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Was reading an article where a record number of workers are forced to tap into their retirement plans for hardship withdrawals to put bread on the table.  Always thought Gov’t jobs were ‘a piece of cake’ not so sure anymore.  And to make it worse it ‘s happening in supposedly the best country. 



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alena06 posted:

Was reading an article where a record number of workers are forced to tap into their retirement plans for hardship withdrawals to put bread on the table.  Always thought Gov’t jobs were ‘a piece of cake’ not so sure anymore.  And to make it worse it ‘s happening in supposedly the best country. 



Federal jobs are secure jobs. What is happening here is quite unusual. Everyone around me works in this arena.

'I my neighbors are in their mid fifties and plan to retire next year and go traveling. They did quite well but are building a home in Syracuse for retirement. Their budget will be exceeded if this  goes on longer they will have to dig into retirement 

And this is the best country. Where else can you go into a supermarket and see fifty flavors of ice cream or plan a dinner from cuisine of any culture right there?


$ 5 Billion is chick peas for the US. Give him the bloody $ 5 Billion and let Americans get back to work. I predict that despite Trump being an idiot on this matter, it will backfire on the Dems.

Trump is taking the stranglehold approach on this issue and might end up winning on it.

Wealthy Coroprate America does not seemed too concerned at this point and as such the Republicans are dragging their feet.

Last edited by Former Member

That’s his style of bullying Americans. Instead of fighting him on the wall, the Dems should focus in fighting him in 2020. Some battles are better left alone and walking away. Politics is about picking the right battles like how Jagdeo bussed the PNC balls. The Dems better focus on 2020 starting now.

Last edited by Former Member

Trump's doing just fine.  This is a crisis brought on by the Democrats. They are squandering an historic opportunity to trade the $5 bil for a DACA fix.  Half of the $5 bil will go for things the Dem would have done anyway.  DACA is worth much more than $2.5 Bil

There is a Guyanese woman in NJ working for the TSA at EWR.  She could care less, she goes to work everyday and said the money will come.  She building a house in Guyana to spend Winters upon retirement next year.  The house has been put on hold until her paychecks start flowing again.  So Guyanese construction workers have lost their jobs, blame it on Nancy and Chuck!

Nehru posted:

Look how smart the Orange Orangutan is, the Federal workers will receive OVER % BILLION for NOT WORKING.

No, if they don't go to work, no pay.  Back-Pay only goes to those who still go to work!

Nehru posted:

Not true. Some departments are closed, they cannot enter.

People deemed essential will have to go to work. Like one of Trump's guy said that the people who don't go to work and are not considered essential can think of this shut down as a vacation. In the meantime, while on vacation they are selling their belongings to make a living. What a cunny!



Another caravan with 1,700 men, women and children are on its way to the U.S. border. The Democrats should stand with a welcome sign and welcome them to the land of the free and give then food, shelter, and clothing. Please note that these caravans are accompanied by activists who are Democrats that determined to test the will of Trump. This is a nasty game to encourage people to leave their homes and go on an uncertain journey where illness and death follows. 


Trump is in for the long hall.  I just saw a flash that he may lift the tariffs on China to take that pressure away.  But he might be buckling down on the Shut Down.

Trump ain't going to roll over!  His base is rock solid!

Prince posted:

Another caravan with 1,700 men, women and children are on its way to the U.S. border. The Democrats should stand with a welcome sign and welcome them to the land of the free and give then food, shelter, and clothing. Please note that these caravans are accompanied by activists who are Democrats that determined to test the will of Trump. This is a nasty game to encourage people to leave their homes and go on an uncertain journey where illness and death follows. 

If was not for the Democrats you would have still been in Guyana sell fish. Canada will be taking in ONE million immigrants, you and Trumpie scared of 1700 BROWN people.

It show to what extent people will do to get to a safe country. Don't forget many Guyanese came "Back Track", I heard of tale of some risk their lives and paid thousands of hard earned dollars to escape Burnham Days.

kp posted:
Prince posted:

Another caravan with 1,700 men, women and children are on its way to the U.S. border. The Democrats should stand with a welcome sign and welcome them to the land of the free and give then food, shelter, and clothing. Please note that these caravans are accompanied by activists who are Democrats that determined to test the will of Trump. This is a nasty game to encourage people to leave their homes and go on an uncertain journey where illness and death follows. 

If was not for the Democrats you would have still been in Guyana sell fish. Canada will be taking in ONE million immigrants, you and Trumpie scared of 1700 BROWN people.

It show to what extent people will do to get to a safe country. Don't forget many Guyanese came "Back Track", I heard of tale of some risk their lives and paid thousands of hard earned dollars to escape Burnham Days.

