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"And finally, I hate when people address me as an Indo-Guyanese." Sara Bharat


* Looks like Sara hates the woman she sees in the mirror.


* She hates being referred to as an Indo Guyanese.


* Nothing wrong with feeling black Sara.


* But you don't have to pi$$ on your parents heritage.


* Good luck in your relationship with your black partner.





Originally Posted by raymond:

yuh mean, that's all you got from that article...maybe she wants to be called Guyanese

* The woman has issues raymond.


* She is a black woman trapped in an Indian body.


* So she hates the PPP----nothing new---50% of Guyanese hate the PPP.


* But sadly Sara hates her self----she hates her parents heritage.


* May she find love and happiness with the black man she hooked up with.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

yuh mean, that's all you got from that article...maybe she wants to be called Guyanese

Why are "Blacks" called AfroAmericans here in the GREAT USa???

WHy would you want to be called Indo Guyanese in Guyana? I was always Guyanese...I have never referred to myself as Indo Guyanese or Indo American. It's not necessary...


So, because blacks here want to be called Afro American, does that mean you should be called Indo Guyanese?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by raymond:

yuh mean, that's all you got from that article...maybe she wants to be called Guyanese

* The woman has issues raymond.


* She is a black woman trapped in an Indian body.


* So she hates the PPP----nothing new---50% of Guyanese hate the PPP.


* But sadly Sara hates her self----she hates her parents heritage.


* May she find love and happiness with the black man she hooked up with.





if that's all you gather from the article, then I can't help you

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

yuh mean, that's all you got from that article...maybe she wants to be called Guyanese

Why are "Blacks" called AfroAmericans here in the GREAT USa???

WHy would you want to be called Indo Guyanese in Guyana? I was always Guyanese...I have never referred to myself as Indo Guyanese or Indo American. It's not necessary...


So, because blacks here want to be called Afro American, does that mean you should be called Indo Guyanese?

Great answer Ray. You are indeed a shine, bright Star.

Originally Posted by raymond:

if that's all you gather from the article, then I can't help you

* If 100 people read that article--you'll have 100 different opinions.


* Now! You and Sara Barath share one thing in common---you both hate the PPP.


* But unlike Sara who hates being referred to as Indo Guyanese----I have a feeling you are proud of your heritage.





Afro-American, Indo-Guyanese... what does it matter?

A rose by any other name smells just as sweet.

You can call Gilbakka Indo-Guyanese, East Indian, cÃķÃķlie; he is happy all the same.

The young lady Sara B has a sovereign right to decide how she wants to be identified. If she prefers a certain ethnic classification, I fully respect her choice.

I'm not going to lose sleep or let my adrenaline level rise because someone with some Indian blood wants a non-Indo identity.

Good luck to Sara B.


Sara writes: "Like some of you already do, I will aid government initiatives once they are free of corruption and genuinely aim to help the people. But my decision to help does not mean I am government branded."

It doesn't mean she is anti-PPP or anti-Indian either.

I here repeat what I wrote in another thread yesterday.

Real change will come to Guyana only when the people stop voting with their skin and start voting with their brain.

Sara is using her brain.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by raymond:

if that's all you gather from the article, then I can't help you

* If 100 people read that article--you'll have 100 different opinions.


* Now! You and Sara Barath share one thing in common---you both hate the PPP.


* But unlike Sara who hates being referred to as Indo Guyanese----I have a feeling you are proud of your heritage.




Idiot Sara never said she is not proud to be Indo Guyanese. My God you are an idiot.


"I know many East Indians who openly say that they are not racist. However, when they see the young man I love, their faces change, their voices lower and they ask me “he has black in him?” These same East Indians claim to want change. They claim they have escaped the trap of race based voting. And yet, here they are, clearly being racist beneath a carefully crafted facade."





This is the crux of the problem. Many of these ole time diehard racists cringe when they see a black man getting a piece of Indian punani. They would even force the girl to commit suicide in order to preserve the family honor.




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