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Former Member

Farook Samaroo

is not my friend,

Never was......

and would never be.


Sometime around 1998 I was with Jalil, Churchill

and at least four other GNI members

at a PPP BBQ at Joe Kanhai Back Yard,

we were all Invited.


 A Hungry lil boy

dressed in a dirty black suit

 was looking for Food

in Richmond Hill neighborhood.


He was not invited to Joe Kanhai

but was just Bumming around

for lil food and free drink.


My friend asked him what he was doing.

He said he was Hungry.

My friend called Chandra

and asked her to give this poor chap

a plate of food.


Chandra give him a full plate of Food 


after gulping the first plate....

The hungrey Belly lil boy

came asking again for more food,

and Chandra was told to give the lil boy 2 more plates.....

and allow him to eat his Belly full.


Some Guest were feeling uncomfortable

because word started to spread

that a Hungry Belly Roar Junior Jihaji Dog

 was in the yard.


I told them lets feed the parasite....

and if we Feed him well….

he will go back to sidewalk on Liberty Avenue

to his other friends. 


This poor chap had no friend there....

his only friend was the free plate of food

in front of him.


No one was entertaining the Bum

and despite his condition

some of us felt sorry for him. 


After the Food he wanted Drinks,

I told them give him in a disposable cup

that he can take with him and leave quickly.


The chap took his free drink and left

(that was what we all taught).


Farook Samaroo

is not my friend,

Never was....

and would never be.


Then word came back to us

that the Bum was in front of the yard

Dancing with the other Liberty Avenue Sagiwang

in front of Joe's yard and

they were begging the Invited guest

as they were arriving or leaving.



The Lil Boy and his entourage

  of other Drunk Sagiwang Lungeeras

did not leave until  the police would be called.


Farook Samaroo

is not my friend,

Never was ......

and would never be.





Chandra later took that lil boy

off the street of Richmond Hill,

and clean him up,

and give him a roof over his head.


May god Bless her.


She also got him a Job with Baldeo

but that story is for another time.


I do not Believe

any of Shaitan's lies.

He is not my Friend,

and he cannot be Jalil's Friend either.


Giving a Hungry Street Kid a plate of food

cannot make him a friend. 


Jalil use to cuss him up

right here on GNI

when he was pushing Baldeo on our community?


We all know that….

but he say Jalil is his Friend.


I would like Farook

to honestly tell us

when Jalil Became his Friend – 

1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,

2003, 2004, 2005,2006, 2007,

2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,

2013, 2014, or 2015?  



Let him tell us if this is not True.


Jalil never stop calling you Goatshit

and De Lil Roar Racist Jihaji ……

here on GNI.........

so which year he became your friend???

Come on Samaroo tell us,


And Jalil still calling him Goat Shit

and a Jihaji Racist

up to today.

So how is Jalil your Friend?


As the girl who took him off the street say...

He does tek Courtesy

and mek Friendship.


Farook Samaroo

is not my friend,

Never was ........

and would never be.



did good

by cleaning him up

and taking him off the street.



Introduced him

to every single clean,

decent or Important

member of the Community

he ever met.


When he came to Joe yard

he was a total stranger

and unknown lungera.




was right

to throw him out.


Dereck former PPP supporter

saved him from

some serious Jail Time.


Vishnu Mahadeo

show us Official Records

which state  Farook suffers 

from some kind of mental sickness….

.but all these story is for another time...


Farook Samaroo

is not my friend,

Never was.......

and would never be.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Farook Samaroo

is not my friend,

Never was......

and would never be.


Sometime around 1998 I was with Jalil, Churchill

and at least four other GNI members

at a PPP BBQ at Joe Kanhai Back Yard,

we were all Invited.


 A Hungry lil boy

dressed in a dirty black suit

 was looking for Food

in Richmond Hill neighborhood.


He was not invited to Joe Kanhai

but was just Bumming around

for lil food and free drink.


My friend asked him what he was doing.

He said he was Hungry.

My friend called Chandra

and asked her to give this poor chap

a plate of food.


Chandra give him a full plate of Food 


after gulping the first plate....

The hungrey Belly lil boy

came asking again for more food,

and Chandra was told to give the lil boy 2 more plates.....

and allow him to eat his Belly full.


Some Guest were feeling uncomfortable

because word started to spread

that a Hungry Belly Roar Junior Jihaji Dog

 was in the yard.


I told them lets feed the parasite....

and if we Feed him well….

he will go back to sidewalk on Liberty Avenue

to his other friends. 


This poor chap had no friend there....

his only friend was the free plate of food

in front of him.


No one was entertaining the Bum

and despite his condition

some of us felt sorry for him. 


After the Food he wanted Drinks,

I told them give him in a disposable cup

that he can take with him and leave quickly.


The chap took his free drink and left

(that was what we all taught).


Farook Samaroo

is not my friend,

Never was....

and would never be.


Then word came back to us

that the Bum was in front of the yard

Dancing with the other Liberty Avenue Sagiwang

in front of Joe's yard and

they were begging the Invited guest

as they were arriving or leaving.



The Lil Boy and his entourage

  of other Drunk Sagiwang Lungeeras

did not leave until  the police would be called.


Farook Samaroo

is not my friend,

Never was ......

and would never be.





Chandra later took that lil boy

off the street of Richmond Hill,

and clean him up,

and give him a roof over his head.


May god Bless her.