Hey you bumba-claat, go pusser-pusser with yuji or smoke some dope or kill you self. I don't need ignorant men to follow me around.  

kp posted:
Prince posted:

Another caravan with 1,700 men, women and children are on its way to the U.S. border. The Democrats should stand with a welcome sign and welcome them to the land of the free and give then food, shelter, and clothing. Please note that these caravans are accompanied by activists who are Democrats that determined to test the will of Trump. This is a nasty game to encourage people to leave their homes and go on an uncertain journey where illness and death follows. 

If was not for the Democrats you would have still been in Guyana sell fish. Canada will be taking in ONE million immigrants, you and Trumpie scared of 1700 BROWN people.

It show to what extent people will do to get to a safe country. Don't forget many Guyanese came "Back Track", I heard of tale of some risk their lives and paid thousands of hard earned dollars to escape Burnham Days.

Who came illegal, that's them.  It's not Trump, since prior the rules were hardened.  Trump made it mainstream!  If you come illegal, you should be deported!

Baseman posted:

Trump is in for the long hall.  I just saw a flash that he may lift the tariffs on China to take that pressure away.  But he might be buckling down on the Shut Down.

Trump ain't going to roll over!  His base is rock solid!

Just wait and see when his base does not receive their food stamps. Don't underestimate Big Mamma Nancy, she will do what Melania can't do to the Donald, whip his ass.

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:

Another caravan with 1,700 men, women and children are on its way to the U.S. border. The Democrats should stand with a welcome sign and welcome them to the land of the free and give then food, shelter, and clothing. Please note that these caravans are accompanied by activists who are Democrats that determined to test the will of Trump. This is a nasty game to encourage people to leave their homes and go on an uncertain journey where illness and death follows. 

If was not for the Democrats you would have still been in Guyana sell fish. Canada will be taking in ONE million immigrants, you and Trumpie scared of 1700 BROWN people.

It show to what extent people will do to get to a safe country. Don't forget many Guyanese came "Back Track", I heard of tale of some risk their lives and paid thousands of hard earned dollars to escape Burnham Days.

Who came illegal, that's them.  It's not Trump, since prior the rules were hardened.  Trump made it mainstream!  If you come illegal, you should be deported!

Any bet you came when the Democrats were in government, speak the truth.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:

Another caravan with 1,700 men, women and children are on its way to the U.S. border. The Democrats should stand with a welcome sign and welcome them to the land of the free and give then food, shelter, and clothing. Please note that these caravans are accompanied by activists who are Democrats that determined to test the will of Trump. This is a nasty game to encourage people to leave their homes and go on an uncertain journey where illness and death follows. 

If was not for the Democrats you would have still been in Guyana sell fish. Canada will be taking in ONE million immigrants, you and Trumpie scared of 1700 BROWN people.

It show to what extent people will do to get to a safe country. Don't forget many Guyanese came "Back Track", I heard of tale of some risk their lives and paid thousands of hard earned dollars to escape Burnham Days.

Who came illegal, that's them.  It's not Trump, since prior the rules were hardened.  Trump made it mainstream!  If you come illegal, you should be deported!

Any bet you came when the Democrats were in government, speak the truth.

I arrived here when the great Ronald R was prezzy.  But that's irrelevant.

I doubt the Democrats wanted illegals to flood the country.  It's just a political football now.  However, they need a resolution for DACA and a hardening of the border!

Prince posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:

Another caravan with 1,700 men, women and children are on its way to the U.S. border. The Democrats should stand with a welcome sign and welcome them to the land of the free and give then food, shelter, and clothing. Please note that these caravans are accompanied by activists who are Democrats that determined to test the will of Trump. This is a nasty game to encourage people to leave their homes and go on an uncertain journey where illness and death follows. 

If was not for the Democrats you would have still been in Guyana sell fish. Canada will be taking in ONE million immigrants, you and Trumpie scared of 1700 BROWN people.

It show to what extent people will do to get to a safe country. Don't forget many Guyanese came "Back Track", I heard of tale of some risk their lives and paid thousands of hard earned dollars to escape Burnham Days.

Hey you bumba-claat, go pusser-pusser with yuji or smoke some dope or kill you self. I don't need ignorant men to follow me around.  

You Gay to rass,Princess , you need a strong MAN , agreed, I am not your type, I don't play that game. What does you shingle read, Looking for MAN. Did you ever think of jumping out of the window, that's your best contribution in life,

Prince posted:

KP is the pusser-pusser type to sneak and peek into people's business. He is the likes of yuji and other non-essential pricks.

Princess if you want to play "hide and Seek" don't come to GNI, I now see you mentioned "Pricks" maybe is that what you are looking for, EH.

Prince posted:

Another caravan with 1,700 men, women and children are on its way to the U.S. border. The Democrats should stand with a welcome sign and welcome them to the land of the free and give then food, shelter, and clothing. Please note that these caravans are accompanied by activists who are Democrats that determined to test the will of Trump. This is a nasty game to encourage people to leave their homes and go on an uncertain journey where illness and death follows. 

We hear you Princess Anne Coulter.


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