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Originally posted by Kari:
The question of fear at election time in Guyana is part of our past. There are blogs on how this continues to be the case.

This conversation is in threads that have been closed, so this is an attempt to reopen this important aspect of the Guyana experience.

Thoughts anyone?
the only time we might get some volence,is if kwame keep gunbutting people.the ppp crime family have to take away that batty boy toy
I just read this by Amral:

10) While our discussion forums does enjoy being part of a community network, there will be times when what is posted on other sites, forums or blogs should remain there. Our members should be wary of reposting contents from other sites that can be deemed as propaganda or mischievous. It is advisable to always post the source of articles.

My post on the Robeson Benn alleged words came from a news network that has a blog page as well. Ii do not know this site and who these people are - and quite frankly I couldn't be bothered. I took it as a NEWS ARTICLE not an opinion or a blog post. Further I cited the source, so sensible people can interpret it which ever way they want. Moreover I did not think I've made any post that would warrant a closure of the thread. I've quoted from the New York Times before and now I wonder if similar comments about Guyana were in a New York Times that quoted the author of the onevoicecanwin people in context, whether that thread would be closed as well.

Folks here know that I am not cavalier with my posts, and I'm chagrined that Amral closed my thread without the courtesy of an explanation ot even a private email. I have to wonder how smart we are about this. This is a "people" exercise and you have to know the characters who post, and I'm quite frankly disappointed at Amral.
Originally posted by Kari:
I just read this by Amral:

10) While our discussion forums does enjoy being part of a community network, there will be times when what is posted on other sites, forums or blogs should remain there. Our members should be wary of reposting contents from other sites that can be deemed as propaganda or mischievous. It is advisable to always post the source of articles.


Does not apply to the PPP posters or the PPP paid bloggers.
Indian people in Guyana know all the tricks the PNC plays during elections season. They are not fools. They know if the APNU gets back into office they will re-establish a tyrannical state in which Indos will become servants once again. They know APNUites will steal and party out everything in the treasury. They know APNU will encourage criminal activities since it affects mostly Indos and their businesses.

Ramjattan and Moses cannot pursuade the free to leave Israel for Egypt. We been there and we will not return. Mad
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Indian people in Guyana know all the tricks the PNC plays during elections season. Mad

They also know the PPPs tricks. So tired of both of these dinsaurs they will vote AFC. This is the only way to end this 55 year old war. Put the two monsters to sleep PERMANENTLY. So this silly game where they each blame one another for violence can stop. We know BOTH are violent.

BRG Indians also know that crime under the PPP ha sbene WORSE than it wa sunder the PNC. So if the PNC is to blame the PPP refuse sto stop them.

You know why/ Its because the PPP has now recruited all the PNC hooligans so can ill afford to arrest them.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Indian people in Guyana know all the tricks the PNC plays during elections season. They are not fools. They know if the APNU gets back into office they will re-establish a tyrannical state in which Indos will become servants once again. They know APNUites will steal and party out everything in the treasury. They know APNU will encourage criminal activities since it affects mostly Indos and their businesses.

Ramjattan and Moses cannot pursuade the free to leave Israel for Egypt. We been there and we will not return. Mad

G'wan suh, vile bigot.

You've already been EXPOSED . . .
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Indian people in Guyana know all the tricks the PNC plays during elections season. Mad

They also know the PPPs tricks. So tired of both of these dinsaurs they will vote AFC. This is the only way to end this 55 year old war. Put the two monsters to sleep PERMANENTLY. So this silly game where they each blame one another for violence can stop. We know BOTH are violent.

The last elections results show many Guyanese got tired of the PNC and thus threw their votes to AFC. The PPP increased its support. We can conclude the PPP is better standing with the Guyanese people
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Indian people in Guyana know all the tricks the PNC plays during elections season. They are not fools. They know if the APNU gets back into office they will re-establish a tyrannical state in which Indos will become servants once again. They know APNUites will steal and party out everything in the treasury. They know APNU will encourage criminal activities since it affects mostly Indos and their businesses.

Ramjattan and Moses cannot pursuade the free to leave Israel for Egypt. We been there and we will not return. Mad
sorry people as a indian,this fool is not speaking for all the indians in guyana.the ppp government create the most crime in guyana. hoyte is the only president that bring back the hanging
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Indian people in Guyana know all the tricks the PNC plays during elections season. They are not fools. They know if the APNU gets back into office they will re-establish a tyrannical state in which Indos will become servants once again. They know APNUites will steal and party out everything in the treasury. They know APNU will encourage criminal activities since it affects mostly Indos and their businesses.

Ramjattan and Moses cannot pursuade the free to leave Israel for Egypt. We been there and we will not return. Mad

G'wan suh, vile bigot.

You've already been EXPOSED . . .

Those who tried to deny the fact that Indians were reduced to second class citizens under the PNC does not deserve my vote. They must come straight and come clean. Don't come tell they were Indians in the pNC cabinet. That does not mean they did not suppress Indo population.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Those who tried to deny the fact that Indians were reduced to second class citizens under the PNC does not deserve my vote. They must come straight and come clean. Don't come tell they were Indians in the pNC cabinet. That does not mean they did not suppress Indo population.

You take me for a damn FOOL . . . trying to divert into some obscure debate about PNC crimes.

Look bai, don't let me re-post your garbage and embarrass you all over again, OK?

