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Falklands Vote Overwhelmingly to Retain British Territory Status

Islanders take part in the "Proud to be British" parade along Ross Road in Port Stanley, Falkland (Malvinas for Argentina) Islands on March 10, 2013. Photographer: Tony Chater/AFP/Getty Images

Bloomberg News

Falklands Vote Overwhelmingly to Retain British Status

By Robert Hutton on March 12, 2013


People living on the South Atlantic archipelago of the Falkland Islands voted almost unanimously to keep their status as a British territory, rejecting Argentina’s claim to sovereignty.

After two days of balloting, 1,513 people of 1,517 chose to retain the status quo, according to the Falklands Islands Government. Three “No” votes were cast, and one vote was unaccounted for. The turnout was 92 percent.

The Falklands government called the referendum to reinforce its stance that the inhabitants want to stay British in the face of increasing pressure from Argentina, which says the islands were wrongly taken from it in the 19th century. Argentine forces were expelled by U.K. troops after invading in 1982.

“The Falkland islanders couldn’t have spoken more clearly,” Prime Minister David Cameron told reporters in London today. “They want to remain British and that view should be respected by everybody, including by Argentina.”

International observers accompanied five mobile polling stations as they traveled by Land Rover and airplane to collect votes from remote areas on the islands, nearly 8,000 miles (13,000 kilometers) from Britain. The Argentine government has dismissed the referendum as “irrelevant” and rebuffed attempts by the islanders to start negotiations.

Galtieri, Thatcher

The dispute over the ownership of the islands has lasted since their settlement by the French in 1764 and the British in 1766. In 1843, the Argentine leader Juan Manuel de Rosas, looking for a way to settle a 1 million-pound bond from 1824 that had been in default for 15 years, offered to drop claims to sovereignty of the islands if the British government would take over the debt. Britain refused, arguing that it already possessed them.

Argentina, which calls the islands the Malvinas, invaded in 1982 and was forced out after a 74-day conflict in which 255 British and 649 Argentine military personnel died, along with three islanders. The war helped bring down the Argentine military leader, Leopoldo Galtieri, and bolstered the government of Margaret Thatcher in Britain.

The U.K. is prepared to fight to keep the islands British if they are invaded again, Cameron said in January in response to an open letter from Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in which she accused Britain of perpetuating colonialism. There are 1,200 military personnel in the British Falklands garrison, and the U.K. spends around 60 million pounds ($90 million) a year defending them.

Oil Discovery

Rockhopper Exploration Plc (RKH) made an oil discovery at its Sea Lion prospect to the north of the islands in May 2010, which it plans to develop with a $1 billion investment from Premier Oil Plc. (PMO) Borders & Southern Petroleum Plc (BOR) says its find to the southwest of the islands may also be commercial. The archipelago also has 700,000 sheep.

“All countries should accept the results of this referendum and support the Falkland Islanders as they continue to develop their home and their economy,” U.K. Foreign Secretary William Hague said in an e-mailed statement. “We have always been clear that we believe in the rights of the Falklands people to determine their own futures.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Robert Hutton in London at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Hertling at

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“We have always been clear that we believe in the rights of the Falklands people to determine their own futures.”

These dirty, thieving limey bastards have not changed for hundreds of years ... they evidently still think white people have some sort of a 'God-given' right to colonise other lands and their peoples. They are very quick to mention the right of self-determination but when it was time for them to vacate lands that they colonised years ago (India, various African countries, Guyan and various West Indian islands), it was a different story. Argentina should introduce large numbers of their people into the Malvinas to outnumber the handfull of limeys who live in the Malvinas and then we would find out what 'referendum' really means.


Originally Posted by keffer:

“We have always been clear that we believe in the rights of the Falklands people to determine their own futures.”

