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Agreed that certificates may not matter to the voters in the end but Ali felt compelled enough that certificates matter as he has listed about a million of them. It is now incumbent on him to satisfy the questions being raised about them. If not, he should do the only right thing and step down as the PPP aren’t lacking in qualified candidates. Sure the hapless Coalition will malign whoever is the candidate but that is politics.

Django posted:

Anyway finally i am out of here, Baseman and Dave behaving like toddlers.

Both of you have a great day and enjoy the weekend.

You know how Lang yo leaving, you gon get short pay .. punch that card on your way in. 

ksazma posted:

Agreed that certificates may not matter to the voters in the end but Ali felt compelled enough that certificates matter as he has listed about a million of them. It is now incumbent on him to satisfy the questions being raised about them. If not, he should do the only right thing and step down as the PPP aren’t lacking in qualified candidates. Sure the hapless Coalition will malign whoever is the candidate but that is politics.

What I don’t understand with these PNCItes, they all saying he will guarantee the PPP loses. If so, then what’s all the fretting and lamenting about.  This should be music to their ears.  Just go to the polls and trash the PPP!

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Anyway finally i am out of here, Baseman and Dave behaving like toddlers.

Both of you have a great day and enjoy the weekend.

You know how Lang yo leaving, you gon get short pay .. punch that card on your way in. 

DJ is successfully self/employed.  He just make sure his undocumented Mexicans do their work, and his cash rolls in!

Last edited by Former Member

Exactly as commented by Base a couple of posts above. 

PPP supporters should not fall prey to the PNC. We saw what the AFC did and the position that we are in today as a result of entertaining, supporting and being sympathetic to the PNC cause. The PNC is ruthless and dictatorial. 

We stick with our Presidential candidate regardless of what they think and say about him. 

Screw the PNC !


Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Agreed that certificates may not matter to the voters in the end but Ali felt compelled enough that certificates matter as he has listed about a million of them. It is now incumbent on him to satisfy the questions being raised about them. If not, he should do the only right thing and step down as the PPP aren’t lacking in qualified candidates. Sure the hapless Coalition will malign whoever is the candidate but that is politics.

What I don’t understand with these PNCItes, they all saying he will guarantee the PPP loses. If so, then what’s all the fretting and lamenting about.  This should be music to their ears.  Just go to the polls and trash the PPP!

I agree that it is only the PNC who seems afraid of elections. Either that or they don’t care for elections.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Agreed that certificates may not matter to the voters in the end but Ali felt compelled enough that certificates matter as he has listed about a million of them. It is now incumbent on him to satisfy the questions being raised about them. If not, he should do the only right thing and step down as the PPP aren’t lacking in qualified candidates. Sure the hapless Coalition will malign whoever is the candidate but that is politics.

What I don’t understand with these PNCItes, they all saying he will guarantee the PPP loses. If so, then what’s all the fretting and lamenting about.  This should be music to their ears.  Just go to the polls and trash the PPP!

it is

not sure how you defining "fretting and lamenting"

this is simply the start of a slow roast of Irfaan that will intensify as elections get closer

the Coalition is deelighted with y'all genius canditate

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Agreed that certificates may not matter to the voters in the end but Ali felt compelled enough that certificates matter as he has listed about a million of them. It is now incumbent on him to satisfy the questions being raised about them. If not, he should do the only right thing and step down as the PPP aren’t lacking in qualified candidates. Sure the hapless Coalition will malign whoever is the candidate but that is politics.

What I don’t understand with these PNCItes, they all saying he will guarantee the PPP loses. If so, then what’s all the fretting and lamenting about.  This should be music to their ears.  Just go to the polls and trash the PPP!

it is

not sure how you defining "fretting and lamenting"

this is simply the start of a slow roast of Irfaan that will intensify as elections get closer

the Coalition is deelighted with y'all genius canditate

Fine.  So tell yuh buddy DJ to relax.  Why he getting so antsy!


PPP will slow roast a half dead, dictatorial and cancerous PNC swine as Presidential candidate. His dutty behaviour and karma many even roast him sooner. Cancer eats from the inside. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Agreed that certificates may not matter to the voters in the end but Ali felt compelled enough that certificates matter as he has listed about a million of them. It is now incumbent on him to satisfy the questions being raised about them. If not, he should do the only right thing and step down as the PPP aren’t lacking in qualified candidates. Sure the hapless Coalition will malign whoever is the candidate but that is politics.

