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List of 400 padded with massacre victims, bandits – Jagdeo


…calls for independent inquiry into jailbreak crime spree

People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo has debunked as fallacious a list constantly referenced in sections of the media of persons allegedly murdered under the previous Administration, but in reality, this list is padded with the names of massacre victims and persons who died of natural causes.
At his press conference on Monday, Jagdeo walked with a copy of the list to show the media. He pointed out that among the names on the list are victims who lost their lives in the Lusignan, Lindo Creek and Bartica massacres.
“They would resurrect all of the old things. So now with the resurrection of the 400 young, black men according to them, killed in the PPP era… remember, we made it clear in Parliament that we’re prepared to have a Commission of Inquiry [CoI] into the whole period, in which you can investigate the criminals, the phantom gangs, drug dealers, everyone else and their connections to political operatives on both sides.”
“We are confident,” Jagdeo continued. “We can demonstrate in any CoI that they had deep links in the [People’s National Congress] PNC. We are still waiting for the President to propose that CoI, because we support it. He went off to do Lindo Creek (CoI) and got (retired Justice Donald) Trotman and the lawyer, the Minister’s brother (Patrice Henry), to do that.”
According to Jagdeo, he wants a CoI covering the entire period from the 2002 Mash Day jailbreak to the time they were apprehended or killed. Jagdeo noted that the massacres that occurred within the time, where the criminals got their weapons from and any potential links between drug dealers and political figures should also be probed in the CoI.
“All this talk about investigating, they would only say that because they had a hand in a lot of the turmoil that took place in that period. It was political. I can show you the list. Look at all these people,” Jagdeo said, just before he brandished the list. “They were all killed… the supposed black men. Shazam Mohamed, Lusignan Massacre; Clarence Thomas, Lusignan Massacre; Ron Thomas, Vanessa Thomas, Ashraf Ally, Errol Thomas.”
“You have people of every race here. You have the “Fine Man” gang members, the Bartica Massacre people, and members of the “Fine Man” gang. “Fine Man” (Rondel Rawlins) is on the list himself. The Lindo Creek (victims). Two persons who died of heart attacks are on this list. Lieutenant Colonel D Narine died from heart attack and Tony Ross. And they’re on the list. This is a fallacy. They don’t have anything else.”
Checks on the list confirmed that it contains the names not only of victims of the massacres, as well as the infamous Rondel “Fine Man” Rawlins and Jermaine “Skinny” Charles, but it also contains the names of criminal elements who were killed in shootouts with the Police.
One documented case in the list dates way back to 1999, with the inclusion of Terry Madhoo. Madhoo, also known as “Rusty”, was reportedly part of a gang that robbed an America Street cambio, opening fire indiscriminately, in the process injuring several persons, including an off-duty Policeman. Newspaper reports are that the gang was chased by Police into a cane field on the East Bank of Demerara, during which gunfire was exchanged and Madhoo was killed.
The list is contained in a dossier that details various cases that occurred under the previous Government which the then Opposition parties and now governing coalition had wanted investigated for alleged human rights violations.
In the dossier, the joint Opposition parties of the Alliance For Change, National Front Alliance, People’s National Congress and the Working People’s Alliance all joined together in their demands for an international inquiry.
“The goal of this dossier is to establish that there is a sufficient prima facie basis to warrant further interrogation of grave human rights abuses in Guyana by an independent body cloaked with the legal authority to do this,” the dossier also states.
The dossier was released by the then Opposition in 2009. Since coming to office in 2015, however, the only steps that have been taken towards an investigation of that era is a CoI ordered by President David Granger into the Lindo Creek Massacre earlier this year.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Reminiscent of the list Mars posted about the victims of the 1960s riots.

Yeah, yuh right Stupidee Bill. During the riots of the 1960’s, the only victims were Indians and Indians did not retaliate in any way. Indians were the peaceful angels and all other races were violent savages. 

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Reminiscent of the list Mars posted about the victims of the 1960s riots.

Yeah, yuh right Stupidee Bill. During the riots of the 1960’s, the only victims were Indians and Indians did not retaliate in any way. Indians were the peaceful angels and all other races were violent savages. 

Even you would acknowledge that indos are pushovers and easy victims to exploit. 

yuji22 posted:

Jagdeo fish up the PNC clowns again.

Did he?   Those who lived in that era knew how terrifying it was. Even little old black ladies were afraid to talk politics on the phone.

APNU should in fact mount a CoI into that period so that we can see that Jagdeo was consorting with criminals who had ties to the Colombian drug cartels. We already know this based on comments made by the US authorities vis Wikileaks.

Nehru posted:

Yes they need to BUT will they JAIL themselves. There are Videos of Buxton Line Top activities.  Bring it on . And GOD BLESS brother Gajraj. He is in HEAVEN now!!!

hanging out with fayboi

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Jagdeo fish up the PNC clowns again.