These dirty, thieving limey bastards have not changed for hundreds of years ... they evidently still think white people have some sort of a 'God-given' right to colonise other lands and their peoples. They are very quick to mention the right of self-determination but when it was time for them to vacate lands that they colonised years ago (India, various African countries, Guyan and various West Indian islands), it was a different story. Argentina should introduce large numbers of their people into the Malvinas to outnumber the handfull of limeys who live in the Malvinas and then we would find out what 'referendum' really means.


bai, the Argentines you talking bout ARE "white" European people


Some; not all of them. Remember Galtieri took up arms against the British in the Falklands war and would have beaten the daylights out of them had it not been for the support that that old racist cut-throat Reagan and the Americans provided. Unfortunately, the USA still has a shithead for a president ....

Originally Posted by keffer:

Some; not all of them. Remember Galtieri took up arms against the British in the Falklands war and would have beaten the daylights out of them had it not been for the support that that old racist cut-throat Reagan and the Americans provided. Unfortunately, the USA still has a shithead for a president ....

dude, Argentina is 97% white (Spanish/Italian) . . . u think Galtieri was an Amerindian?


What planet are you from?

Originally Posted by Prashad:

I think they saw what happened to British Guiana.



here is the difference.  Britain had no interest in a country peopled by Africans and Indians.  An island peopled by British folks is different.


Self hating people like you need to understand that we did not fight for independence.  The British nudged us out as they were tired of supporting foreigners.

Originally Posted by keffer:

countries, Guyan and various West Indian islands), it was a different story.

Can you discuss the wars of independewnce fought by West Indians. Please note that as soon as a non communist party alliance  was selected by Guyanese to run Guyana the British rushed to ensure our independence.  The USA had no interest in seeing another Castro and see pressured the British to ensure that the communist Soviet loving Jagans were booted out.

Originally Posted by keffer:

“We have always been clear that we believe in the rights of the Falklands people to determine their own futures.”

These dirty, thieving limey bastards have not changed for hundreds of years ... they evidently still think white people have some sort of a 'God-given' right to colonise other lands and their peoples. They are very quick to mention the right of self-determination but when it was time for them to vacate lands that they colonised years ago (India, various African countries, Guyan and various West Indian islands), it was a different story. Argentina should introduce large numbers of their people into the Malvinas to outnumber the handfull of limeys who live in the Malvinas and then we would find out what 'referendum' really means.


Dude, I volunteered to go down there and fight those Argentine in '82 and would do the same again. They never had any claim if claim is to be given by the principle of tierra nullus and the British planting their flag first.


If you object to them in Guyana you should object to the PPP deciding that they are inheritors of the state and the Amerindians have no ancestral status. Imagine these crooks claiming to support Palestinians and they are making Amerindians Palestinians in their own home. Greed is a bitch. It makes you yap out of one side of your mouth.

Originally Posted by keffer:

Some; not all of them. Remember Galtieri took up arms against the British in the Falklands war and would have beaten the daylights out of them had it not been for the support that that old racist cut-throat Reagan and the Americans provided. Unfortunately, the USA still has a shithead for a president ....

 You need to find out more before you write. The brits beat their asses in 72 days. They had no military tactic to speak of and no systems with which they can fight an effective war.


They should've asked for the opinion of the descendants of the original inhabitants of Malvinas who were removed by the British and deported to Buenos Aires during the 19th century when the British stole the islands

Originally Posted by Lucas:

They should've asked for the opinion of the descendants of the original inhabitants of Malvinas who were removed by the British and deported to Buenos Aires during the 19th century when the British stole the islands

At this point you need to lead a movement to toss out the 90% of the Guyanese who arent Amerindians.


So why not do this and leave the Falklanders alone?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by keffer:

“We have always been clear that we believe in the rights of the Falklands people to determine their own futures.”

These dirty, thieving limey bastards have not changed for hundreds of years ... they evidently still think white people have some sort of a 'God-given' right to colonise other lands and their peoples. They are very quick to mention the right of self-determination but when it was time for them to vacate lands that they colonised years ago (India, various African countries, Guyan and various West Indian islands), it was a different story. Argentina should introduce large numbers of their people into the Malvinas to outnumber the handfull of limeys who live in the Malvinas and then we would find out what 'referendum' really means.


