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Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Colin P looks like he thinking bout Usain B.

When Colin P was at the White House he used to be blasting Sparrow and other Caribbean music in his office. He liked it and he didnt care who didnt.

  He is quite loud about his Jamaican origins.  Even to using the patwa that his parents used when speaking to him, and revealing that they came from a part of Jamaica so remote that he had to get a helicopter to visit his relatives.





I can tell you this though.  He openly favored affirmative action when he was in office. Spoke about how a version of it helped him and was open about the continued existence of racism and even got Bush to admit that this still remains a challenge in the USA. 


 Does Sam Hinds have the cojones to openly disagree with PPP policy?  Or worse yet talk about racism against AfroGuyanese. You already know the answer to that.




He is laughing at Colin. P.

President Bush used him as a stooge.  He tired to fool the entire world that WMD was hidden by Saddam. Billions of dollars and thousands of lives later, the world found out that Colin took them for a ride.

He was later abandoned by the Republicans and the Bush administration.


The joke is on Colin. Bush stooge and water boy.


Colin P use to blast his Sparrow songs at the Pentagon.  Sparrow's song Jean and Dinah together with Sparrow's Obeah wedding and Salt Fish.


The female white soldiers working in Colin P's office use to ask him who Jean, Dinah, Rosetta and  Clementina were.  And they use to ask him also what is so special about Salt Fish.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Somehow you had to get racism in Guyana in there! And against Afro-Guyanese. And your next question to me will be " Do you deny that there is discrimination against Afro- Guyanese?' See I can read you like a book. 

Jimmy Carter is responsible for Powell becoming a General.  Carter refused to sign the military promotions list until minorities were included in the promotion to General.  The Generals came back to Carter with Powell's name and then Carter signed the military promotions list.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Somehow you had to get racism in Guyana in there! And against Afro-Guyanese. And your next question to me will be " Do you deny that there is discrimination against Afro- Guyanese?' See I can read you like a book. 

 Traitors like  Nagamotto  Ramjattan, Tarron and Kisson make Indians look bad. these Guys make us look cheap, they sold their souls to the devil.Look at Pnc, they have all stick together, Nagamootoo and Ramjattan both wants to be president. Nagamoottoo needs to retire from politics, because he will never be a leader, he's only making himself lower and lower, afc stooge.  


granger ever become leader of Guyana, HE will kick AFC TO THE CURB.


Dem boys sehâ€ĶSam Blinds fetch peas and rice to Jamaica


Old people does seh dat there is a time and place to do things.
If you gun guh to a fancy restaurant they gun expect you to eat with knife and fork. When yuh hear de national anthem, yuh gat to stand up straight. When yuh enter a room acknowledge dem who inside.
Is just like dem politicians, when dem go to certain events dem does wear clothes that suit de occasion.
Tek Sam Blinds for instance. He gat clothes for all occasions. Dem boys see he with dashiki, khurta, dowti and he even gat clothes fuh dem Chinese function. He does even fold he hand like dem Chinee.
But is when Sam went to Jamaica this week fuh dem 50 years anniversary that dem boys realise that Sam is a special person. He is truly de ambassador fuh de Guyanese people. Imagine Sam sit down with a set a big shot like Louis Farrakhan, Colin Powell, Jacob Zuma and Portia Simpson-Miller. Dat is like sitting with royalty. You can’t get better than that.
Well de Jamaican people putting on a great show and all dem big one paying keen attention. All ah dem but one!
Guess wha Sam doing? De man tek out a plate with peas and rice with fry fish and start eating.  Farrakhan watching he sideways and turn up he nose, cause like de fish de smellin like it off. But Sam like Bharrat Ramroop, he ain’t care wha people think. If yuh see how he watching de food like is last he gun get.
Dem boys see he wid de plate and de tek he picture. It was a nice picture. It all over de internetâ€Ķpun Facebook, pun Twitter, and even pun BBM, de man now more famous than Barack.
He like de exposure.
Is de same exposure that plenty people getting now. Dem boys down in Linden block de road and dem get exposure. Dem mek even the President writing letter to de papers.
Now dem boys at Bartica join in. Yesterday, dem boys light fire pun a mud road to Potaro. How dem do datâ€Ķnobody know. Dem boys hear dem chanting ‘slow fyah, mo fyah’.
Dem protesting how de road bad. Dem had de firemen busy. As soon as dem light fire pun de road, the fireman out it. De firemen dem get bassidy running up and down.
De next place dey might protest is by De Rat and Brazzy, because everbody want pension like wha dem two getting.
Talk half and keep dreaming ‘bout a massive pension!


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