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@Former Member posted:

Lissen Banna, ever since small days in Guyana alyuh hateful Indian bigots used to make comments about black people being like Hanuman and snicker amongst yourselves. Wasn't until I was of age and found out it was because Hanuman was half monkey.

So the "joke" among alyuh was that blackman was monkey or half monkey.

Put on yuh Roy Khan outfit and guh hunt down Bramin man Sean pon de backdam. He used the inference recently, along with his "hair not burn up". Alyuh kyan snicker and talk in code, but your shit is KNOWN, arite?

Anti koolie crabdog bend over and grunt like a pig when the ******* push his ten foot pole up your batty you racist Antikoolie Hindu hating crabdog.

Ali Khan Azad
Last edited by Ali Khan Azad

Anti koolie crabdog bend over and grunt like a pig when the ******* push his ten foot pole up your batty you racist Antikoolie Hindu hating crabdog.

...hehehehehe.....ol' swishy hips is having a homo erotic moment wid Prashad and Roy

Last edited by Former Member

Anti koolie crabdog bend over and grunt like a pig when the ******* push his ten foot pole up your batty you racist Antikoolie Hindu hating crabdog.

aye aloo - next time yuh having an intense orgasm try not to let the neighbours hear. that is wutliss behaviour. put on the radio or turn up the tv volume


Last Wednesday businessman Mr Orin Boston was lying in his bed around 4 am in Dartmouth, Essequibo, when a SWAT team kicked down the back door of his home, burst into the bedroom and shot him. Initial reports said he was shot in the arm, but according to the post-mortem results he was shot once in the chest. The police account of events was that ranks had been conducting an anti-crime operation in Region Two and that they had gone to Mr Boston’s house to conduct a search. During the process there had been a “confrontation” between him and the police which had resulted in him being shot.

Mr Boston’s widow, Feona, did not endorse this version; she said her husband had showered and retired to bed, and that he did not even have clothes on when the police went into the room, and pointed the gun at him. She also said that the members of the team were all over the house with guns, and her two children aged six and seven witnessed the entire ordeal. The bloodied bedsheet, which the police took away subsequently, supplies verification, if any were needed, that he was indeed shot in bed, and not in the course of any confrontation.

Acting Commissioner Nigel Hoppie was later to say that the operation began around 2 am on Wednesday and had involved several villages in the region. Prior to arriving at Mr Boston’s house, two other homes had been searched, and that the SWAT team had been sent there because of intelligence which the police had received. In the case of Mr Boston that related to “prohibited items” in the house, although the Commissioner admitted to the media that none was found.

The police did, however, arrest four people in Onderneeming, including two murder suspects. Deputy Commissioner of Operations (ag) Clifton Hickens for his part said that the team, consisting of one gazetted officer and eleven ranks had been dispatched to the area on Tuesday, and that none of them had been equipped with a body camera. The SWAT unit, he said, was necessary for the operation.

The same modus operandi followed during the search of Mr Boston’s home had also been used earlier that morning in the case of Mr Orin Klass’s house at Onderneeming, where the SWAT team had arrested his stepson for questioning about a murder-robbery. Around 3 am the ranks broke down the door of his house, causing his children to start screaming. His daughter particularly, he related, screamed when she saw the gunmen. In addition to the traumatisation of his children, he said the police assaulted him and damaged many of his household items, including two doors and a wardrobe.

Exactly why, as Mr Klass noted, the team could not have asked to see his stepson instead of damaging his property, has not been explained. Alternatively, as he also observed, they could have sent a police officer from Region Two to arrest him quietly.

The killing of Mr Boston triggered a protest action by local residents who blocked the main road, set debris as well as various objects on fire and demanded justice. Normally speaking, there is nothing like a protest in this country to concentrate the minds of the upper political echelons wonderfully, but in this instance not a word has been heard from that quarter, not even from Home Affairs Minister Robeson Benn who has been incommunicado since it happened. The police, however, responded with some dispatch, saying that the officer who shot Mr Boston was under close arrest, and that a police investigation would be undertaken by the Office of Professional Responsibility, an internal police body.

