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Feasibility study of new Demerara River Bridge completed -best site close to existing bridge -design soon to be unveiledPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Mark Bradford   
Sunday, 06 January 2013 21:12

A feasibility study into the construction of a new Demerara River Bridge has been completed and It has been determined that the best site is close to the existing bridge. Design of the

infrastructure will soon be unveiled.


Mr. Robeson Benn M.P Minister of Public Works

This was disclosed at the end of year press conference hosted by the Ministry of Public Works and Communications last Friday.
General Manager of Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation (DHBC), Mr. Rawlston Adams in his presentation to the media said that his department has seen significant increases during the concluded period in revenue and traffic flow and in 2013 will be working on a number of projects to improve the service at this department.
He revealed that the total income as at December 2011 was $421,708,213 and at December 2012 the total was $432,081,521 with a difference of $10,373,308 referring to 2.5 %.Total expenditure saw in 2011, $348,534,640 as in 2012 $346,978,971 a difference of $-1,555,669 a 0.4 % difference as the surplus in 2011 was $73,173,573 and in 2012 $85,102,550 with $11,928,977 a 16.3% profit.
Capitol revenue in 2012 $270,000,000 as the expenditure saw $268,290,000 giving a balance of $1,710,000.
The capital works programme for the period concluded saw works in the following areas, fabrication of buoys, servicing of pontoons, rehabilitation of cluster piles for retractor/acceptor spans (Collision Protection), fabrication of end posts and supply of wire ropes totaling $268,290,000.

Mr. Rawlston Adams, General Manager, Demerara Harbour Bridge

Vehicular traffic in 2011 totaled 2,758,816 as in the period concluded 2012 2,925,818 a difference of 167,002, 6.5 % increase with a daily average of 8,010.
The facility saw an average retractor time in 2011 in 25.6 hrs as in 2012 25.7 hours.
Public Works Minister Robeson Benn has indicated that 2012 was a year of mixed results for that Ministry, and it has seen a new operational model in executing the various tasks under its departments.

He made this disclosure at the year-end review of the Public Works Ministry’s performance, at his Wright’s Lane, Kingston, Georgetown office on Friday in the presence of Permanent Secretary Mr. Balraj Balram; Director General of the Maritime Administration Department, Mrs. Claudette Rogers; General Manager of the Transport & Harbours Department, Ms. Marcelene Merchant; Technical Advisor to the

Demerara Harbour Bridge

Minister, Mr. Walter Willis; General Manager of Demerara Harbour Bridge, Mr. Rawlston Adams; Director of the Civil Aviation Authority, Mr. Zulphkar Mohammed; Chief Executive Officer of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Corporation, Mr. Ramesh Geer; and Head of the Works Services Group, Mr. Jeffery Vaughn.
These various heads each gave a detailed report of their department’s performance during 2012 and announced their 2013 projection to the media.
Balram gave a detailed outline of the Ministryβ€˜s expenditure for the year just concluded, and explained to the media the spending done in the related areas and how much work has been completed in the various sectors.

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