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Fake religious leaders abound in Guyana

Nov 09, 2017 Letters,

Dear Editor,
I have witnessed an unprecedented ‘con game’ being played on our gullible citizens of this country, especially in Regions Three, Five and Six.

The Constitution gives us freedom of religion and this is a principle which supports the freedom of an individual or community to manifest religion or belief in teachings, practice, worship and observance. It also includes the freedom to change one’s religion. We are free to express our faith however we choose.

But the same Constitution also serves to protect ‘public interest’, so can we allow these ‘religious priests’ to deceive us into not only believing that they have the ability to cure all ailments under the sun and protect us from all sorts of social ills and disasters, but can also bring prosperity into our lives?

It started when religious priests began coming from India many years ago. Dressed in saffron robes with ‘Tulsimalas’ on their necks and sporting long beards they attracted a large gathering of the sick, the poor and the fortune seekers.

The following is an excerpt from the Guyana Chronicle dated May 2010: “Within recent weeks, Indian nationals purporting to be pandits have been announcing their supposedly faith-healing, fortune-telling and other astrological services at various locations in Guyana and for which seekers reportedly had to pay large sums of money.

From all indications, these ‘pandits’ are nothing more than tricksters who found a willing and gullible clientele among Guyanese of all ethnicities and religions including Islam and Christianity. The Guyana police are now looking for them as it is believed they committed crimes by working in Guyana without the relevant work permit and tax evasion.

The fragmented Hindu leadership in Guyana has so far remained deafeningly silent on this issue. No warnings were issued to the public to beware of these fraudsters from India although various public advertisements were repeated in several sections of the media and the entire country was aware of their presence.”

After investigative work by the Kaieteur News, in the same year, one of these fake astrologers was confronted after he and his group fleeced approximately $20 million from people who desire ‘quick fixes’ to their problems.

These astrologers have now moved into the rural areas away from the City after they were again raided this year. They fled leaving their suitcases behind.

However, the competition is now getting intense as the ‘Prophets’ from certain Christian sects are now presenting an open challenge to the Indian astrologers. These ‘prophets’ are using TV advertisements to exhibit their ’healing’ powers which know no bound. They have testimonies from persons who have been ‘cured’ of cancer and AIDS.

A person who was giving ‘testimony’ has since got married and reverted to Hinduism. She alleged that she was well paid to give that ’testimony’.

What is also alarming is the fact that places of worship, especially churches and mandirs, are vigorously trying to control the minds of their followers; even changing their political mindset. This is where the politicians capitalize on these people.

Some Pandits are telling their followers which political party they should support likewise some priests. Instead of bringing peace to the devotees’ minds, they are confusing them. No wonder the suicide rate in Regions Three, Five and Six is so high.

These religious leaders are busy asking for donations so that they could live lavish lifestyles while their followers are living in dire poverty, scraping every dollar to give to them in order to be cured and to become prosperous. They have become just like these fake astrologers.

Furthermore, it is a shame now that almost every temple has become a ‘mini-parliament’ which dispenses hatred and strife. This is where the power struggle intensifies. I must congratulate the Muslims; they have retained their independence. The new confusion is the date for Diwali and Phagwah. No wonder more and more Hindus are flocking towards Christianity since Hindus are now becoming unsure of when to celebrate their holidays.

How will these pandits teach their followers to gain salvation? Hinduism is eternally great but many pandits have become so materialistic and power crazy, finding less time to teach the virtues of Sanatan Dharma.

It’s a pity that it is rare for a religious criminal to go to jail. While the average criminal and petty thieves will be incarcerated, a religious leader or fake astrologer or fake ‘prophet’ will smile as they go to the bank and live an expensive lifestyle with no fear of retribution or imprisonment.

The followers will defend these charlatans as though their salvation depends on it.

It is time that our political leaders take a serious look at how the citizens of this country are being swindled by these so-called religious people. I am a devout Hindu who wants to see my religion be treated with divine reverence by those who claim to uphold it.

Yours sincerely,
Gobin Harbhajan
Regional Democratic Councilor (RDC)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Fake religious leaders abound in Guyana

Nov 09, 2017 Letters,

The new confusion is the date for Diwali and Phagwah. No wonder more and more Hindus are flocking towards Christianity since Hindus are now becoming unsure of when to celebrate their holidays.

Yours sincerely,
Gobin Harbhajan
Regional Democratic Councilor (RDC)

Utter nonsense regarding Diwali and Phagwah.

Perhaps the author is totally unaware of the issues in the colonial days when a person generally MUST convert to Christianity and/or also have a christian name to gain employment.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Fake religious leaders abound in Guyana

Nov 09, 2017 Letters,

The new confusion is the date for Diwali and Phagwah. No wonder more and more Hindus are flocking towards Christianity since Hindus are now becoming unsure of when to celebrate their holidays.