The family’s lawyers were not impressed and outlined the questions any investigation needed to ask, adverting to the “hostile position” adopted by the Police Force in “attributing to Mr. Boston acts of aggression which are contradicted by both the eyewitnesses and the independent evidence.” It was indicative of “patent defensiveness and desire to conceal the true sequence of events,” they said.

The GPF wasted no time in responding by saying: “The Guyana Police Force is assuring the relatives of Orin Boston and the general public, that the Police Force has no desire to ‘conceal the true sequence of events’, but on the contrary will be conducting a thorough, impartial and professional investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Orin Boston.”

Not everyone is persuaded: not just the family and their lawyers, but also the two segments of the opposition, as well as the WPA ‒ not forgetting of course, the residents of Dartmouth and neighbouring areas. AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan queried the use of a SWAT team in the Region Two exercise.  “SWAT is only used in situations where there is a heightened threat of violence … such as when you had the situation in Bath where police officers were being attacked … These arrests could have been done in the normal course by local detectives trained in these matters,” he said.

He was not the only one to ask why a SWAT team without a warrant was needed to search for prohibited items in the early hours of the morning. Retired Chief of Staff of the GDF Gary Best speaking at a PNCR press conference said: “If you are going to go into someone’s home, without a warrant as stated, then there is a particular section within the law that allows you to do that. Notwithstanding that, I would say based on my experience that the intelligence must be targeted and the decision to use the SWAT must come from the top brass of the Guyana Police Force.” The WPA also queried whether the objective of the exercise warranted a SWAT intervention.

But the AFC had a more disturbing claim to make, and that was that police headquarters was unaware of the deployment. As such as their statement said, this suggests political interference in the operations of the GPF. If true, it would account for the utter silence from the government, despite the fact that only recently President Irfaan Ali handed over 50 vehicles to the Force, and spoke glibly about strengthening it and issuing body-cameras among other things, to its members.

The problem for the PPP/C is that it has a bad record where interfering with the Police Force is concerned, as well as with its tolerance for extra-judicial killings by the Target Special Squad especially, which it demonstrated great reluctance to disband. Then there were the unholy alliances between elements in the police and drug squads after the 2002 prison breakout. The fears are that the new security squad which it will be setting up, ostensibly under the auspices of the army, will be another vehicle for government policing outside the purview of the senior members of the GPF.

The lawyers for the family, as well as the AFC and the WPA consider there should be an independent investigation, with Mr Khemraj Ramjattan advocating a probe led by a retired senior regional security official. Mr Best in contrast, has expressed the confidence of the PNCR in the Police Commissioner to conduct the investigation. He was quoted as saying, “[W]e ought to give them [GPF] the opportunity to conduct that investigation and based on that outcome the party will then reflect on what will be its next stages.”

While contrary to what the lawyers have claimed this may not be a case of “murder” in a technical sense, something which the Commissioner has strenuously denied, it has, prima facie at least, the hallmarks of an extra-judicial killing. If this is so, it represents an era the country would not wish to return to. If it is indeed the case that the senior hierarchy of the Force did not send the SWAT team, then a thorough investigation by the police taking all the evidence into account and identifying who dispatched the unit is not to be expected. Even if someone in the GPF did send them in – and that should have been done with the approval of Mr Hoppie – no one has any particular confidence that the truth will emerge if the police investigate themselves. If President Ali is sincere about cleaning up the Police Force, he should have no hesitation about appointing an independent investigator.

Article printed from Stabroek News:

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The GPF must be professionalised

The killing of Orin Boston by the Police has once again set Guyana on the edge of a very slippery slope. The society was already tense with the confluence of the politicised fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and political fallout of the attempted elections’ rigging of March 2020.

