh shame that he ain’t talk to even he best friend.
When dem boys call nobody ain’t answer de phone. It guh straight to voice mail. Then somebody claim how de Feds visit he office in Queens and tek way documents. One man claim how dem tek way de Easy Jet man too and that is why he can’t answer he phone.
From de time he start de Easy Jet service dem boys know that trouble been right behind. Wha dem didn’t know was that de money was coming from another source. De man was tekking hospital money fuh operate a plane.
And why a plane? Because from he own mouth he claim how he like fuh travel to Guyana and he don’t like fuh pay. It look like if he gun travel in a prison van fuh a long time and he wouldn’t have to pay.
Bharrat shame. All he friends who talk bout investing in Guyana coming wid thiefing money like if Guyana need more thiefing money. De one good thing is that when dem thief in de States dem does go to jail. In Guyana all of dem woulda been given a medal or a national award because thiefing is matter of pride. De more people thief in Guyana is de more famous dem does get.
Thanks to Aunty Dora Irizarry, all who thief heading to a small room wid bars.
Talk half and wait fuh more of dem fall.

Originally Posted by SabitaRamjeet:

Sonny ramdeo was Jagdeo right hand man and Ramotar side kick


This is not true, Ramjattan is his lawyer and a silent investor in ezjet along with the pepper sauce man who helped them pay for campaigning. 

Originally Posted by warrior:

this will be fun,i donot have to curse the ppp family in guyana for thiefing they right here in GOOD OLD USA thiefing

Thanks Warria. God will bless you.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by SabitaRamjeet:

Sonny ramdeo was Jagdeo right hand man and Ramotar side kick


This is not true, Ramjattan is his lawyer and a silent investor in ezjet along with the pepper sauce man who helped them pay for campaigning. 

Funny so why did the PPP papers not report this fiasco?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by SabitaRamjeet:

Sonny ramdeo was Jagdeo right hand man and Ramotar side kick


This is not true, Ramjattan is his lawyer and a silent investor in ezjet along with the pepper sauce man who helped them pay for campaigning. 

Funny so why did the PPP papers not report this fiasco?

They are in a quandary, another carrier ridden with scandal gives govt a black eye for not investigating the financing of this airline before granting it a license to operate in GY. However they are in good company as the US did the same.  Note how the PPP never showered this carrier with its blessings even on the day of its virgin flight when Vish was complaining about lack of support from govt for ezjet. I suspect that the opposition are heavily invested in ezjet, that's why govt was lukewarm to its startup.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

They are in a quandary, another carrier ridden with scandal gives govt a black eye for not investigating the financing of this airline before granting it a license to operate in GY.

As usual PPP boys get rewarded for corruption.  Pity its ordinary Guyanese, maybe the poorer ones who will be stuck with no refunds.


You all need to stick with Caribbean Airlines.  When they lose cash they have big Daddy Trinidad to bail them out.


Druggie you know why your hero Jagdeo is being tossed out of his mansion.


He put all of his wealth in Ezjet and now cant pay his mortgage.

Originally Posted by cain:

Know whaT'S "Lukewarm?"

Check backarea of yo shorts.

Lukewarm meaning that govt knew that crooked opposition members were behind the financing of ezjet.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As usual PPP boys get rewarded for corruption.  Pity its ordinary Guyanese, maybe the poorer ones who will be stuck with no refunds.


You all need to stick with Caribbean Airlines.  When they lose cash they have big Daddy Trinidad to bail them out.


Druggie you know why your hero Jagdeo is being tossed out of his mansion.


He put all of his wealth in Ezjet and now cant pay his mortgage.

Who in the PPP got rewarded? Have you not been listening? Sonny is an AFC supporter and Ramjattan and Nagamootoo are silent partners.


Jagdeo build big house and now can't pay the mortgage, he truly embraced the capitalist model, he should have stuck with what they taught him in Russia. 


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