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FC's Nigel Hughes sent to address mostly Afro gathering at APNU rally while Moses & Ramjattan stayed away

Eyewitness)Some people are shameless…people like Moses Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, for instance. These wankers were in the PPP/C for decades…Nagamootoo claims he clocked in 50 years!! Sounds about right, since he’s in his late 70s, no?? But the problem is, NOT ONCE in all those decades of mobilising and campaigning for the PPP/C did they even MENTION that the latter party PLAYED the race card. Much less EXPLOITED it! Now if exploiting racial divisions was the PPP/C’s schtick, for Nagamootoo and Ramjattan to have risen so high in the PPP/C hierarchy (they were in the HIGHEST decision making body, the Ex-Co), they must’ve done more than their fair share of race-baiting, no?? Have they ever confessed to such sins?? Apart from giving them some moral grounds for criticising the PPP/C now, it would be good for their souls. And from where this Eyewitness sits, the souls of these two wankers are in dire need of salving. Not “saving”…they’re beyond redemption.


But it’s rather rich for the dyspeptic duo from Berbice to talk about the PPP/C playing “race politics”. That’s a classic case of smearing their doo-doo on the PPP/C’s collective bamzee. Let’s look at the public record of the AFC and race recently. They claim as an article of faith, they’re a “multiracial” party. In Guyana this means representing Indian, African, Amerindian, Mixed and miscellaneous Guyanese, no?? Well, not if you go by Nagamootoo and Ramjattan’s ACTIONS rather than their words. The AFC’s African-dominated parliamentary partner, APNU – which supported the AFC’s No-Confidence Motion down the line – had a prorogation protest at Square of the Revolution. Rather than attending, they sent their AFRICAN Executives. Why?? They didn’t want to send the “wrong message” to their supporters in Berbice!!!


What message?? That they’re sharing the stage with APNU, the party they’ve been working with for the last two years in Parliament!! Why can they work with APNU behind closed doors and not out in the open?? The only reason is RACE!! As this Eyewitness has said before, they’re treating African Guyanese like they have “Kuh-Kuh-Beh”… And they have the balls to say they’re not racist?? What the AFC’s doing is playing to the worst prejudices and stereotypes of Guyanese. What kind of leadership is this?? The only way to overcome such prejudices is for real leaders to move beyond the cold calculus of picking up a few racist votes and show the Guyanese people that they’ll stand for principles.

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So where is the story in that? The PPP and PNC have been working together since the dawn of time. Burnham and Jagan made regular contact. And even Jagdeo and Corbin sit down and fix things. Jagdeo even fix Corbin up with a fat pay off and pension so that the PPP could fiddle the election ballot papers.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

hey bai


yuh need to learn how fuh source...not because yuh is ah senior memba, yuh can mek up story

Bhai Ray, Meh copy ffrom New Guyana Media. If you need more erase the post.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

hey bai


yuh need to learn how fuh source...not because yuh is ah senior memba, yuh can mek up story

Bhai Ray, Meh copy ffrom New Guyana Media. If you need more erase the post.

 EYEWITNESS is a Guyana Times columnist. The piece is published in today's issue under the heading Faecal Matter...

Check out:

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

hey bai


yuh need to learn how fuh source...not because yuh is ah senior memba, yuh can mek up story

Bhai Ray, Meh copy ffrom New Guyana Media. If you need more erase the post.

 EYEWITNESS is a Guyana Times columnist. The piece is published in today's issue under the heading Faecal Matter...

Your face was part of the heading then.


AFC under fire for race-baiting politics

AFC General Secretary David Patterson

AFC General Secretary David Patterson

APNU/AFC split

General Secretary of the Alliance For Change (AFC), David Patterson has denied that his party was still utilising ethnicity as one of the fundamental pretexts for its political decisions.

Many observers have been particularly vocal over the last few weeks with respect to race-based politics and are calling on parties to move away from the established fundamentals and scour for new ground.

In Guyana’s ‘racially charged’ environment, it is common knowledge that political leaders make decisions based on the need to appeal to a certain section of the electorate, particularly Indo-Guyanese, Afro-Guyanese and Amerindians.

Many persons have noticeably taken to social media to express frustration at this method calling for a change in the modus operandi.

One event that keeps taking centre stage in the online discussions and is constantly being referenced is the recently held A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) rally. It was noted that the AFC took a decision to send only Afro-Guyanese to mount APNU’s platform. There is some speculation that this was done because of the belief that APNU is widely supported by Afro-Guyanese.

Additionally, the fact that the AFC has refused to join APNU protests in front of the Office of the President has caused some concerns. One observer has noted that this may be as a result of the party not wanting to appear to be too cosy with APNU. It was his belief that should the AFC appears too close to APNU, the party might lose the support of sections of Indo-Guyanese electorate.

Despite these concerns being ventilated on social media, the AFC is adamant that this is not the case. The General Secretary of the minority opposition party told the Guyana Times on Monday that the party does not get involved in racial politics. According to Patterson, the leadership of the AFC is on record as accusing the PPP/C of practicing racial politics. The General Secretary told Guyana Times that with respect to the APNU rally “the party sent not one but two of our top executives, there was no prescribed move…we will not be baited into this media frenzy” adding that he and Nigel Hughes were selected based on the message that the party had wished to be delivered.

He said that there was no element of racial politicking present in sending he and Hughes, who is party chairman to the rally. “None whatsoever,” he insisted.