Did he?   Those who lived in that era knew how terrifying it was. Even little old black ladies were afraid to talk politics on the phone.

APNU should in fact mount a CoI into that period so that we can see that Jagdeo was consorting with criminals who had ties to the Colombian drug cartels. We already know this based on comments made by the US authorities vis Wikileaks.


Dave posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Jagdeo fish up the PNC clowns again.

Did he?   Those who lived in that era knew how terrifying it was. Even little old black ladies were afraid to talk politics on the phone.

APNU should in fact mount a CoI into that period so that we can see that Jagdeo was consorting with criminals who had ties to the Colombian drug cartels. We already know this based on comments made by the US authorities vis Wikileaks.


BTW Jagdeo call on APNU to launch the COL investigation, but they are  afraid, as the investigation will lead them into places to expose their skt.

Nehru posted:

Yes they need to BUT will they JAIL themselves. There are Videos of Buxton Line Top activities.  Bring it on . And GOD BLESS brother Gajraj. He is in HEAVEN now!!!

Unfortunately the Brooklyn authors got Rangal and the pack to put pressure on the PPP before the job was done.  And we got Lusignan and Bartica as a result!

Nehru posted:

Dave, the RACIST, ILLITERATE IGNORANT PNC supporters will forever be that way!!!

That’s right Nehru, they will always be that way. 

Here is Jagdeo statement.  

Jagdeo welcomes impartial COI into 2002-2009 crime spree


Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo is not only open to a Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the crime spree that occurred under his presidency, he is in fact urging that the government launch the inquiry and uncover the political authors responsible.

Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

During a press conference on Saturday, Jagdeo called out the government on the question of the COI.

However, he noted that if this COI is to be launched, it must be with impartial and reputable adjudicators.

Jagdeo also questioned the President’s delay in launching the COI, considering the fact that a number of other COI’s were ordered.

Moreover, he noted that members of his former administration are willing to provide assistance to the inquiry.

On Friday, Minister of State Joseph Harmon hinted at Government’s intention to establish a COI to probe the circumstances of the spate of murders, which were witnessed between the period 2002-2009.

Harmon had posited that the Coroner’s Inquest Act requires an inquest be held for any unnatural death.

The Minister said those Guyanese who have lost their families during the Lusignan and Bartica massacres and other mysterious killings deserve closure.

The victims of the 2008 Lusignan Massacre

The 11 victims of the Lusignan massacre which occurred 10 years ago were yesterday remembered at an inter-faith service coordinated by the Indian Action Committee (IAC).

In the feature address, Former Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission, Bishop Juan Edghill, spoke on the strength of the Lusignan community, considering the irreconcilable damage that has been done to the community.

Edghill also said that he welcomes the COI, “the country needs to know what happened here. This country needs to know who are the intellectual authors of what transpired here. I look forward to an independent inquiry that is not directed by political influences,” he added.

Social Cohesion Minister Dr George Norton who also spoke at the event said that even though the heinous and cowardly act happened a decade ago, the terrible loss of life is still difficult to fathom. He said, however, that he admires the strength of the victims’ relatives, who are coping with an indelible loss.

On January 26, 2008, gunmen stormed into Grass Field, Lusignan, opening gunfire on sleeping residents. At the end of the 15-minute ordeal, Shazam Mohamed, Clarence Thomas, his son, Ron 11, and daughter, Vanessa 12; Mohandai Gourdat, 32, and her two children; Seegobin, four years old, and Seegopaul Harilall, 10; Shalem Baksh, 52; Rooplall Seecharan, 56, his daughter Raywattie Ramsingh, 11, and his wife, Dhanrajie, called ‘Sister’, 52 were all dead.

Those injured in the ordeal were Howard Thomas 19; Nadir Mohamed, 48, and five-year-old Roberto Thomas.

The motive of the vicious attack is still unclear; however, the actions were claimed by the notorious killer Rondell ‘Fine Man’ Rawlins, who is now dead.

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Yes they need to BUT will they JAIL themselves. There are Videos of Buxton Line Top activities.  Bring it on . And GOD BLESS brother Gajraj. He is in HEAVEN now!!!

Unfortunately the Brooklyn authors got Rangal and the pack to put pressure on the PPP before the job was done.  And we got Lusignan and Bartica as a result!

That is why Bharat and Priya was rightfully PISSED with the American PIGS!!!


Another appeal was done by Jagdeo at Parliament-5 days ago. Why iAPNU afraid to launch this COI. 

Call for comprehensive crime wave CoI taken to the National Assembly


The “fallacy” repeated by certain Ministers in the APNU+AFC Coalition Government – relative to 400 young Afro-Guyanese men having died as a result of extra-judicial killings under the former People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) government was rubbished in the National Assembly by Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo.