Dude, I volunteered to go down there and fight those Argentine in '82 and would do the same again. They never had any claim if claim is to be given by the principle of tierra nullus and the British planting their flag first.


If you object to them in Guyana you should object to the PPP deciding that they are inheritors of the state and the Amerindians have no ancestral status. Imagine these crooks claiming to support Palestinians and they are making Amerindians Palestinians in their own home. Greed is a bitch. It makes you yap out of one side of your mouth.

Did you actually volunteer to fight the Argentine in 1982? In 1982 you were much younger and things has change since then. No one in their right mind would recruit an old man to fight war if you had to do it all over again. 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by keffer:

“We have always been clear that we believe in the rights of the Falklands people to determine their own futures.”

These dirty, thieving limey bastards have not changed for hundreds of years ... they evidently still think white people have some sort of a 'God-given' right to colonise other lands and their peoples. They are very quick to mention the right of self-determination but when it was time for them to vacate lands that they colonised years ago (India, various African countries, Guyan and various West Indian islands), it was a different story. Argentina should introduce large numbers of their people into the Malvinas to outnumber the handfull of limeys who live in the Malvinas and then we would find out what 'referendum' really means.


Dude, I volunteered to go down there and fight those Argentine in '82 and would do the same again. They never had any claim if claim is to be given by the principle of tierra nullus and the British planting their flag first.


If you object to them in Guyana you should object to the PPP deciding that they are inheritors of the state and the Amerindians have no ancestral status. Imagine these crooks claiming to support Palestinians and they are making Amerindians Palestinians in their own home. Greed is a bitch. It makes you yap out of one side of your mouth.

Did you actually volunteer to fight the Argentine in 1982? In 1982 you were much younger and things has change since then. No one in their right mind would recruit an old man to fight war if you had to do it all over again. 

  Did I say I want to go now? But fool, there are a multitude of private armies on the planet needing specific skills and I have lots of different ones so I am sure I can be recruited by any of those If that was my choice. I can still meet the PT requirement for my age group. I doubt you can and by the way, you are no spring chicken.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

I think they saw what happened to British Guiana.



here is the difference.  Britain had no interest in a country peopled by Africans and Indians.  An island peopled by British folks is different.


Self hating people like you need to understand that we did not fight for independence.  The British nudged us out as they were tired of supporting foreigners.

CaribNY it makes me laugh when I think of you a colored crusader for a white god is telling me that I am into self hate.  I agree with you the British gave us flag independence because they wanted to get rid of us but they wanted to leave an Ian Smith type personality behind incharge of things that is why they were jailing and harassing PPP leaders.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The British fought with their blood and life to protect the Falkland Island and it should remain a British territory forever. Long live the Queen!

By your line of reasoning, they should still have ownership and control of India, Africa, etc, shouldn't they ! Guyana should have remained British Guyana, India, and Africa should still be under British control and all of us should have remained subservient to the white man, shouldn`t we !

The Queen and the 'Royal' family is another bunch of lazy, good-for-nothings; never did a day's work but receive millions from the public coffers each year .... that, however, is a matter for the British people to deal with.  

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

They should've asked for the opinion of the descendants of the original inhabitants of Malvinas who were removed by the British and deported to Buenos Aires during the 19th century when the British stole the islands

At this point you need to lead a movement to toss out the 90% of the Guyanese who arent Amerindians.


So why not do this and leave the Falklanders alone?

They are not Falklanders, they are British occupiers...

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

They should've asked for the opinion of the descendants of the original inhabitants of Malvinas who were removed by the British and deported to Buenos Aires during the 19th century when the British stole the islands

At this point you need to lead a movement to toss out the 90% of the Guyanese who arent Amerindians.


So why not do this and leave the Falklanders alone?

They are not Falklanders, they are British occupiers...

