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Family affairs cost Guyana four bridges

April 19, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News

Is a long time now everybody been talking how this government is about friends and family. It is now a friends and family affair and everybody know it. Jagdeo give away all de radio licence to family and friends; he tek de best ocean front lands fuh heself and friends and family; he give friends and family de best jobs; and he tek de best pension package in Guyana. He, Jagdeo, mek he friends and family follow in he footsteps. Bout half de nation scampish and dishonest and all because of him. Rob de Earth marry Jagdeo niece suh he benefit a lot. He get five radio station; he get Minister wuk fuh do whatever he feel like. Just yesterday dem boys learn that he, Rob de Earth wake up de other day and order he Pee Ess fuh double one of he family salary overnight. When de Pee Ess ask why, he tell de Pee Ess to shut up. He then tek money from another government entity to top up Parmanand and Anil salary, although he Ministry paying dem two dem full salary. Before de day out, yesterday dem boys learn that Brassington, de fat crook, give one of he buddy de taxi contract fuh de Babbiott. And dem boys believe that he Brassington, de fat crook, got shares in that taxi service, too. That is another family affairs and Donald sit down and watching all this crookishness going on doing nutten. As a matter of fact he hugging de people. This is de second time Brassington get ketch wid his brothers. De first time was when he buy $200million shares in Hand in Hand and seh that was he brother buy dem and is he sign. When dem boys ask him how he can do that he ask if he brother ain’t got right to invest in Guyana. Dem boys done know de answer if dem ask he how come he brother get de taxi contract fuh Bharriott. He gun seh de same thing; if he brother ain’t got right to invest in de Bharriott. Ashni, de Shaat scamp, hiding behind people all over de place and watching wid he scampish looks at all that going on, trying to roll he tongue here and dere fuh twist up and cover up Jagdeo dishonest actions. These things can only happen when you deh in something too lang and you get too comfortable. Is like a old friend visit you home and overstay his welcome. Is only when yuh spend plenty time wid people yuh does get fuh know the real side of dem.  Yuh does get fuh see all kinda tings about dem. Dem does show dem real colours that does mek yuh mad blood raise.  Tek fuh eggsample, dem contractahs and Jagdeo friends and some of dem government people. Dem overstay dem welcome far too laang.  Dem become professional rogues, liars, scamps, and raw renk thieves. Dis is not wheh anyone can hit the β€˜delete’ button and dem history gon disappear into tin air; Eh Eh; not so. Dem nasty record and shameful deceit of the people in dis nation shows clearly.  De US$200 million Skeldon sugar factory, de US$150 million airport expansion; de $100 million transmission cable line, de US$20 million Hope Canal, and de US$27 million one laptop project, coulda build de bridge to Suriname, another Demerara Harbour Bridge, another one in Berbice, and give us one that connects Essequibo, too.  If you think dem boys talking nonsense do de Maths, de Berbice Bridge only cost US$40 million. And dem boys believe that Jagdeo get a big kickback on that, too. Talk half and rethink de future.

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