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Families of Halabja chemical attack victims sue suppliers

Families of the victims of the 1988 chemical attack on Iraqi Kurdish city of Halabja are taking legal action against foreign firms for supplying chemical substances to the country’s former dictator Saddam Hussein, Press TV reports.

Head of Halabja’s Chemical Victims Society Luqman Abdul-Qadir has called on the relatives of the victims to file lawsuits against the firms that armed the Iraqi dictator with chemical weapons.

“Firstly, the people who committed these crimes cannot ignore this case because they are part of the crime. Secondly, it’s to make sure that crimes like Halabja will not happen again because they may happen again somewhere else if not dealt with accordingly, and thirdly, it’s to compensate the families of the victims,” Addul-Qadir said.

Almost 750 people have reportedly registered lawsuits so far. Studies suggest that the chemical arms came from countries like Germany, France, Britain and the United States.

In this regard, Ayad Kakayi with the Erbil-based Kurdistan Bar Association said, “We have their contracts to sell chemicals and we know that the Ba’ath regime and Saddam Hussein used them not to serve people but to hurt humanity. It’s clear that the businessmen came to talk to them anyway and sold these chemicals through illegal channels.”

More than 5,000 people, mostly Kurds, were killed after Iraqi planes dropped chemical bombs on Halabja and its suburbs under the leadership of Ali Hassan al-Majid, Saddam’s cousin, on March 16, 1988.

Another 7,000 were injured, crippled, or suffered long-term health problems in the biggest poison gas attack in history.

Victims of the Halabja genocide say they are determined to seek justice from any country or business involved in selling chemical weapons to the Ba'athist regime of Saddam Hussein.

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Quote "Almost 750 people have reportedly registered lawsuits so far. Studies suggest that the chemical arms came from countries like Germany, France, Britain and the United States." unquote

Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Almost 750 people have reportedly registered lawsuits so far. Studies suggest that the chemical arms came from countries like Germany, France, Britain and the United States." unquote

The kurds never got it better. For the first time they have a state of their own and can live a cultured life as a people. They also need to be on bended knees when Saddam with conventional arms had over 100K of them dying on a desolate mountaintop on the border with turkey. Dick Chaney as terrible as he was happened to see that and send in support to assist them through the winter and to safety by defending them against Saddam. It is for them the no fly zone was created. Let them sue the Russian who supplied the helos and the migs.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Almost 750 people have reportedly registered lawsuits so far. Studies suggest that the chemical arms came from countries like Germany, France, Britain and the United States." unquote

The kurds never got it better. For the first time they have a state of their own and can live a cultured life as a people. They also need to be on bended knees when Saddam with conventional arms had over 100K of them dying on a desolate mountaintop on the border with turkey. Dick Chaney as terrible as he was happened to see that and send in support to assist them through the winter and to safety by defending them against Saddam. It is for them the no fly zone was created. Let them sue the Russian who supplied the helos and the migs.

If someone were marking a test paper from you, you will definately get a zero,

We are talking about Halabja where nearly 750 people were killed by chemicals weapons supplied to Sadam Hussain by his friends then...those weapons were said to come from countries like Germany, France, Britain and the United States.

Those are the country that you worship today, stick to the point buddy. Do not confuse the issue by mixing mangoes with oranges.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Almost 750 people have reportedly registered lawsuits so far. Studies suggest that the chemical arms came from countries like Germany, France, Britain and the United States." unquote

The kurds never got it better. For the first time they have a state of their own and can live a cultured life as a people. They also need to be on bended knees when Saddam with conventional arms had over 100K of them dying on a desolate mountaintop on the border with turkey. Dick Chaney as terrible as he was happened to see that and send in support to assist them through the winter and to safety by defending them against Saddam. It is for them the no fly zone was created. Let them sue the Russian who supplied the helos and the migs.

If someone were marking a test paper from you, you will definately get a zero,

We are talking about Halabja where nearly 750 people were killed by chemicals weapons supplied to Sadam Hussain by his friends then...those weapons were said to come from countries like Germany, France, Britain and the United States.

Those are the country that you worship today, stick to the point buddy. Do not confuse the issue by mixing mangoes with oranges.

Never got anything less than an A from kindergarten to Univ. You and testing you have to worry about. The idea of suing arms makers or suppliers of chemicals because others use them badly is going nowhere on the international scent. In this case, the nations that may or may not have supplied the relevant chemicals used to make chemical weapons  were also the liberators of the entire region from the one that used the weapons. You cannot have it both ways. 


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