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Dec 17, 2017 Sports, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ash-tournament-2017/

Fernandes remains on top after surprise performance by Ince-Carvalhal

Although Friday night was a quieter affair at the Farfan and Mendes Junior Skill level Tournament due to a few cancelled scheduled matches, it was by no means lacking in excitement and thrills.

The first Category A game of the night saw the Islam twins come head to head. Although Daniel dominated the 3-0 match, brother Anthony was not willing to let him take it easily. After Anthony won the first point of the match, Daniel took the reins in flamboyant style with six straight points. Anthony countered with some well-timed, measured winners with the next three; which Daniel openly acknowledged as genius, before wrapping up the first game 11-6.
Anthony continued in steady combat increasing his points in each game, but Daniel remained in control with penetrating cross courts and straight drives that propelled him into the 11-8, 11-9 win of the second and third game. The brothers sparred easily on court with a familiarity of each other that endeared and entertained the audience.
In the other top category game, newcomer Ince-Carvalhal surprised supporters with an outstanding performance in his first game with Taylor Fernandes. He looked like a seasoned player storming ahead in the first game, winning four straight points before Fernandes took back control earning the next two. However, Ince-Carvalhal continued to hit to target and push on to secure his first game of the tournament 11-6.
Champion Fernandes meant business as she came out in the second game and after conceding the first point, quickly asserted her authority to hammer Ince-Carvalhal to an 11-2 defeat. Not letting this break him, Samuel came back to battle in the third game with a worthy performance, but he could not get much past Taylor whose perfectly timed cut offs, hard hitting and placement won the game 11-8. Not giving up, Ince-Carvalhal didn’t let go. Despite the run of 5 clear points his opponent took in the fourth game, he squeezed a point in at 6-1 and then fought for another two when 10-2 down, before succumbing to the superior player 11-4.
Abosaide Cadogan proved too much for Demetrius De Abreu in the sole category B match, her athleticism and court coverage making it difficult for Demetrius to get the upper hand. In the third game, coming from 8-0 down, it seemed as though DeAbreu may have moved up a gear with displays of thoughtful placement and great deception earning him four straight points, but Cadogan stayed the course and defeated DeAbreu 11-7, 11-5, 11-7.
Matches in the lower categories continue to show developing players. Jehan Singh secured a win against Rylee Rodrigues and especially improved Chad DeAbreu defeated Jahcinta Adams in a 3-0 victory.


Results of the matches played Friday evening were as follows.
Category A
Daniel Islam beat Anthony Islam 11-6, 11-8, 11-9
Taylor Fernandes beat Samuel Ince-Carvalhal 6-11, 11-2, 11-8, 11-4d
Category B
Abosaide Cadogan beat Demetrius DeAbreu 11-7, 11-5, 11-7
Category D
Chad DeAbreu beatJahcinta Adams 11-4, 11-8, 13-11
Dhiren Persaud beat Teija Edwards 11-5, 11-7, 5-11, 11-6.
Category E
Rayad Boyce beat Noah Rahaman 11-6, 11-2
Angel Rahim beat Grant Fernandes 8-11, 11-6, 11-5
Joshua Verwey beat Lajuan Munroe 11-7, 11-2
Category F
Leshaunte Berkley beat Brenno DaSilva 5-11, 11-9, 11-5
KaydenPynaendy beat Matthew Spooner 11-4, 11-5
Jehan Singh beat Rylee Rodrigues 11-6, 11-7
Category G
Safirah Summer beat Matthew Daby 11-3, 11-5
Jnae Singh beat AleaRuplal 11-9, 11-9


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