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David Granger's close aides have all packed up and vacated their offices, Fred Mc Wilfred and Clayton Hall have let friends and family know that they are no longer in government. Mark Kirton, the General Secretary of the Ministry of the Presidency has indicated that he is awaiting contact with the PPP transition team. Granger met with senior APNU and AFC members on Wednesday evening to advise them to vacate their offices and a sharp division emerged.
Joe Harmon is in open opposition to Granger's plan to concede the elections and has allied with Cathy Hughes of the AFC to thwart Granger's efforts. Kemraj Ramjattan supported Granger during the meeting but changed his position as soon as Granger left Georgetown. Ramjattan spoke to news agencies about the possibility of winning the elections on a "technicality" which would require GECOM to discard 266,000 votes and dovetails with the narrative being peddled by Harmon and others seeking to cling to power.
On Thursday a curious court motion was filed in the Court of Appeal, the legal fraternity unanimously scoffed at the motion saying it has no possibility of success. While attention was focused on GECOM and the Court of Appeal, a lease for 200 acres of land at Ogle was prepared and issued to Hopkinson Logistics on Wednesday, Granger's name is on the lease but it is signed by Trevor Benn. Joe Harmon knows that his court motion will fail but he also hopes it will buy him a few weeks more in Office to finalize lots of deals. Harmon lives in Hopkinson's house and owes untold millions to the miner, previously Hopkinson was gifted massive areas for mining, Saratu Phillips (Hopkinson's cousin) was granted a lease that included a section of the Demerara River, BK recently (3 days before elections) got a wharf in Kingston and Harmon's other crony, Komal Singh, who collects money for him is also the recipient of a prime riverside land lease. Harmon is using NICIL and Guyana lands and Surveys to gift state assets to cronies and debtors alike.
Joe Harmon is also raising funds to pay for his bid to wrest control of the PNC and become Leader of the Opposition when the final declaration is made. Harmon has asked BK who has been a beneficiary of land, wharf, and lucrative contracts to do everything in his power to delay the declaration by 2-4 weeks to allow deals to be finalized. It is known that BK bought out GECOM staff and has paid millions to many of them to assist with the rigging, BK will probably try to compromise the judges of the Appeal Court but that is made infinitely more difficult by the fact that these are young Judges with possible lengthy careers ahead of them which would be jeopardized by untoward actions, in this case, the Judges would also be factoring in the clear ire of the western powers and must be worried about themselves and families being subject to sanction should they aid and abet what is, in essence, a judicial coup.
Harmon also wants time for his rivals at Congress place to be silenced. Harmon is gaining support by promising seats to key persons in the PNC, has let comrades know that the APNU partners will not be given seats in parliament and that the AFC will be limited to 3, Kemraj Ramjattan, Cathy Hughes and David Patterson. Given the modus operandi of Harmon to date, the AFC trio must be nervous and unsure of the promises.

My source is Collin Croal. Former Permanent Secretary @ Ministry  of legal affairs...
Former Permanent Secretary at Ministry of local government and Regional development. Former permanent secretary at the Ministry of Amerindians Affairs .... gentle man lives in Guyana.


I would caution against any attempt to undermine the country’s main revenue agency

Dear Editor,

I read with surprise a social media post alleging that “tons of documents” were removed from the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and destroyed.

The GRA has procedures for the disposal of documents and records and I find the story that several trucks were escorted by GRA enforcement ranks during broad daylight more than a bit implausible.

What I can respond to directly however, is the statement in the post that staff were instructed to leave the building at 4 PM. It just so happens that I arrived at the Camp Street building at 4:10 PM and witnessed there numerous staff when I arrived and a lesser number when I left at about 4:45 PM.

Even making allowance for the liberality of social media, I think it is really sad that the careers and reputation of anyone, including professionals like Commissioner-General Godfrey Statia, could be so easily impugned. It makes me recall how badly the  former Commission-er General, the late Mr. Khurshid Sattaur was treated by the Granger administration on its assumption of office and how unceremonious was his departure. I understand that as an act of fraternity and professional courtesy, Statia, on his assumption to the top position in the GRA, sought to rectify the injustice done to Sattaur.

For this country to move forward, we have to discourage character assassination and personal spite. And importantly, I would caution against any attempt to discredit and undermine the country’s main Revenue agency which is an inevitable consequence of the type of post we witnessed on Wednesday. 

Yours faithfully,

Christopher Ram 


For all the good that the internet has done to make information available with a click or tap there lurks a seedy underbelly. It is now a haven for fake news by rogue actors.  The same power of the internet is used to easily create and disseminate fake news via social media platforms. So when I see something posted or sourced from Facebook and other social media platforms, I am always cautious and treat it with a healthy dose of scepticism  whether it is legit, whether original content is doctored or outright fraudulent. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

For all the good that the internet has done to make information available with a click or tap there lurks a seedy underbelly. It is now a haven for fake news by rogue actors.  The same power of the internet is used to easily create and disseminate fake news via social media platforms. So when I see something posted or sourced from Facebook I am always cautious whether it legit, whether original content is doctored or outright fraudulent.

So, are you saying Mingo did not try to fudge the numbers?