There are so many unexplained elements in the killing that cry out for some rational explanation that there has to be an Inquiry into the killing of Mr Boston, and one has been promised. It should not be politicised, but we know it will be. I call it “killing” at this time in the same spirit that I voted with the PNC against the PPP’s motion in 2005 that called for a COI into the “assassination” of Walter Rodney. Even though I believe the killing was a “murder” just as Rodney’s was an “assassination”, we must allow the process to take its course.

Most of the troubling facts on Mr Boston’s killing have been ventilated in the press: why was a SWAT team deployed; what information could they have on him when they first went to his sister’s house; what were the exigencies for “apprehending” him that it could not wait until daybreak, but also necessitated violating the standard “knock and announce” rule? We know there was no warrant.

Then there was the now abandoned assertion by the Police that there was a “confrontation” that precipitated the shooting. From the very terse autopsy report, we learn that ‘the cause of death was given as haemorrhage and shock due to gunshot injuries to the chest. A single warhead was extracted from the body of the deceased.” But there is that hole in the mattress on which Mr Boston was shot, evidenced by the blood on the sheets. Was a second bullet fired?

All Guyana must insist on a proper and thorough investigation of these and other questions that have arisen. From the formation of the GPF in 1839, it was not an institution to “serve and protect” the citizens of this country. It was deliberately NOT modelled on the London Metropolitan Police (the unarmed “Bobbies”), but the armed Irish Constabulary, designed to impose “law and order” on an assumed recalcitrant populace. Independence did nothing to change that orientation, and in fact, during the PNC’s 28 years, facilitated the “control state” and became even more brutal within our ethnicised politics. The Police’s Target Special Squad (TSS) or “Black Clothes”, which earned so much opprobrium, was formed by President Desmond Hoyte. In 1989, this writer was subjected to their ministrations, and saw them up close and personal.

We need not rehearse the tragic events from 1998 (not 2002, as some insist, starting with the Mash Day jailbreak) to 2008, and the role of the Police in them. Significantly, all Guyanese concluded that the GPF needed to be “professionalised”, but, sadly, we all look at it through ethnic lenses, and complain only when “our” group is facing the fire – literally.

From the beginning of our involvement in Guyana, ROAR has called for the Disciplined Forces to be professionalised. Our early calls in the late eighties were interpreted as partisan and anti-PNC, since the forces by then had been made appendages to that regime. Our calls for the forces to be professionalised by “streamlining it, decentralising it and balancing it” after the January 12th ethnic riots were again seen in that light – even though events had unfortunately unfolded in accordance with the predictions of our analysis.

Most critics focused only on the “balancing” recommendation – disregarding the wider recommendations for professionalisation – many of which have been incorporated in later official (domestic and foreign) recommendations.

Our country, like all countries, needs a Police Force, but the Police Force as presently constituted and constructed cannot satisfy that need. Each government has tried to ignore this elephant in the room – the ethnic imbalance. Those who are complaining about the present contretemps with the Police brass ignore former President Granger’s contrived “assassination plot” to mould that “brass” in his image.

In conclusion, I quote Cynthia Enloe, who studied the Guyana military within a comparative context: “…the police and military must be ethnically reconstituted at the top and the bottom. Resolution of inter-ethnic conflict will be tenuous if the security that is achieved is merely state security and not security for each of the state’s resident communities.”


Home  Hinds’ Sight

If we must die– Let it not be like Hogs

September 19, 2021

If there were any doubts that Guyana has once again become a sick place, they were washed away last Wednesday morning when the country awoke to the news that Orin Boston was shot to death in his home by members of the police SWAT team. Yet again the family of an African Guyanese man must watch their son, husband and father being gunned down by a law enforcement officer in a country where the value of Black lives is very cheap. Only in our Guyana would a search for contraband items necessitate a killing squad kicking down the door of a citizen with guns drawn in the dead of night. Only in our Guyana would the police leadership tell the nation that a sleeping man is cornered in his bedroom by a team of armed men but had enough time to reach for a gun and confront the armed invaders of his home.

