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Failure by Speaker to reign in opposition tells the big picture   
Written by T. KING
Friday, 09 November 2012 20:08

SPEAKER tolerates opposition’s lawlessness in Parliament: - Legal experts advised minister should be allowed to speak uninterrupted. Any surprise here? Hell no. Why? The Speaker of the House Raphael Trotman is AFC. He is in opposition to government who came from opposition PNC. If the PNCR charade to call on

government to remove Clement Rohee continues in Parliament with the blessings of Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman, then he Trotman himself must resign. Trotman had his chance to tame the PNC tempo or have the PNCR removed from Parliament so government can continue with the people's business and Trotman failed.         


No one should ask if members of the AFC took part in drowning out Rohee in Parliament. Those who were there knew they were. Failure by the Speaker of the House,the AFC’s Trotman to rein in opposition antics in Parliament alone tells the big picture that the AFC are in cahoots with the PNCR in the streets and in Parliament. Yet again total silence from Ramjattan and Nagamoottoo! Will Ramjattan and Nagamoottoo go into the areas they grabbed all those votes last election and tell the people there that they are not in the PNCR camp?         


Will Ramjattan and Nagamootoo also tell those who voted for them that they had nothing to do with them being beaten, injured robbed and terrorised on the Agricola public road? Next on the AFC’s agenda, which is now the total mouthpiece for the PNCR, will be the Timehri area illegal squatters.The AFC will create their next episode there just wait and see. Those who voted for the AFC must ask themselves if this is what they really voted for.         


Ask themselves when last they heard of drop VAT to 10% and increase public servant wages by 20% or more and cut the Berbice Bridge into four pieces and fling it in the river. That was the AFC’s big campaign mojo during the last election. Where are the Sasenarine Singhs and the Tarron Khemrajes who were pushing the AFC agenda? Are they now too ashamed to speak out on their AFC joining at the hips with the PNC?         


Or perhaps they too are sidelined and irrelevant to the AFC like those of Ramjattan and Nagamoottoo since Nigel Hughes took over their AFC? Are their memories that short that they forgot the race card that was played out by Raphael Trotman against Goomatie Singh in favour of Chantal Smith? Are their memories that short that it was the very own Raphael Trotman and his PNC cohorts masquerading as the AFC who tried to sideline Ramjattan on the leadership rotation basis? Ask what has the AFC done for you lately?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

the government continue with the people bussiness,bro i donot feel like laughing,the only people doing bussiness in guyana now is the ppp crime family.THEY SHOULD TAKE IT TO FREEDUMB HOUSE


Abidah, In the History of the World there has never been a bigger JACKASS as Speaker. This FOOL dont even know what his Role is as speaker. He said he is an Attornry but seek advised from Experts all the way from England. What a BLOODY DISGRACEFUL FOOL. The Speakership has never been so compromised!!!!!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If Ramotar continue with his inaction and not ask Rohee to resing as in a true dempcracy, he is likely to bring chaos to the country. I think AFC and APNU means business.

Mits,I am so glad to mention TRUE DEMOCRACY. Now let me explain it to you. The Guyanese People have spoken, they Elected Donald Ramotar as president of Guyana. The President appoints his Cabinet, his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. If you need more wxplanatuion, Main Hoon Nah!!!


this remind me of a school yard bully,the first time he get knock down he cry like a baby,well the ppp is getting what they use to do in parlament,the only difference is the oppistion have the welfare of the guyanese people to look after,rohee is a waste and the speaker is doing his job by seeking advise not like the ppp government that do as they feel

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If Ramotar continue with his inaction and not ask Rohee to resing as in a true dempcracy, he is likely to bring chaos to the country. I think AFC and APNU means business.

On what ground Minister Rohee should resign?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If Ramotar continue with his inaction and not ask Rohee to resing as in a true dempcracy, he is likely to bring chaos to the country. I think AFC and APNU means business.

On what ground Minister Rohee should resign?



on the grounds he is waste to the people of guyana and a laughing stock to the caribbean,he should have resign from the first day the AMERICAN take his visa away,but then again its the ppp we talking about

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If Ramotar continue with his inaction and not ask Rohee to resing as in a true dempcracy, he is likely to bring chaos to the country. I think AFC and APNU means business.

Mits,I am so glad to mention TRUE DEMOCRACY. Now let me explain it to you. The Guyanese People have spoken, they Elected Donald Ramotar as president of Guyana. The President appoints his Cabinet, his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. If you need more wxplanatuion, Main Hoon Nah!!!

The PPP was outvoted in Parliament. In a true democracy, the President would have sent Rohee to Hubu Backdam. This fella is incompetent and he is bad news for the PPP. The people of Berbice have no respect nor confidence in him.


Let's don't forget about the young Indo Larkee who was granted assylum by the Canadian Immigration on the allegation of rape by the high ranking individual of the GOG. No one was prosecuted. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If Ramotar continue with his inaction and not ask Rohee to resing as in a true dempcracy, he is likely to bring chaos to the country. I think AFC and APNU means business.

Mean business is to uplift the country and not to bring it down. You couldn't have said it any better when you speaking on behalf of APNU/AFC. 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If Ramotar continue with his inaction and not ask Rohee to resing as in a true dempcracy, he is likely to bring chaos to the country. I think AFC and APNU means business.

On what ground Minister Rohee should resign?

It was debated in parliament that he is a square peg.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If Ramotar continue with his inaction and not ask Rohee to resing as in a true dempcracy, he is likely to bring chaos to the country. I think AFC and APNU means business.

Mits,I am so glad to mention TRUE DEMOCRACY. Now let me explain it to you. The Guyanese People have spoken, they Elected Donald Ramotar as president of Guyana. The President appoints his Cabinet, his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. If you need more wxplanatuion, Main Hoon Nah!!!

