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Rice production and exports increased in the early 1990s under Desmond Hoyte and continued under all of the PPP Term, resulting in an expansion of cultivated areas and creating employment for approximately 150,000 people in 2015. Since then, there the industry has seen about 40,000 people exiting the industry.

Much of the money from the industry between 1991-2015 reached the rural communities, providing food security, improved access to education and improved health care services.  Guyana saw progress in many rural villages.

yuji22 posted:


You here fighting to bring in scumbag Moses and Ramjattan. Tek you Dhall with hot pepper.

Dude again you are making silly acqusations. Perhaps you would prefer those who spoke out against the PPP govt to accept all this govt is doing and not say a dam thing when they err. as those who stood by the PPP?

It is not Kishan not anyone here who will be having their dhal with hot pepper as you put it. Furthermore,what derass you got against dahl an hot pepper..dat ting does eat good.


Would you all believe that I am having shall, roti and hot pepper for breakfast this morning. Some aloo choke also.

On a serious note. I think that those who believed the promises of the coalition and are now expressing concerns should be praised instead of being criticized. They have the courage to speak up, to accept that they made a mistake. How many on this forum can truthfully say that they have never made a mistake? Furthermore, for those opposed to the present government and hope for a change , you are doing the opposition a disservice by antagonizing a possible supporter instead of welcoming back or welcoming that person to the fold.

Zed posted:

Would you all believe that I am having shall, roti and hot pepper for breakfast this morning. Some aloo choke also.

On a serious note. I think that those who believed the promises of the coalition and are now expressing concerns should be praised instead of being criticized. They have the courage to speak up, to accept that they made a mistake. How many on this forum can truthfully say that they have never made a mistake? Furthermore, for those opposed to the present government and hope for a change , you are doing the opposition a disservice by antagonizing a possible supporter instead of welcoming back or welcoming that person to the fold.

This is correct,  we should not condemn them, except those of course who continue to defend the pnc/afc and hope for the promises to be fulfilled,  Cain and Django notably.  

Many people went out on a limb to support the coalition hoping for a better day.  Of course this does not mean that their decision was incorrect as the PPP had also run out of ideas and enthusiasm at the end of their rule. 


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