I am one Guyanese who cannot take it anymore. I am done. I have watched too many African Guyanese women and children weep for their loved ones, bury their dead in rage and holler and beg for justice. Its too much for me to stomach. The very police who run away when faced with rage in another ethnic community under another government is ever ready to shoot on sight in the Black community under a PPP government. Where is the love? Where is the consideration for human right to life? I don’t care how much contraband you suspected Mr. Boston had in his home, there was no justification to kick down his door at fore-day morning and invade his home with obvious intent to harm him. This is madness.

From the shores of Africa through the Middle Passage and the Plantation to the present, Black people have had to face trigger-happy death squads of one kind or the other. We have asked God to intervene but even if he did, it is not enough to stop the shedding of our precious blood. What’s wrong with me, asks the Mighty Shadow. Where is the sweet love to be found, asks Bob Marley. And Martin Carter asks : Who comes walking in the dark night time? Whose boots of steel tramps down the slender grass? Carter answers: “It’s the man of death my love/the strange invader watching you sleep and aiming at your dream.

The dream of Orin Boston has been shot in the dead of night. Another beautiful Black life snuffed out in a land where the living stands up for “democracy” and “mandates” but sits down for Black lives—a land from which loud condemnations erupt over the name-calling of a Queen-Minister of Government, but hardly a whimper over the execution of a Black “commoner.” We cannot be sicker than that. And, in any case, where were these voices of condemnation when another MP of another race was assaulted in the halls of the National Assembly a few months ago? We live in a land where shame is unknown to many.

Dartmouth mourns in agony and rage in the open space. Their faces are “strained and anxious” to again quote from Brother Martin Carter. The businessman of another group tells them to clear the bridges so that his goods, the source of his wealth, could pass. How cold and soul-less are we? While the PNC. AFC and WPA stand with the Bostons and their community, the PPP and its gang of democrats are silent. The forked-tongued men of letters write about Obama and AFC instead of death at the hands of their beloved regime—their beloved regime. For me, there are no more tears. I am done. I invoke our Caribbean Claude McKay to speak for me and I send these words to the family and the community with much love and clenched fist in the air.

If we must die—let it not be like hogs
Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs,
Making their mock at our accursed lot.
If we must die—oh, let us nobly die,
So that our precious blood may not be shed
In vain; then even the monsters we defy
Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!
Oh, Kinsmen! We must meet the common foe;
Though far outnumbered, let us show us brave,
And for their thousand blows deal one deathblow!
What though before us lies the open grave?
Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack,
Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back

Last edited by Spugum
@Former Member posted:

The GPF must be professionalised

Yuh fren Toupee Man acting like wan bald Columbus and you like Gunga Din fetching water fuh he. Everybody know the GPF must be professionalized.

In the case of Mr Boston, the GPF top ranks were not even aware of the raid!!!! The orders came from above them. The force has now become politicized by your frens in the PPP and BLACK PEOPLE ARE BEING MURDERED IN THEIR SLEEP!

@Spugum posted:

Home  Hinds’ Sight

If we must die– Let it not be like Hogs

September 19, 2021

Dartmouth mourns in agony and rage in the open space. Their faces are “strained and anxious” to again quote from Brother Martin Carter. The businessman of another group tells them to clear the bridges so that his goods, the source of his wealth, could pass. How cold and soul-less are we?

Yep, the  Packoo on Backdam criticized the victims, accused them of "destroying infrastructure". He doesn't get it. Cold and Souless, sold his soul to peddle graphics and slime from his masters.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Yuh fren Toupee Man acting like wan bald Columbus and you like Gunga Din fetching water fuh he. Everybody know the GPF must be professionalized.