...they are more likely ****landers

Originally Posted by Prashad:

CaribNY it makes me laugh when I think of you a colored crusader for a white god is telling me that I am into self hate.  I agree with you the British gave us flag independence because they wanted to get rid of us but they wanted to leave an Ian Smith type personality behind incharge of things that is why they were jailing and harassing PPP leaders.

And who are the "Ian Smith's" of Guyana?  I do recall that by 1966 virtually all of the white Guyanese had left.  And Burnham nationalized the two major foreign companies, so you ought to praise him.


You really ought to be kidding if you think that by 1960 BHritish Guiana had anything that the British wanted.  They viewed it as a drain just as they viewed their other Caribbean colonies.  And they were as happy to see Guyana leave as they were when Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados left.  Even tiny, and at the time unsustainable, island nations like St Kitts Nevis and Dominica were led to a semi independence status in the 60s.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

They are not Falklanders, they are British occupiers...

Lucas the Argentines have no more claim to these islands than do Amerindians have a right to evict Africans, Indians, Chinese, Portuguese and mixed Guyanese.


History is history, battles were fought and the British won. 


Modern law ststes the rights of a people to determine their rule.  Falklanders state that they wish to remain British.  Argentina ought to respect that fact, unless they wish to hav ea civil war on their hands.

Originally Posted by keffer:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The British fought with their blood and life to protect the Falkland Island and it should remain a British territory forever. Long live the Queen!

By your line of reasoning, they should still have ownership and control of India, Africa, etc, shouldn't they ! Guyana should have remained British Guyana, India, and Africa should still be under British control and all of us should have remained subservient to the white man, shouldn`t we !

The Queen and the 'Royal' family is another bunch of lazy, good-for-nothings; never did a day's work but receive millions from the public coffers each year .... that, however, is a matter for the British people to deal with.  

Funny thing that.


I wonder why you dont demand that all those Italians and Spaniards living in Argentina dont return toEurope and leave that nation to its original inhabitants.


Demand that all the Europeans, Africans, and Asians be sent back to their ancestrla lands/  Those of mixed European/African and Amerindian should be split in two or three and each part sent back home.


While we are at it why dont we demand that The Americas be laft uninhabited and all the huge mammals that the Amerindians killed be restored.  After all the Amerindians are a bunch of Asians, so we are ALL Foreigners, even the socalle doriginal inhabitants.



OR we can recognize that histiry is what it is and that we cant turn the hands of the clock back.  And that we recogfnize the rights of the PRESENT inhabitants of all of these territories, as well as LEGAL immigrants to these lands.

Last edited by Former Member

And while we are talking about evicting people.  Why dont all those IndoGuyanese leave Richmond Hill as the whites still living there wish they would.


You see when you engage in nonsense ultimately you become a victim of it.  Argentina claiming the Falklands as theirs is as silly as some irate and racist Irish or Italian making the same claim on Richmond Hill and South Ozone.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

They are not Falklanders, they are British occupiers...

Lucas the Argentines have no more claim to these islands than do Amerindians have a right to evict Africans, Indians, Chinese, Portuguese and mixed Guyanese.


History is history, battles were fought and the British won. 


Modern law ststes the rights of a people to determine their rule.  Falklanders state that they wish to remain British.  Argentina ought to respect that fact, unless they wish to hav ea civil war on their hands.

Go and tell that to the Jewish Holocaust Cult... not to the South Americans

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Go and tell that to the Jewish Holocaust Cult... not to the South Americans

The Holocaust is irrelevant to this debate.  What is at issue is that one group of Europeans are screaming about another group.  If Britain was wrong to kick out the 20 starving Spaniardss who lived there over 100 years ago, then the Spaniards were wrong to kill the Indians who they displaced in Argentina.


What is a fact is that history is history and that the British in the Falklands have as much right to determine their own rule, as the CURRENT occupiers of those islands as a bunch of Spaniards, Italians, Germans, Scottish and British have to determine who leads Argentina.


As Guyanese used to say "tief from tief mek god laugh".


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