Yours sincerely,
Gobin Harbhajan
Regional Democratic Councilor (RDC)

Utter nonsense regarding Diwali and Phagwah.

Perhaps the author is totally unaware of the issues in the colonial days when a person generally MUST convert to Christianity and/or also have a christian name to gain employment.

I guess Balram Singh Rai changed his name to enter the Civil Service and a host of other ppl with mohammedan and hndu names. Fella, think hard on wah yuh writing.


Seiggy, many used to tell their daughters  " Bear am Betty bear am Dadda gun get sadar wuk" Also, YES, the Limey Pigs will monly offer Civil Service Jobs if you convert but in thye interest of looking a lil good, they did give to a few Hindus and Muslims. FACTs BABY FACTS!!! Why you think so many Madrasee are Christians??

Nehru posted:

Seiggy, many used to tell their daughters  " Bear am Betty bear am Dadda gun get sadar wuk" Also, YES, the Limey Pigs will monly offer Civil Service Jobs if you convert but in thye interest of looking a lil good, they did give to a few Hindus and Muslims. FACTs BABY FACTS!!! Why you think so many Madrasee are Christians??

Nehru, u are wrong on the Madrassies. Those ppl were Christians long before most the world knew what it was all about. Thomas was there soon after Christ was crucified, that is the First Century AD. They were called Thomite at the time. Many who immigrated to Guyana were educated because the Churches in the Madrass Presidency picked up of their faith and established schools. Many Tamil ppl roses world wide in science. Raman recieved the noble prize, Srivanasam-the man who knew infinity also was a tamil(madrassi)

I could go on. English education brings the world closer.


Hinduism has to become strict in Guyana in order to survive. Start with no intermarriage unless the Non-hindu goes through a period of Hindu education and start to practice the Hindu fate.

Prashad posted:

Hinduism has to become strict in Guyana in order to survive. Start with no intermarriage unless the Non-hindu goes through a period of Hindu education and start to practice the Hindu fate.

What is "Hinduism"? There is huge difference between "fate" and "faith". Please explain exactly what you mean by "intermarriage".

Nehru posted:

So only the Hindus and Muslims went for the Coloring Book, Crayon and Sadar wuk?????

i tink so.

how many nagamoottoo, kandasammy, veerasammy yuh know changed their last names. all dem hindus who became muslims changed their names. but no madrassies.


seignet what they are saying is true but your pride and your thinking that Christians do no wrong is clouding your mind. 

What I cant understand is that the same Bible that the colonial Bastards used to enslave and treat your ancestors worse than animals you find solace in. The same people who fooled your ancestors in believing that a white man died on a cross for their sins and you still believe that. Jesus was no white man . Constatine have you guys fooled. take off your blinders and do some research and you will discover that Jesus is SEMITIC.


Pointblank posted:

seignet what they are saying is true but your pride and your thinking that Christians do no wrong is clouding your mind. 

What I cant understand is that the same Bible that the colonial Bastards used to enslave and treat your ancestors worse than animals you find solace in. The same people who fooled your ancestors in believing that a white man died on a cross for their sins and you still believe that. Jesus was no white man . Constatine have you guys fooled. take off your blinders and do some research and you will discover that Jesus is SEMITIC.


How you know what Jesus look like?  I thought you were going to say Jesus was Muslim.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Pointblank posted:

seignet what they are saying is true but your pride and your thinking that Christians do no wrong is clouding your mind. 

What I cant understand is that the same Bible that the colonial Bastards used to enslave and treat your ancestors worse than animals you find solace in. The same people who fooled your ancestors in believing that a white man died on a cross for their sins and you still believe that. Jesus was no white man . Constatine have you guys fooled. take off your blinders and do some research and you will discover that Jesus is SEMITIC.


How you know what Jesus look like?  I thought you were going to say Jesus was Muslim.

Jesus was Muslim. A Muslim is one who believes in God and lives by His laws. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Pointblank posted:

seignet what they are saying is true but your pride and your thinking that Christians do no wrong is clouding your mind. 

What I cant understand is that the same Bible that the colonial Bastards used to enslave and treat your ancestors worse than animals you find solace in. The same people who fooled your ancestors in believing that a white man died on a cross for their sins and you still believe that. Jesus was no white man . Constatine have you guys fooled. take off your blinders and do some research and you will discover that Jesus is SEMITIC.


How you know what Jesus look like?  I thought you were going to say Jesus was Muslim.

Like these people



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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Pointblank posted:

seignet what they are saying is true but your pride and your thinking that Christians do no wrong is clouding your mind. 

What I cant understand is that the same Bible that the colonial Bastards used to enslave and treat your ancestors worse than animals you find solace in. The same people who fooled your ancestors in believing that a white man died on a cross for their sins and you still believe that. Jesus was no white man . Constatine have you guys fooled. take off your blinders and do some research and you will discover that Jesus is SEMITIC.


How you know what Jesus look like?  I thought you were going to say Jesus was Muslim.


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