What I don’t understand with these PNCItes, they all saying he will guarantee the PPP loses. If so, then what’s all the fretting and lamenting about.  This should be music to their ears.  Just go to the polls and trash the PPP!

it is

not sure how you defining "fretting and lamenting"

this is simply the start of a slow roast of Irfaan that will intensify as elections get closer

the Coalition is deelighted with y'all genius canditate

Fine.  So tell yuh buddy DJ to relax.  Why he getting so antsy!

Django is a good guy

he addressing the principle of the matter

but for me, at this point, Irfaan's candidacy is a pure political opportunity

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

You PNCites.  Why don’t you focus on election and win there. Let the PPP candidate be the PPPs problem.  

He wants to lead the country...he is answerable to a public figure..

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

You PNCites.  Why don’t you focus on election and win there. Let the PPP candidate be the PPPs problem.  

He wants to lead the country...he is answerable to a public figure..

Correct!  And the election process is where that is to be litigated, not social media!  If not, then the big mouth bullies will steal the day.  

yuji22 posted:

Then let team PNC defeat him na !

Dem PNC Battie biting. 

you lowering the average IQ of the board with your 'return' you know

just sayin

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Then let team PNC defeat him na !

Dem PNC Battie biting. 

When they do...yall gon cry "foul" and "election rigged"

With so many people in that this the best of the brightest candidate that the PPP can find???

Take a look at that video...he is crying to have people not ask about his qualifications...with 2 unsavory characters propping him up..

...but he gon bring back sugar and create 50,000 jobs!

Honestly....any sane PPP supporter should be highly embarassed at the selection of this guy to be leader of any organization, much less a country...but the problem is yall dont want to raise the bar...because you comparing what you have and telling yourself that we still better than the 28 years...



Ress you rass. Granger is cancerous half dead thug and dictator. Is that the best candidate that the PNC find ?

Let a walking dead try to beat him na ?

PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

...but he gon bring back sugar and create 50,000 jobs!

the funny thing about Irfaan's 'plan' is  . . . right now, the re-hired cane cutters at Blairmont are demanding to be let go and paid severance

so they can move on and do better things in the new Guyana just ahead

no lie

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

You PNCites.  Why don’t you focus on election and win there. Let the PPP candidate be the PPPs problem.  

He wants to lead the country...he is answerable to a public figure..

I agree with your opinion here. He cannot be a liar and expects to lead the people and wants them to believe him. I don't care whether he has a two-day seminar certificate and he says that. However, when he claims degrees from institutions of higher learning, it's time to put up or get out.

yuji22 posted:

Ress you rass. Granger is cancerous half dead thug and dictator. Is that the best candidate that the PNC find ?

Let a walking dead try to beat him na ?

PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

Naw...PPP can only do what the people let them do... think the country will enjoy stability if only Indos vote for them and they win? That will make it a minority the PNC 28 years...tings different now banna....

you think fat boy can think and run the country on his own? 

yuji22 posted:

Let the walking dead and cancerous Thug Granger announce the date na bai. Why is he hiding like an antiman ?

Bring it On !!!!!

PPP will teach you where barley grows. 

Elections will be held when the time is right and the government has completed their time. Then and only then you will take time off again to lick your wounds after a sound thrashing put on your heroes.

Chief posted:

If Mr. ALLY is not telling g the truth  he will lose. 

He more than any other Presidential Candidate should know that their is a higher authority. 

What exactly does this mean? With all the anti black racism here, I sincerely hope we are not about to see religious bigotry raise it's ugly head!

ronan posted:
yuji22 posted:

Then let team PNC defeat him na !

Dem PNC Battie biting. 

you lowering the average IQ of the board with your 'return' you know

just sayin

Yuji ran the board into the ground last time, insomuch Ray and Amral had to post to keep it alive. Then he scampered away with a parting note that he "busy" and mysteriously appear after intense "discussion" started days ago.

He posts sheer shit and bundles of ignorance richly flavored with cliches and retarded one liners like "buss balls", "rub pepper" and other nonsencial shit. I truly think he is worse than Dave and Nehru combined. Pure moron.

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

Let the walking dead and cancerous Thug Granger announce the date na bai. Why is he hiding like an antiman ?