She also got him a Job with Baldeo

but that story is for another time.


I do not Believe

any of Shaitan's lies.

He is not my Friend,

and he cannot be Jalil's Friend either.


Giving a Hungry Street Kid a plate of food

cannot make him a friend. 


Jalil use to cuss him up

right here on GNI

when he was pushing Baldeo on our community?


We all know that….

but he say Jalil is his Friend.


I would like Farook

to honestly tell us

when Jalil Became his Friend – 

1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,

2003, 2004, 2005,2006, 2007,

2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,

2013, 2014, or 2015?  



Let him tell us if this is not True.


Jalil never stop calling you Goatshit

and De Lil Roar Racist Jihaji ……

here on GNI.........

so which year he became your friend???

Come on Samaroo tell us,


And Jalil still calling him Goat Shit

and a Jihaji Racist

up to today.

So how is Jalil your Friend?


As the girl who took him off the street say...

He does tek Courtesy

and mek Friendship.


Farook Samaroo

is not my friend,

Never was ........

and would never be.



did good

by cleaning him up

and taking him off the street.



Introduced him

to every single clean,

decent or Important

member of the Community

he ever met.


When he came to Joe yard

he was a total stranger

and unknown lungera.




was right

to throw him out.


Dereck former PPP supporter

saved him from

some serious Jail Time.


Vishnu Mahadeo

show us Official Records

which state  Farook suffers 

from some kind of mental sickness….

.but all these story is for another time...


Farook Samaroo

is not my friend,

Never was.......

and would never be.

is this a poem or song,and who the hell is farook samaroo,but i do know joe i think he use to play cricket 


KishanB yuh wutliss.


The Joe Kanhai in that piece is a member of a PPP group that split from the ACG. The celebration at the yard of Joe was Guyana's Independence Day - early 2000s.


Shaitaan was a young person with an interest in community matters.


So Shaits, why would I indulge in this dialog?


Were there ever, and are there important "leaders" in the Richmond Hill  community?


Kishan paints a narrative of a your Samaroo getting involved in meeting and getting to know Guyanese-Americans of Indian extraction living in the new immigrant community of Queens, New York. Obviously there was food, refreshments, dancing all after the speeches about where Guyana is and all praise to the PPP then -shortly after Cheddi's passing and Janet at the helm.


If the other stuff bothers you interrogate KishanB in a manner to avoid seeming to be affronted and concerned.

Originally Posted by Kisha










Vishnu Mahadeo

show us Official Records

which state  Farook suffers 

from some kind of mental sickness….

.but all these story is for another time...


I think you need help. You people (from both parties) are taking campaigning too all need to show some maturity...



Last edited by Former Member

I am Vishnu Mahadeo.


I never provided nor posted any remarks or records with regards to Farouk Samaroo's mental sickness.


It is not and never will be my style to post anyone's medical information in the public domain


Vish M
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Kishan


Vishnu Mahadeo

show us Official Records

which state  Farook suffers 

from some kind of mental sickness….

.but all these story is for another time...


I think you need help. You people (from both parties) are taking campaigning too all need to show some maturity...



 That banna is sicko, too much flour dust choke up his nostrils starving his cerebral of Oxygen.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Kisha










Vishnu Mahadeo

show us Official Records

which state  Farook suffers 

from some kind of mental sickness….

.but all these story is for another time...


I think you need help. You people (from both parties) are taking campaigning too all need to show some maturity...



Shitty-Shite first complaint

and caused Jalil to be Banned.


Now that Jaliil is Banned,

and not here to defend himself 


Shitty-Shite freely attacks Jalil

with some Cock and Bull story

About Jalil's Personal Business


Shitty-Shyte is Claiming

he is a Personal Friend of Jalil - Lie


Shitty-Shyte is further

claiming to know Jalil and

everything about Jalil's business

since the 90's - Another Lie


Shitty-Shite is now....Denying

 Soliciting AFC Supporters

(and was Cursed out by Jalil)

for wuk with the new govt

because he claims how hard Shitty Shite

and other Jihaji's are working for

and Promoting AFC.


Shitty-Shite is now....Denying

Soliciting AFC supporters

(and was Cursed out by Jalil)

because he wants to secure

a Overseas Guyana CG position

 claiming if it is left up to the Granger

they will give all CG's Position

to someone like CaribJ....

and Jihaji's will be left in the cold.


This is a Simple matter


Vishnu say Shitty- Shite

Suffers from some mental problems.



Farook Samaroo


is not my friend,


Never was.......


and would never be.



And as far as Every one on GNI can see

Jalil is not Shitty Shite's friend

Because Jalil has been

cursing Shitie out since in the 90's

and Calling him Goat Shit all the while


and Jalil continues to distance himself

from the Lil Dirty Jihaji Poodle who 

Show up at Joe Kanhai Party in 1998....





And According to Vishnu

The President of RHDC

Shitty Shite is a Mad Man.




Last edited by Former Member

I think I will start putting on ignore posters that add little or no value, IMO, to Gy politics. It's much better than wasting my energy reading useless posts which does not even have entertainment value...smh

Originally Posted by Vish M:

I am Vishnu Mahadeo.


I never provided nor posted any remarks or records with regards to Farouk Samaroo's mental sickness.


It is not and never will be my style to post anyone's medical information in the public domain


Mr President is he still a Madman....

or all the Bullshit and Hog Wash 

he has been saying about you is true.


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