Wrapping up the Budget 2019 debates for the Parliamentary Opposition on Friday (December 7, 2018), Jagdeo noted that the claim about 400 young Afro-Guyanese men being killed was further distorted by Attorney General and People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Executive, Basil Williams, in no place less than the National Assembly.

“So it used to be 400…Williams now says it is 800…this is another fallacy,” he charged. Jagdeo repeated his call for a comprehensive Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the crime wave of the 2000’s – something he has called for over the last few months. In the past, the Opposition Leader has addressed the willingness of the Parliamentary Opposition to work with the APNU+AFC Coalition Government to craft the Terms of Reference (ToRs) for a comprehensive CoI and to select credible commissioners.

He charged that in this way, no political party can claim that the other is trying to secure “political mileage” from the findings of the CoI. “Let’s find out the truth,” he said, referring to the devastating incidents at Agricola, Lusignan and Bartica. Jagdeo also decried Granger’s decision to “cherry pick” incidents for investigation, as was done with the Lindo Creek CoI.

He said the comprehensive Commission of Inquiry into the crime wave should start with the escape of prisoners in 2002 and also seeks to inquire about the political players in incidents subsequent to the jailbreak, as well as seek to ascertain how army weapons ended up in the hands of criminals.

“They can also look at the role of drug dealers and whether the drug dealers had links to the government,” he had said, referring to the criticism repeated by members of the PNCled Coalition Government, regarding Roger Khan. Jagdeo added, “…it (a comprehensive CoI) is not going to happen because some of the players are now huge in the current Government.”

The Opposition Leader added that if there was a “real” CoI – a comprehensive review of the crime wave – several persons in the Coalition government, including Government Ministers, would be “really” uncomfortable.

Nehru posted:

Yes they need to BUT will they JAIL themselves. There are Videos of Buxton Line Top activities.  Bring it on . And GOD BLESS brother Gajraj. He is in HEAVEN now!!!

God bless brother Gajraj. Jagdeo and brother Gaj buss the PNC terror gang backside and rubbed pepper. 


For years caribj, d2, cain, tola, warrior, django, maars and other from the esteemed club of fetchers have made much political mileage out of the ambiguous 400 number tossed around as fact. Now that the list is available for scrutiny, these same pnc supporters run and hide. 

Drugb posted:

Notice that andragqueen post similar article with pnc perspective. Dat bai must be enjoying de berenhenna. 

You must know how enjoyable it feels since your black in laws from Newark give you a regular helping. You must really love the black baigan to desert your people and sleep with the black enemy.

Drugb posted:

For years caribj, d2, cain, tola, warrior, django, maars and other from the esteemed club of fetchers have made much political mileage out of the ambiguous 400 number tossed around as fact. Now that the list is available for scrutiny, these same pnc supporters run and hide. 

Deniers are abound on GNI, happens when ignorants don't  knows the history of the country.The Rat is God for the sheeple.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

For years caribj, d2, cain, tola, warrior, django, maars and other from the esteemed club of fetchers have made much political mileage out of the ambiguous 400 number tossed around as fact. Now that the list is available for scrutiny, these same pnc supporters run and hide. 

Deniers are abound on GNI, happens when ignorants don't  knows the history of the country.The Rat is God for the sheeple.

And Jackass Granger is good for the AFC PNC clowns. Bray Donkey, Bray.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

For years caribj, d2, cain, tola, warrior, django, maars and other from the esteemed club of fetchers have made much political mileage out of the ambiguous 400 number tossed around as fact. Now that the list is available for scrutiny, these same pnc supporters run and hide. 

Deniers are abound on GNI, happens when ignorants don't  knows the history of the country.The Rat is God for the sheeple.

And Jackass Granger is good for the AFC PNC clowns. Bray Donkey, Bray.

Who will you new Mahatma SELECT  as a puppet for 2020 ? 

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Notice that andragqueen post similar article with pnc perspective. Dat bai must be enjoying de berenhenna. 

You must know how enjoyable it feels since your black in laws from Newark give you a regular helping. You must really love the black baigan to desert your people and sleep with the black enemy.

The way you guys praise the black man penis, it sounds like his lolo must be longer than the jackass' lolo. Looks like every time they go to take a crap they need a forked stick to rest "de ting" until they are done. What you say dey Mars?

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Notice that andragqueen post similar article with pnc perspective. Dat bai must be enjoying de berenhenna. 

You must know how enjoyable it feels since your black in laws from Newark give you a regular helping. You must really love the black baigan to desert your people and sleep with the black enemy.

The way you guys praise the black man penis, it sounds like his lolo must be longer than the jackass' lolo. Looks like every time they go to take a crap they need a forked stick to rest "de ting" until they are done. What you say dey Mars?

Ask Druggie. He's the expert on Black Baigan. 

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