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Every young Guyanese has an obligation to him/herself to leave this country behind


Imagine waking up in the morning to find your neighbour brutalized to death. You run to the phone and for the rest of the day the police still haven’t showed.
Imagine you closed up your jewellery store and the bandits trailed you and in the robbery they shoot your wife to death in front of you; six weeks pass and the police are yet to interview you.
Imagine your child goes to university in the 21st century and the college has no bookstore, and there are no photocopying facilities in the library, a service almost every university in the world has. Imagine, you are shopping in the heart of the city, and as you look in front and behind you and over your shoulders, you think the world has come to an end because civilization in that country has been replaced by garbage.
Imagine you accompanied your dad when you were eighteen to the registry of the High Court of your country and you see sewage floating in front of the office your dad had to pass through. You add eighteen more years onto your life, you are a dad now and you take your child to that very registry and the sewage still flows like the rivers of Babylon.

There are only two differences – your dad is very old now and the group that sang Rivers of Babylon disbanded a long time ago.
Imagine your parents say to you that it is time you leave Berbice now that you have grown up and start exploring your country.
Your parents buy a car for you, you take your Berbician friends for a ride in Georgetown but tragedy strikes because ninety percent of the one-way roads are unmarked and you went the wrong way on one of these roads.
Poor you! If only the signs were there, your friends’ lives could have been spared.

Imagine your aunt cried to you over her GPL bill which is $100,000 and her shop was closed for more than five years and when you sought an explanation you were told that since the meter stopped working for over five years then electricity theft was the answer. Imagine you woke up a morning to find out that the police tortured a fifteen-year-old and severely burnt his reproductive areas and no one lost his job, absolutely no one.
Imagine you wake up a morning and find out that a police pushed a baton up the rectum of an accused youth rupturing his intestines and life in your country goes on as normal.
Imagine you wake up a morning to find out that the police shot dead three unarmed protestors and injured twenty more and life goes on as normal.

Imagine your uncle is closing down his business because just after two hours, (not twenty-two) hours of rain, his shop is flooded and that happens once a week.
Your uncle had enough. Imagine your friend got shot and you rushed him to the Georgetown Public Hospital and the internal bleeding threatens his life because when you look at the clock he is sitting on a stink bench in an awful smelling emergency unit for five hours unattended.
Imagine the revenue authorities found out that one of the most important civil servants signed more than fifty bogus duty free letters and he was promoted.

Imagine you woke up a morning and read in the newspaper that per capita, your country must have the highest vehicular accident rate globally but the police only have three breathalyzers. Imagine you wake up a morning and read that one of the richest men in the Caribbean physically intimidated NIS inspectors who were trying to ascertain if he pays national insurance for his workers and this man is a close friend of your country’s president.
Imagine your government is so silly, barefaced and downright asinine to inform you through the media that it has finally acquired in January 2014 an automated fingerprinting system that was invented over fifty years ago and has been used in the world fifty years ago and that you saw in the movies made fifty years ago.
Then like Archimedes, these moronic, Faustian caricatures ran out onto the streets shouting, “eureka, eureka.”
What did they find? The automated fingerprinting system detected persons accused of murders that took place years ago.

These Archimedean clowns, acting like the naked emperor, cannot see their primitive civilization has caused many murders to go undetected because their forensic resources were more backward than in the days of ‘Jack the Ripper’.
Imagine you are twenty years of age and you see this is what your country is like.
Imagine saying to yourself, “Why should I stay in this hell hole where the basic things in life are missing, the fundamental things a country should have are missing; no I am leaving, never to come back.”

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Dem cant get de basic things right. That jackass a goh champ the earth and hop pun pane every day. Dem a mek hutell and outside de hutell in de city a mosquito, garbage, stinkness and flood.


"Why should I stay in this hell hole where the basic things in life are missing, the fundamental things a country should have are missing; no I am leaving, never to come back.”


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