Having said what I had to say back in March, and having then stayed silent for three months while the recount was agreed, challenged and finally executed, I can no longer wait quietly and politely while our country gets hijacked, ridiculed and torn apart.
In a nutshell, there are six things I would like to elaborate on concerning the 2020 elections adventure:
1) A win by either of the major contestants ought not to have come as a shock to anyone;
2) Supporters of the APNU+AFC were misled into believing that the coalition had won the election;
3) There was then a deliberate attempt to discredit the entire elections;
4) No evidence has been provided to support the claim of vast numbers of rejected ballots among those of the disciplined services, let alone the allegation of a deliberate attempt to invalidate the votes of the disciplined services;
5) No power on earth can convince the APNU+AFC leadership that it lost the election; and
6) All that has occurred since March 4th will make it extremely difficult for APNU and/or the AFC to defeat the PPP in 2025.

It was never a valid assumption that, having won the 2015 elections by a slim majority, the APNU+AFC Coalition would easily win the 2020 elections. It was always going to be tough fight. I’m no political analyst, but it’s fairly obvious that the swing vote has determined the results of the last three General elections in Guyana. Having failed at the polls for over two decades, the PNC never commanded the electoral strength to win an election on its own, and was only able to squeeze past the PPP-C because of its alliance with the AFC. Unlike the PPP-C and the PNC, the AFC does not have a stranglehold on any section of the electorate. Instead it relies on a swing vote that is more discerning and less forgiving than the constituents of the two larger parties. The question, therefore, is whether it is possible that a sizeable portion of the swing voters, who supported the AFC in 2015, abandoned the Coalition in 2020 and voted instead for the PPP and the new parties. To me this is entirely possible and therefore the results of the 2020 election, while not desirable, are certainly plausible.
Having paid close attention to the tabulated results of the 2020 elections, and having done some projections of my own, I knew by Wednesday, March 4th that a coalition victory, while still possible, was unlikely. I was aware that we had lost the East Coast Demerara sub-district by several thousand votes and the East Bank Demerara sub-district by close to one thousand votes. At the time, the Returning Officer for District Four, Mr. Clairmont Mingo, had completed the tabulations for the Georgetown area, showing the Coalition ahead in District Four by nearly forty thousand votes. This was clearly not enough to close the more than fifty thousand vote lead that the PPP-C had gained in the other nine electoral districts, which had already been tabulated. I was not particularly concerned when I heard the first reports of a “spreadsheet” being used by Mr. Mingo. However, when I heard the actual numbers that he finally declared, I became deeply suspicious. There was no way his numbers could have been correct. Much to my disappointment, the leaderships of both APNU and the AFC claimed that Mingo’s numbers were consistent with our own Statements Of Poll. They also insisted that a final declaration be made on the basis of those numbers, and supported the court action to prevent a recount. The recount went ahead and the results showed clearly that Mingo’s numbers could not have been based on actual Statements Of Poll. At the very least APNU+AFC’s supporters deserve an explanation from its leadership as to the basis on which they claimed to have won the election prior to the recount.
We live in an imperfect world and no electoral system, especially not one that relies on manual voting and counting, is foolproof or devoid of irregularities. The nation put its faith in the CARICOM observer team, and held its breath for the duration of the recount, while being treated to a daily menu of “Breaking News” of more and more discoveries of “Massive Fraud” and “Systemic Rigging”. In the end the CARICOM team delivered its report, endorsing the elections and the results of the recount, only to have it rejected by the Coalition in favour of a devious piece of reasoning by Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield. To her credit, the Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission then issued very clear instructions to Mr. Lowenfield to submit a report for consideration by the Commission using the results of the recount. Needless to say, another move to the court has been made and this report, from which a final declaration should have resulted, will now have to await the outcome of yet another tedious challenge. The claims of fraud were grossly exaggerated and, unfortunately, designed to fool party supporters, who had placed their faith in the coalition, into believing that there was actual evidence of serious elections rigging by the PPP-C. The claim that vast numbers of disciplined services ballots were deliberately not stamped, and therefore rejected, is a case in point. The so-called intermixing stations are known, and it is a fairly simple task to sum up all the unstamped rejected ballots in those stations to support the allegation. This, however, was not done and the ominous suggestion was left to torment the minds of the men and women responsible for the defence and protection of our country and its citizens.
All of this leads me to a very uncomfortable conclusion. The APNU+AFC has no intention of relinquishing control of government. Five years after winning an election and gaining office with a fair amount of goodwill, the coalition is saying to the people who put us there, the equivalent of “unless and until WE are satisfied beyond a shadow of a doubt that “more votes are cast” in favour of another party in a an election that WE deem credible, WE ain going nowhere”. That condition will never be satisfied.
My message to my colleagues in the APNU+AFC is simple. No one elected us to remain in office forever. There is no reasonable basis on which you can claim to have won more votes than the PPP-C in these elections. Level with your supporters and start directing your energies towards becoming a credible opposition party in time for 2025. Above all, try to regain the trust of the swing voter. You will never win another election without their support.

Dominic Gaskin

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

This was the man who tried to put Jagdeo behind bars on Granger orders. 

Everybody in the AFC said that The PPP won the Election.  The AFC members said that after 5 years there were no changes and that why they lost.    The PNC apologist on GNI should be ashamed of themselves for trying  to think that  the coalition won.  


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