The PPP was outvoted in Parliament. In a true democracy, the President would have sent Rohee to Hubu Backdam. This fella is incompetent and he is bad news for the PPP. The people of Berbice have no respect nor confidence in him.


Let's don't forget about the young Indo Larkee who was granted assylum by the Canadian Immigration on the allegation of rape by the high ranking individual of the GOG. No one was prosecuted. 

Can you give examples of this happening in the Civilised World? Grantined Asylum??? What that got to do with what we are discussing?? I am not surprise you Guys jumping like Frogs. This is expected from Snakoil Salesmen. THE GUYANESE PEOPLE ARE NOT STUPID THUS THE DEATH OF SNAKEOIL SALES.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If Ramotar continue with his inaction and not ask Rohee to resing as in a true dempcracy, he is likely to bring chaos to the country. I think AFC and APNU means business.

Mean business is to uplift the country and not to bring it down. You couldn't have said it any better when you speaking on behalf of APNU/AFC. 

I don't speak on behalf of APNU/AFC.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If Ramotar continue with his inaction and not ask Rohee to resing as in a true dempcracy, he is likely to bring chaos to the country. I think AFC and APNU means business.

Mits,I am so glad to mention TRUE DEMOCRACY. Now let me explain it to you. The Guyanese People have spoken, they Elected Donald Ramotar as president of Guyana. The President appoints his Cabinet, his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. If you need more wxplanatuion, Main Hoon Nah!!!

The PPP was outvoted in Parliament. In a true democracy, the President would have sent Rohee to Hubu Backdam. This fella is incompetent and he is bad news for the PPP. The people of Berbice have no respect nor confidence in him.


Let's don't forget about the young Indo Larkee who was granted assylum by the Canadian Immigration on the allegation of rape by the high ranking individual of the GOG. No one was prosecuted. 

Can you give examples of this happening in the Civilised World? Grantined Asylum??? What that got to do with what we are discussing?? I am not surprise you Guys jumping like Frogs. This is expected from Snakoil Salesmen. THE GUYANESE PEOPLE ARE NOT STUPID THUS THE DEATH OF SNAKEOIL SALES.

The people of Berbice ain't buying any mo snake oil from the PPP/C Inc. The "Grass Roots" must remove the seven dacoits who have highjacked the PPPinc.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If Ramotar continue with his inaction and not ask Rohee to resing as in a true dempcracy, he is likely to bring chaos to the country. I think AFC and APNU means business.

Mits,I am so glad to mention TRUE DEMOCRACY. Now let me explain it to you. The Guyanese People have spoken, they Elected Donald Ramotar as president of Guyana. The President appoints his Cabinet, his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. If you need more wxplanatuion, Main Hoon Nah!!!

The PPP was outvoted in Parliament. In a true democracy, the President would have sent Rohee to Hubu Backdam. This fella is incompetent and he is bad news for the PPP. The people of Berbice have no respect nor confidence in him.


Let's don't forget about the young Indo Larkee who was granted assylum by the Canadian Immigration on the allegation of rape by the high ranking individual of the GOG. No one was prosecuted. 

Can you give examples of this happening in the Civilised World? Grantined Asylum??? What that got to do with what we are discussing?? I am not surprise you Guys jumping like Frogs. This is expected from Snakoil Salesmen. THE GUYANESE PEOPLE ARE NOT STUPID THUS THE DEATH OF SNAKEOIL SALES.

The people of Berbice ain't buying any mo snake oil from the PPP/C Inc. The "Grass Roots" must remove the seven dacoits who have highjacked the PPPinc.



Warrior & Mitwah, please give legal reasons why President Ramotar should advise Minister Rohee to resign. From the start of this thread, you guys failed to provide concrete evidence to unseat a legitimate minister from his duties.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Warrior & Mitwah, please give legal reasons why President Ramotar should advise Minister Rohee to resign. From the start of this thread, you guys failed to provide concrete evidence to unseat a legitimate minister from his duties.

I am not a lawyer. But in a true democracy where a minister is voted out by a majority in a no-confidence motion, he would be asked to resign. Ramotar have to recognise that he cannot dictate whilst the PPP/C Inc is the minority in the house. Also he has to stop behaving as the General Secretary of the PPP and behave more like a President. Perhaps his problem is finding a suitable untainted replacement for Rohee.


If that's the case, then parliament can do the same to the president and anyone of his ministers. Is APNU & AFC are testing the faith of the PPP by no-confident motions? As far as I can see Mr. Rohee can be seated in parliament and move his bill without interruption from the oppositions as per the Speaker. Mr. Trotman is a lawyer, and he sought advised on the matter before his ruling. Any further objection here? President Ramotar will not budge, and minister Rohee will stay in his rightful position.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

If that's the case, then parliament can do the same to the president and anyone of his ministers. Is APNU & AFC are testing the faith of the PPP by no-confident motions? As far as I can see Mr. Rohee can be seated in parliament and move his bill without interruption from the oppositions as per the Speaker. Mr. Trotman is a lawyer, and he sought advised on the matter before his ruling. Any further objection here? President Ramotar will not budge, and minister Rohee will stay in his rightful position.

Rohee should have been sent to the pasture when he lost his USA Visa. The President is protected by the Burnham Constitution which the PPP/C has inherited and revered these past decades.

I feel the AFC and APNU are unshakeable in their resolve.



I do not support the absolute power of the President under the constitution.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Abidah, In the History of the World there has never been a bigger JACKASS as Speaker. This FOOL dont even know what his Role is as speaker. He said he is an Attornry but seek advised from Experts all the way from England. What a BLOODY DISGRACEFUL FOOL. The Speakership has never been so compromised!!!!!

Shit brain speaketh!


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