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When Mr.Backer and Christopher Ram were partially responsible for the missing funds at Globe Trust where were the cries and pleas?


AFC and APNU supporters need to wake up and look at what they are living in as compared to the mansions and affluent lifestyle that people named Khemraj Ramjattan, Christopher Ram and Gerhard Ramsaroop live by.


Politicians and their families are public figures, thus it is a right governed under free speech. Likewise, the politicians and public figures are allowed to criticize other politicans, but not private citizens.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

PPP supporters should wake up and do something about the theft and corruption carried out by and on behalf of the PPP regime.

look now a certain afc/pnc member burn down Neisha flower shop to further his own flower business.  The afc/pnc waiting for an opportunity to rob the nation's coffers. 

Originally Posted by warrior:

what you guys donot know is NEHRU AND SKELTONMAN,get some money from EZJET,these two was the chief advisers,they learn from the ppp

Warria: Why you so bad. Me tell yu na fu seh notin. Yu tek yu share abie 3 tief an now yu play stupid. Yu ah sell abie out. Na mek me sen me bais fu kollek yu share!


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