Meanwhile with AFC absent from APNU protest action, the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), which forms part of the coalition, contends that APNU protests are losing momentum. “The AFC, the Opposition’s junior partner that initiated the No-Confidence Motion which precipitated the prorogation move by the Government to thwart the vote for early elections, has been so far conspicuously absent from the firing line, except for a guest appearance’ at the APNU rally of November 14. Momentum is being lost and reaction to the Government’s derailing of the No-Confidence Motion appears to be protest in slow motion.”

The WPA is of the view that there is need for a more “vigorous campaign by the Opposition against the prolongation of the proroguing of Parliament.”

But People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) says that this call for vigorous campaigning is being seen as inciting violence on the part of the WPA. At a press conference on Monday, PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee said the party was not unmindful of the “inciting of violence by the WPA”.

Rohee said that by calling for intensified protest action, the WPA is “desperately trying to ride on the back of the APNU in an effort not to become obsolete”. According to Rohee, it would seem that WPA has learnt nothing from its past “reckless and adventuristic” behaviour that caused it to fade into the political background over time.

“It now seeks to push APNU unto that path of destruction. Casting blame on the APNU for not being more forceful in disrupting the country appears as though the WPA is now biting the hand.”

Originally Posted by Cobra:

AFC under fire for race-baiting politics

AFC General Secretary David Patterson

AFC General Secretary David Patterson

APNU/AFC split

General Secretary of the Alliance For Change (AFC), David Patterson has denied that his party was still utilising ethnicity as one of the fundamental pretexts for its political decisions.

Many observers have been particularly vocal over the last few weeks with respect to race-based politics and are calling on parties to move away from the established fundamentals and scour for new ground.

In Guyana’s ‘racially charged’ environment, it is common knowledge that political leaders make decisions based on the need to appeal to a certain section of the electorate, particularly Indo-Guyanese, Afro-Guyanese and Amerindians.

Many persons have noticeably taken to social media to express frustration at this method calling for a change in the modus operandi.

One event that keeps taking centre stage in the online discussions and is constantly being referenced is the recently held A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) rally. It was noted that the AFC took a decision to send only Afro-Guyanese to mount APNU’s platform. There is some speculation that this was done because of the belief that APNU is widely supported by Afro-Guyanese.

Additionally, the fact that the AFC has refused to join APNU protests in front of the Office of the President has caused some concerns. One observer has noted that this may be as a result of the party not wanting to appear to be too cosy with APNU. It was his belief that should the AFC appears too close to APNU, the party might lose the support of sections of Indo-Guyanese electorate.

Despite these concerns being ventilated on social media, the AFC is adamant that this is not the case. The General Secretary of the minority opposition party told the Guyana Times on Monday that the party does not get involved in racial politics. According to Patterson, the leadership of the AFC is on record as accusing the PPP/C of practicing racial politics. The General Secretary told Guyana Times that with respect to the APNU rally “the party sent not one but two of our top executives, there was no prescribed move…we will not be baited into this media frenzy” adding that he and Nigel Hughes were selected based on the message that the party had wished to be delivered.

He said that there was no element of racial politicking present in sending he and Hughes, who is party chairman to the rally. “None whatsoever,” he insisted.

Meanwhile with AFC absent from APNU protest action, the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), which forms part of the coalition, contends that APNU protests are losing momentum. “The AFC, the Opposition’s junior partner that initiated the No-Confidence Motion which precipitated the prorogation move by the Government to thwart the vote for early elections, has been so far conspicuously absent from the firing line, except for a guest appearance’ at the APNU rally of November 14. Momentum is being lost and reaction to the Government’s derailing of the No-Confidence Motion appears to be protest in slow motion.”

The WPA is of the view that there is need for a more “vigorous campaign by the Opposition against the prolongation of the proroguing of Parliament.”

But People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) says that this call for vigorous campaigning is being seen as inciting violence on the part of the WPA. At a press conference on Monday, PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee said the party was not unmindful of the “inciting of violence by the WPA”.

Rohee said that by calling for intensified protest action, the WPA is “desperately trying to ride on the back of the APNU in an effort not to become obsolete”. According to Rohee, it would seem that WPA has learnt nothing from its past “reckless and adventuristic” behaviour that caused it to fade into the political background over time.

“It now seeks to push APNU unto that path of destruction. Casting blame on the APNU for not being more forceful in disrupting the country appears as though the WPA is now biting the hand.”

What else is new?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

FC's Nigel Hughes sent to address mostly Afro gathering at APNU rally while Moses & Ramjattan stayed away

Eyewitness)Some people are shameless…people like Moses Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, for instance. 

What about the facts and figure from the Nandalal TAPE?


What a wanker you are Nehru.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Guyana times talking about race baiting hhahahhahahahahaa


ok then.......I see the Serpent Piss distribution business is expanding.

What the PPP is ignoring is the fact that, while the AFC did make ethnically based decisions in determining which AFC rep spoke where, this was done with an eye to PPP race baiting.  Nagamootoo knew full well that speaking in front of a majority black crowd at an APNU event in G/town would have been used by the PPP to panic rural Indians.


1.  Why does the PPP not deny that they would have used Nagamootoo appearing at this rally to panic Indians?


2.  Why is the PPP implying that they did frequently play the race card and that Nagamootoo and Ramjattan were part of this process?


3.  Why so many weeks after the rally is the PPP still banging that drum? Every one knows that the PPP is a race based party, both their detractors, and their supporters.


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