Bring it On !!!!!

PPP will teach you where barley grows. 

Elections will be held when the time is right and the government has completed their time. Then and only then you will take time off again to lick your wounds after a sound thrashing put on your heroes.

PNC walking around with buss balls after Jagdeo showed them who is the boss. 

VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ress you rass. Granger is cancerous half dead thug and dictator. Is that the best candidate that the PNC find ?

Let a walking dead try to beat him na ?

PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

Naw...PPP can only do what the people let them do... think the country will enjoy stability if only Indos vote for them and they win? That will make it a minority the PNC 28 years...tings different now banna....

you think fat boy can think and run the country on his own? 

PPP has the experience in running the country, enhancing and supporting development. 

The PNC cannot even run a cake shop, how can they run a country ?

The rotten down fete and party stadium in which they stole billions is their only “achievement”.

Their haplessness was demonstrated during the NCV debates. They were hapless and a total disgrace to MP’s across the world. 

It was pleasure watching Charrandas kick them where it hurts. 

Ha Ha Ha !!!

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ress you rass. Granger is cancerous half dead thug and dictator. Is that the best candidate that the PNC find ?

Let a walking dead try to beat him na ?

PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

Naw...PPP can only do what the people let them do... think the country will enjoy stability if only Indos vote for them and they win? That will make it a minority the PNC 28 years...tings different now banna....

you think fat boy can think and run the country on his own? 

That picture was photo shopped. I saw his picture yesterday and he is not that big in his stomach. Looks like he lost some weight.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ress you rass. Granger is cancerous half dead thug and dictator. Is that the best candidate that the PNC find ?

Let a walking dead try to beat him na ?

PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

Naw...PPP can only do what the people let them do... think the country will enjoy stability if only Indos vote for them and they win? That will make it a minority the PNC 28 years...tings different now banna....

you think fat boy can think and run the country on his own? 

That picture was photo shopped. I saw his picture yesterday and he is not that big in his stomach. Looks like he lost some weight.

Busy trying to woo voters.

VishMahabir posted:

Where are these institutions he claim he attended? 

Has anyone investigated them?

Why cant Irfaan produce his BA, MA degrees and transcripts for the public to see?

Because there's nothing to produce. Look how long the quest for him to show his qualifications has been going on. And to date, still nothing.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ress you rass. Granger is cancerous half dead thug and dictator. Is that the best candidate that the PNC find ?

Let a walking dead try to beat him na ?

PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

Naw...PPP can only do what the people let them do... think the country will enjoy stability if only Indos vote for them and they win? That will make it a minority the PNC 28 years...tings different now banna....

you think fat boy can think and run the country on his own? 

That picture was photo shopped. I saw his picture yesterday and he is not that big in his stomach. Looks like he lost some weight.

Busy trying to woo voters.

Whatever it takes. Better than saying we will pay you $9000.00 per bag for paddy, we will never close down the sugar factories, we will stamp out drugs and crimes. Corruption and crime are worse than under the PPP and Jagdeo.

skeldon_man posted:

Corruption and crime are worse than under the PPP and Jagdeo.

Depend and who you talk to !!!  On corruption, Transparency International, says it has decreased, Guyana is improving. During the PPP years the CPI was poor.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Corruption and crime are worse than under the PPP and Jagdeo.

Depend and who you talk to !!!  On corruption, Transparency International, says it has decreased, Guyana moving up in the CPI. During the PPP years the CPI was poor.

Bai, you can't put thief man to watch thief man. Even SOCU thieving. Which is worse? I have always admitted that during the PPP days, there was thieving. But under this regime, PNC makes the PPP look like amateurs. I guess they honed their skills from 1964 to 1991. The magic is still there for them. When hag use to eat shit, you can't stop them.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Corruption and crime are worse than under the PPP and Jagdeo.

Depend and who you talk to !!!  On corruption, Transparency International, says it has decreased, Guyana moving up in the CPI. During the PPP years the CPI was poor.

Bai, you can't put thief man to watch thief man. Even SOCU thieving. Which is worse? I have always admitted that during the PPP days, there was thieving. But under this regime, PNC makes the PPP look like amateurs. I guess they honed their skills from 1964 to 1991. The magic is still there for them. When hag use to eat shit, you can't stop them.

Bhai it’s a sad thing when people live in denial .. then don’t like to accept the truth 


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