Try that lame shyte with SupaM, BGurd, Rama, Nehru, and the other PPP ignars on GNI.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Under Hoyte you could not get toilet paper or water to you know what??? Hoyte rigged elections and that was okay with you guys. You did not call it dictatorship but see if fitting to call an elected PPP gov't fascist and dictatorial. Shameless people with no class.
i was fighting the pnc just like you.but the jagan government is different than the jagdeo a human being you must know when good turn to bad.and if you still want to support every body life they will come to a cross road,and they have to make a choice do they take the hight road or they go with the flow
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Under Hoyte you could not get toilet paper or water to you know what??? .

Hoyte made changes and life improved. Thanks to him the communist Jagans couldnt turn Guyana into another Castroite Cuba.

Now thank Hoyte and apologize. Had he not done what he did you still wouldnt have had toilet paper because the certainly dont have that in Cuba.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
. Don't come tell they were Indians in the pNC cabinet. That does not mean they did not suppress Indo population.

There were more Indos under Burnham in meaningful positions than they are blacks under Jagdeo.

So that makes Jagdeo even more racist against blacks than Burnham was against Indians.
This will be one of the most peaceful elections.
The AFC promised to accept the election results.
The APNU - same

Many Guyanese don't even vote, not caring about their political landscape. Every party - PPP, PNC, AFC - struggle to keep their party strong.

Young people need to get more involved, but they prefer to sit with a beer bottle or rum glass and grin about something foolish.

Let us hope the wise ones will go out and vote.

On the morning after election, everyone will be back to normal.

And the PPP/C will continue to bring Guyana closer to modernity... - expansion, growth, alliances with South American neighbours, flourish and prosper.

Hoyte was a passionate socialist like his predecessor LFS. He presided over the nationalization of foreign properties in Guyana and the transformation of the economy to a highly planned in the seventies. The leftist Burnham constitution was written by Shahabudeen and Hoyte. The little cosmetic changes he made in the late eighties became absolutely necessary because the nation was completely bankrupted. He resisted electoral reforms. Why should I be thankful to a man was part and parcel of dictatorship and even when given the opportunity to reform the economy and the gov't he did to a limit to avoid free elections and control by his party??

There is nothing in the 1957-1964 period to suggest the Jagans were going to rule dictatorially and suppressed Guyanese like the Castro gov't in Cuba. American paranoia was at its zenith and that's what ushered in era exactly opposite what the Americans did not want. BBC's Mike Thompson documentary on Guyana a year ago proved this point. He said the Americans ended up with a worse leftwing leader in LFS than in CBJ. CBJ always insisted on democracy. Moses and Ramjattan are saying this at every meeting in the PPP strongholds.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Hoyte was a passionate socialist like his predecessor LFS. He presided over the nationalization of foreign properties in Guyana and the transformation of the economy to a highly planned in the seventies. The leftist Burnham constitution was written by Shahabudeen and Hoyte. The little cosmetic changes he made in the late eighties became absolutely necessary because the nation was completely bankrupted. He resisted electoral reforms. Why should I be thankful to a man was part and parcel of dictatorship and even when given the opportunity to reform the economy and the gov't he did to a limit to avoid free elections and control by his party??

There is nothing in the 1957-1964 period to suggest the Jagans were going to rule dictatorially and suppressed Guyanese like the Castro gov't in Cuba. American paranoia was at its zenith and that's what ushered in era exactly opposite what the Americans did not want. BBC's Mike Thompson documentary on Guyana a year ago proved this point. He said the Americans ended up with a worse leftwing leader in LFS than in CBJ. CBJ always insisted on democracy. Moses and Ramjattan are saying this at every meeting in the PPP strongholds.

AS a younster attending PYO meetings all they ever heard from PPP elites were praises for places like Cuba and Russia, and they use to have us chanting 'down with the imperilist' at every event.
The Cheddy I knew was a staunch communist, I remember Cheddy himself at one of the meetings saying the nationalization program was his plans that Burnham stole.
His dreams to take back the country from the imperilist[his words] would not have been any different from Burnham. The Americans actually save him from the disgrace of ending up with a country like today's Cuba...
Originally posted by Kari:
The question of fear at election time in Guyana is part of our past. There are blogs on how this continues to be the case.

This conversation is in threads that have been closed, so this is an attempt to reopen this important aspect of the Guyana experience.

Thoughts anyone?

It's the fear of violence erupting.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Hoyte was a passionate socialist like his predecessor LFS..

Cheddi Jagan was a Marxist Leninist who admired Fidel castro and who was a loyal servant of the Kremlin. His dutty rag (the Mirror) used to gloat with admiration about teh exploits of teh USSR in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Fidel catsro trained PYO thugs in the early 60s to go beat up black people, and also provided the PPP with weapons....the infamous guns dropping off a boat from Cuba which was supposed to take Guyana rice back there.

In fact until around five years ago the PPP website boasted that the PPP was a Marxist Leninist party). Now what ideology was taught at that PPP school of propaganda?

The liberalization of the economy came under Hoyte. Not Jagan. This to the chagrin of the Burnhamite factions, led by Viola Burnham and others. The encouragement of foreign investment came under Hoyte not Jagan.

Jagan was forced to continue Hoyte's policies and was unable to reinstate those of Burnham.

It was Jagan who constructively supported Burnham when he began to nationalize the economny and discourage the private sector.

Jagdeo is way more socialist than Hoyte ever was. He hates Hoyte with a passion because of this.

Hoyte could have done like Burnham. Rig. He refused to, enraging Hammie Green he sent his thugs through Gtwn....many of these thugs now with the PPP.

So if Jagdeo gets fewer votes than he wants (48%) will he run the House of Israel through gtwn, and then pretend that its the PNC?

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