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December 20, 2016 Source

Four men were on Tuesday jointly charged with the murder of the elderly rice-farming couple, Mohamed Munir and his wife, Bibi Jamila, who were burnt to death in their Good Hope, East Bank Essequibo home in April.

Jason Howard called ‘Smelly’; Sanjai George called ‘Coolie boy’; Shamadeen Mohammed called ‘Milo’ and Joel Blair were not requited to plead to the charge which alleged that on April 17,2016 at Good Hope, East Bank Essequibo they murdered the elderly couple in the course or furtherance of arson.

They appeared before City Magistrate Faith McGsty at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court and were remanded until January 12, 2017. The case was transferred to Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan.

Murdered: Mohamed Munir and his wif Bibi

The major breakthrough in the case came after Howard was nabbed following a high-speed chase by Police following a brazen daylight robbery of Baldeo Seegobin, an accountant attached to Tower Hotel last Wednesday.

Munir, 75, and his Bibi, 69, perished shortly after 23.00 hrs on April 17, 2017, after they were trapped in the raging fire which destroyed their heavily grilled, two-storey house. Their badly burnt corpses were retrieved from the debris after the fire was finally extinguished. Eyewitnesses said that the blaze started in the upper flat and spread throughout the house within minutes.

Reports indicate that one of the suspects, who lives at the back of the Munirs, revealed to a friend that the couple had $20M cash in their home. A deportee was then contacted and a gang of six, which included a driver and a lookout, was formed and the plan was hatched to rob the couple.

Police investigators learnt that the men, upon breaking into the couple’s house, hunted for valuables and in the process, the couple woke up. This newspaper understands the perpetrators then attempted to gain access to the couple’s bedroom at the rear of the building, but because of the security feature, they were unable to do so.

The angry bandits then decided to light a sofa afire and threw a gas bottle into the fire, resulting in a loud explosion minutes after they fled the scene. They then fled through a track that led to a church and a cemetery in a street behind the couple’s home. From their hiding place, they heard Mohamed and Bibi Munir screaming for help.

Police have received reports from a neighbour, who said that she saw two persons in the couple’s verandah before the fire broke out.

The neighbour also claimed to have heard Mrs. Munir screaming that ‘bandits’ were in the house. Ranks from the force’s Major Crimes Unit are spearheading the ongoing investigation.

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Most of  these kids have not done a hard day's labor in their lives. They would not have felt the comrade in the creation of something, the social bond that they are brothers and belong to a community.

Instead the grew up in a world of hopelessness. Add to that the rise of a wealthy drug culture all around them and expatriate monies coming in where a patrician class leaves them behind and a perverse sense of nihilism develops.

These are Guyana's lost millennials who try as they will can see ho hope in their society. The government need to rescue this generation or it will be hell to pay. There are some 200 thousands of them and more than half are lost in the wilderness of no no jobs, no money, no hope. Very few look to the possibility of raising families in singly family household. They have no sense of social responsibility because the structures that develops those do not exist. They make up the dark underbelly of the nearly forgotten in our society.

RiffRaff posted:

Actually, some of them leave Guyana and do the same thing overseas

I have them in my family. They come, see your car and house and thinks it came by magic. They want it and they think you ought to lend them the money to have it. They do not want to work. They want to be bootstrapped to riches not to earn it. My wife does not want to hear from any of my family because it means we are asked to pay for something


And here we go.  AGAIN evidence that Indians are attacking other Indians and yet the Indo KKK scream that every incident of crime in Guyana is about PNC blacks killing Indians.

At some point the Indo KKK need to admit that crime in Guyana long ceased to be about race, and instead its about a corrupt and failing society and a weak and incompetent police force and courts.

caribny posted:

And here we go.  AGAIN evidence that Indians are attacking other Indians and yet the Indo KKK scream that every incident of crime in Guyana is about PNC blacks killing Indians.

At some point the Indo KKK need to admit that crime in Guyana long ceased to be about race, and instead its about a corrupt and failing society and a weak and incompetent police force and courts.

3 blackmen and 1 coolie. That Sanjai George is of mixed breed(you dugla peeple) you boast about all the time. A real coolie will not have a last name of George. That's the reason they call him coolie boy.


I still can't believe how these young men can become cold-blooded murderers. They don't look scared of worried about the crime they have committed. Looking at them, you wouldn't think they have the courage to kill another human being. Could it be the water that they drink in Guyana is having a criminal effect on these young men?

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

hats off to the police. Hope they are able to put these criminals away for good.

Two Berbice cops arrested over possession of 5 Kg ganja

During the PPP days you would never heard of cops being busted for that. The PPP had the drugs trade well under police control. But the old gang masters are now in opposition.

Last edited by Mr.T
Mr.T posted:

During the PPP days you would never heard of cops being busted for that. The PPP had the drugs trade well under police control. But the old gang masters are now in opposition.

In fact it was the opposite, the police were not allowed to deal drugs during PPP time. When Granger ascended to office, he gave them carte blanche to gather funds any which way, robbing, extortion, bribery, killing, and drug dealing. All these activities sanctioned by the afc/pnc coalition as a compromise to not giving police the 50% raises that parliament got. 


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