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Former Member

Guerrilla warfare inside the PNC intensifies

I am not going to allow autocrats in the PNC and AFC to sue me. I am familiar with the saying of the older folks whom I grew up in front of in Wortmanville. It goes like this; “I am too old to climb court step.” There are internecine factional energies bursting out inside the PNC.
One cabal is led by “the Bai Shanlin maan” hereafter refer to as LHT. The other faction consists of David Granger and a group loyal to him. Interestingly, these two compartments have no use for the AFC except for a strong AFC man, who has a violent, conspiratorial side to him. I know this from my sensitive, risky research into the “Buxton Troubles.”
The AFC mandarins are not consulted on the intrigues that are taking place to continue the rigging of the 2020 elections. They have been reduced to the role of sycophants as witnessed by AFC’s column in the Kaieteur News last Sunday. From now until the rigging stops and the world sees that the APNU+AFC lost the elections, the AFC will confine itself to parroting the sermons of the PNC and its insane fanatics that the APNU+AFC won the election.
There is sufficient evidence to point the analyst in the direction of a power struggle inside the PNC. Granger openly defied Harmon and told the world that his government did not enter into a contract with a PR firm in the US. My sources told me Granger did not know about the arrangement with the LLB people and was not even told about it and did not even see the dossier.
I trust my source, who is very high up the PNC ladder, and it is through our conversation I was asked to make reference to Granger not knowing about LLB. In my column yesterday, I criticized Granger for his attitude to the LLB thing. I still hold to my assessment. If he did not know, he should have levelled with the nation and admit that he did not know. He would have saved his credibility.
Secondly, I have been reliably informed that Mr. Granger is in a mood where he has become implacable. This relates to the identification of him as a US citizen. From the time those words in reference to him being a US citizen hit the airwaves, Granger’s anger has boiled over.
It is this issue that has led to the intensification of the guerrilla warfare that has broken out inside the PNC since Granger contacted the Barbadian PM to witness the recounting of the ballots. My sources tell me that Granger is becoming a lonely man inside the corridor of power because his chagrin is running deeply and there isn’t a group of strong PNC mandarins backing him.
Before we move on to the actual guerrilla tactics playing out, there is the second piece of evidence that Granger is fighting back. The president told his subordinates that he was embarrassed that his government wanted the CARICOM team and foreign observers to be quarantined. I was told that CARICOM officials and some envoys based in Guyana contacted the president and said that such an edict was personally insulting. Mr. Granger was understanding and agreed to remove that silly instruction from Moses Nagamootoo.
So what is going to happen now? There is a whistle-blower or whistle-blowers inside the PNC that are feeding information to the media about high and brazen corruption in the gang led by the LHT faction fighting Granger.” There is an operation taking place up far up the East Coast where one of Granger’s detractors in the PNC is the owner. The front man is a close relative with a Portuguese last name. This is corruption on a huge scale.
I was on the Naim Chan morning show on channel 6 just before the March 2 poll when someone called, informed me about the operation and asked me to visit the site. I did. That is an investment that involves hundreds of millions of dollars. So I knew about this thing before I was contacted yesterday about it. I think Naim Chan too knows about it. But I cannot speak for him. We in the media know about it. We in the media know about the mansion in Florida.
From all that I am seeing and hearing I believe Mr. Granger wants the election mess over and done with. I do not know if he will cave in to the LHT faction that is fighting him, meaning if they choose not to accept election defeat, he will go along with them when this whole damn nightmare comes to an end.

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@Former Member posted:

Why you being to rambunctious?  It was their lobby firm which made that declaration.  

You fell for hook line and sinker. Best watch out for Nico and Gilda; dem have Fake Book accounts. 


Hey hey Freddie tek lil zeb grass and congo pump bush...Malcom Harrypaul need foh mek wan better potion foh he...hey hey hey. Of dem PNC bais feedin he wid wrang info. Gold miner and dredge owna Harmon and leader of blackman Granja a like batty and poke. Hey hey hey. 


Granjir don't have the ruthlessness of an H. Greene and those military cabal that admire him. They are probably walking all over him. I have a feeling that he has become Fat Tony Selarno. A front man and not the boss.

@Prashad posted:

Granjir don't have the ruthlessness of an H. Greene and those military cabal that admire him. They are probably walking all over him. I have a feeling that he has become Fat Tony Selarno. A front man and not the boss.

His problem is that he became a Burnham type  President. He let others do his dirty work.


Hey hey hey...see a lett ayoo Freddy was pissin in de wind? Harmon and Granja a batty and poke. It muss be dat Harmon gat info pon he. It could be de US citizen ting...hey hey hey.


Granger removes Nagamootoo from day-to-day operations of COVID-19 Task Force


President David Granger and Director-General of the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon.

President David Granger has removed day-to-day operations of the COVID-19 Task Force from Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and handed them to Director-General of the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon.

Among Harmon’s new responsibilities will be keeping Guyanese abreast with information  on the virus that has so far afflicted 70 persons including 8 who died.

Harmon is designated Chief Executive Officer of the Task Force and Nagamootoo will remain the Chairman.

“The CEO is responsible also for disseminating accurate information with regard to COVID-19 to the public,” the Ministry of the Presidency said in a statement.

Previously, Nagamootoo had been providing periodic virtual news conferences.

Observers note that Harmon’s appointment appears to signal that the President still has a high level of confidence in Harmon. Granger earlier this month distanced himself from the hiring of a United States lobbying firm in the name of the Guyana government with Harmon as the point-person.

Granger’s overhaul of the administration of the National COVID-19 Task Force was made known Friday morning at a  meeting of the National Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Task Force (NCTF).

The President said the CEO, under the general or specific directions of the Chairman of the NCTF is to establish a permanent National Task Force Secretariat; assign permanent staff to manage the national campaign; create preventative measures against the disease to safeguard citizens’ health and collaborate with regional task forces and stakeholders to safeguard citizens’ health.

Government says the CEO is responsible, under the direction of the Chair, for directing the NCTF operations and restarting interrupted activities; all important logistics measures necessary to prevent the disease from spreading further, directing rapid responses to unexpected and emergency incidents; developing short-term plans for disease prevention and safety of the people and communicating directly with agencies, ministries, regional task forces, agencies and stakeholders.

The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) earlier this week slammed the Nagamootoo-led Task Force for suspending the distribution of relief supplies to vulnerable groups, spending of more than GYD$1 billion of State funds on converting the flood-prone Ocean View International Hotel to a COVID-19 hospital, and criticising the opposition People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) face mask distribution exercise as politically motivated.

“Many measures to address the plight of the ordinary people remain entrapped in bureaucracy of this or that committee,” FITUG has said.

President Granger has also announced also that Colonel (ret’d) Lawrence Paul, Senior Executive Director of the Bertram Collins College of the Public Service has been seconded to the NCTF. Dr. Mark Kirton will assume Colonel Paul’s post.

Similarly, Mr. Mark Archer, Director, Public Information and Press Service (PIPS) Unit of the MOTP has relinquished his appointment and will work with the NCTF on a full-time basis.

Ms. Ariana Gordon will assume the post of Director of the PIPS Unit effective April 25, 2020.

The Head of State iterated that efforts are being made continuously to strengthen the NCTF to the fight against the dreaded COVID-19. He assured that the Task Force and the Ministry of Public Health are working assiduously to overcome the challenges posed by COVID-19.


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