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A Philadelphia East Bank Essequibo family has been plunged into deep mourning following the drowning of four family members late on Monday afternoon.

The incident took place at the Philadelphia koker while the family was performing a one year “puja” for their grandmother who passed away in March 2014. The family members were performing the ritual in keeping with their religious beliefs.

Dead are 53-year-old Radica Persaud, her son 14-year old Ravin Persaud, niece Anatina Persaud who was 9-years-old and her nephew, 12-year-old Billy Narine. Their bodies were found Monday evening, just hours after they had gone to the koker to let out offerings into the sea.

News Source spoke to Mala Persaud on Tuesday morning about the family tragedy. Mala is a sister of the dead woman Radica Persaud and the grandmother of  Billy Narine and Anatina. Fighting back tears, Mala explained that her sister headed down to the koker at the sea just around 4 pm on Tuesday. She said the children went along with her to assist but when she did not see them return at 5 o’ clock, she decided to go see what was taking them so long.

“When I went down there, I saw no one but I saw my grandson and my nephew’s shirts and slippers on the side near the sea and I said they probably went out to take a swim so I returned home”.

But Mala said she began to realise that something had gone wrong when another hour passed and she did not see the family return. Accompanied by other family members, Mala said she went down to the sea side as the tide was going out. She said they were shocked when they noticed the body of her grandson.

She explained that she raised an alarm and other villagers rushed down to the sea side and they began a frantic search. The bodies of the other three persons were found nearby.

“I cannot understand it. I do not know how all four of them drowned. I said maybe they went to swim but for all four of them to drown while swimming is very strange and we just cannot understand it at all”

News Source was told that the flowers and other items that were apart of the puja were already thrown out at sea. The bodies were taken to a funeral home and the Guyana Police Force has launched a probe into the tragedy.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Like allyou can't accept that the PPP is responsible for every lost of lives in Guyana? Just like some people want to blame their down fall on someone else.

dude...4 people's YOU who making this politics!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Blame it on the PPP.

The koker was not functioning properly because the PPP "tiefing" all the money.

anadda one...lord, yall come out of the can you blame Govt for this?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Blame it on the PPP.


Really bai? dem poor people died performing an act of faith linking them to our illustrious past and this is your first thought?

Shaitan, since when you understand coolie hindu and their faith when you can't recognize your own faith? What i said i can't take back, but don,t try to score points with me.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Shaitan, since when you understand coolie hindu and their faith when you can't recognize your own faith? What i said i can't take back, but don,t try to score points with me.


My Dearest of Coolies,


As much as I enjoy playing with children, sometimes it hurts my head to follow their train of logic. This is one of those times. But let us begin the inquiry shall we?


I don't have a faith. I don't begrudge those who do. I still do enjoy the rituals of our ancestral faiths though. I'm sure as a fellow Christ-oriented coolie from a Christ-oriented family, this isn't alien to you.


With that said, I don't claim to be a scholar of Hinduism. I'm not even sure I could match the wiki entry on Hinduism. So in that you are correct. However, I fail to see why my lack of a PhD in Hindu Studies from Brahmin Univ. disqualifies me from sympathizing with the deaths of four Hindu votaries in the course of their act of worship.


I can sympathize with anyone of my fellow humans on their untimely passing. Be they Hindu, moon worshipper, or non-religious cretin.

I should teach you something you may refuse to accepted that your grand patents and great grand parents were hindus, born hindu and worship in hindu. When you did your research on your family ancestry, you should know that and be proud.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
I should teach you something you may refuse to accepted that your grand patents and great grand parents were hindus, born hindu and worship in hindu. When you did your research on your family ancestry, you should know that and be proud.


Are you the new Coolie Caribhy? You just randomly invent positions I never espoused and them chide me for holding said positions.


When have I ever ever blasted Hindus and Hinduism? I may criticize some of the bad things about Indian culture as I see it but I never condemn Hinduism.


And I certainly am proud of my Hindu ancestry. I don't see what I said anything to the contrary to bring you to this remarkably puzzling conclusion.


Did you miss the whole debate with Carib Beer where he accuses me of being some RSS Hindutva wannabe Swami formulating the opening Vedic mantras for the upcoming Negro Genocide?

Bhai, let done this conversation while we can. I dont want to put you between a rock and a hard place with your ancestral faith and belief. You and I are getting closer to the brink of war. Peace out for our family sake. Phillip is very ill as you may know and I have go to Fl, God forbid. I wave my white flag up. Let pretend this never happen. Ok?
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Bhai, let done this conversation while we can. I dont want to put you between a rock and a hard place with your ancestral faith and belief. You and I are getting closer to the brink of war. Peace out for our family sake. Phillip is very ill as you may know and I have go to Fl, God forbid. I wave my white flag up. Let pretend this never happen. Ok?


My Dear Sanguinary Relation,


I never brook any ill will towards you. Certainly not for a GNI "fight." For more than half of the day I've been laughing my ass off at this


Nothing happened bro


Pull down the white flag man. We'll call it a truce/hudna/Cessation of Hostilies

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Like allyou can't accept that the PPP is responsible for every lost of lives in Guyana? Just like some people want to blame their down fall on someone else.

dude...4 people's YOU who making this politics!

Unfortunately we sometimes miss the boat on when it is necessary to be respectful.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Bhai, let done this conversation while we can. I dont want to put you between a rock and a hard place with your ancestral faith and belief. You and I are getting closer to the brink of war. Peace out for our family sake. Phillip is very ill as you may know and I have go to Fl, God forbid. I wave my white flag up. Let pretend this never happen. Ok?

I hope Phillip feels better soon.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Bhai, let done this conversation while we can. I dont want to put you between a rock and a hard place with your ancestral faith and belief. You and I are getting closer to the brink of war. Peace out for our family sake. Phillip is very ill as you may know and I have go to Fl, God forbid. I wave my white flag up. Let pretend this never happen. Ok?

I hope Phillip feels better soon.


I hope Uncle Phillip gets better. He's always weathered the storms before.


I admit that I didn't read the story fully before I responded yesterday. However, after reading it fully, it was a real tragedy indeed for this family. According to the Chronicle news, this family lost six lives in one year. This is unbearable and difficult to comprehend.

Originally Posted by Chameli:

so very sad for all who are left to mourn this loss

my mom told me about this tragedy earlier...

a big wave maybe?

Cham, Radica's brother is a good Taan singer. He is a teenager or early 20's and resides in Scarborough. The last time I met him was a few weeks ago at Keerti's. My condolences to the friends and families.


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