In the case of Mr Boston, the GPF top ranks were not even aware of the raid!!!! The orders came from above them. The force has now become politicized by your frens in the PPP and BLACK PEOPLE ARE BEING MURDERED IN THEIR SLEEP!

games they playing with black people's lives

red herrings all over the place - police force must be professionalised, was a second bullet fired, proper thorough investigation. all a load of bs

they already know who give the order, the reason s.w.a.t. was deployed and who kill the man. so what f'ing thorough investigation they're talking about? the police already lied! the call for an investigation is a play for time to come up with a cover story

mini-skirt-and-lipstick-blowing-kisses prostituting heself

@Former Member posted:

Yep, the  Packoo on Backdam criticized the victims, accused them of "destroying infrastructure". He doesn't get it. Cold and Souless, sold his soul to peddle graphics and slime from his masters.

they supported the mayhem on the east coast main road on 6th march 2020. and that was for politics

@Spugum posted:

they supported the mayhem on the east coast main road on 6th march 2020. and that was for politics

It's all in their racist mindset. Black people are not to be afforded the same means that they use, such as protests. A black man's home is broken into, he is pulled from his bed, shot dead in his home, no evidence of any crime on his part, and these racist Indians object to a protest! We have no right to question anything.

Last edited by Former Member

“During the APNU+AFC government’s term in office, the Guyana Police Force exhibited a high degree of professionalism. There was confidence and building of trust between “citizens and Police.” Can we say same is being demonstrated since August 2, 2020?

Who this bitch trying to fool? Guyana remain a police state whether PPP or PNC rule, policing does not change. I was in Guyana prior the August 2020 before regime change and Dem hungry belly fried rice police search my house with no search warrant, when ask, they say they were acting on intelligence that I possess unlicensed firearm.
Everyone here could also confirm when they visited [if they are honest] every few blocks traffic police would stop and ask for documents - driver license, fitness, road tax, insurance etc and would sometimes for no reason search your car. This police behavior is unique to Guyana, doesn’t exist in the neighboring countries or in the entire Caribbean.

I lived in the USA for over 30 years and in 30 days I was stopped and asked to provide drivers license more time than the entire life in the US. In the US my house or car was never searched, the only pat down i ever had in my life was by Guyana police on one of my trips on the way from the airport with family and kids sleeping in the car…some professionalism…..

@Totaram posted:

Mr. Boston was murdered by the police.  Who ordered the hit and why?

Do you think it will be justify for Ali to fired all the police involved, without an investigation in this incident?

Last edited by sachin_05
@Spugum posted:

what investigation clown?

name the killer and who gave the order

Oh rass like you ready to strung up the killer. The police said they had a confrontation with the businessman and shoot him just like the confrontation they had in March 2020 when they shot and killed theteenager. Y’all like to pretend this never happened in the past. He is in police custody, you can go shake yuh batty and lynch him without a trial…hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

Oh rass like you ready to strung up the killer. The police said they had a confrontation with the businessman and shoot him just like the confrontation they had in March 2020 when they shot and killed theteenager. Y’all like to pretend this never happened in the past. He is in police custody, you can go shake yuh batty and lynch him without a trial…hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Equating the murder of Mr. Boston with the death of the teenager during the elections unrest is diabolical.  There was no confrontation between Boston and the police.  He was asleep in his house.  The police barged in and shot him, presumably in the arm.  The teenager killed during the elections unrest had actually chopped a police officer and was in the process of attacking another.  How dare you equate the two?

@Totaram posted:

Equating the murder of Mr. Boston with the death of the teenager during the elections unrest is diabolical.  There was no confrontation between Boston and the police.  He was asleep in his house.  The police barged in and shot him, presumably in the arm.  The teenager killed during the elections unrest had actually chopped a police officer and was in the process of attacking another.  How dare you equate the two?

[Quote from article]”The Police Force had stated that around 10:30hrs its ranks from the SWAT team had shot Boston to his upper arm during a confrontation they had with him while conducting a search at his home

The police in both cases they shot and killed unarmed persons. The circumstances maybe different but in both incidents the Guyana police claim the victims were confrontational…


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