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Amral posted:

Trumpmania is sweeping across all of America    i guess like Moses, Trump will be the deliverer Lol 

What exactly is this Trumpmania?

The guy has a ceiling of 40% of the voters and he's in an uphill battle to whittle away Hillary's large lead and has succeeded in some ways, but he has a far way to go.

Is he in the lead on the national averages of polls? Is he in the lead in the States average of polls where the election matters?

Trumpmania??? Grab hold of your senses, or at least show the proof. He's had this media coverage since the damn birther thing.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Amral posted:

By the way how many of you on GNI are eligible to vote? 

Good question.  When you come back track you can't vote.

The more you open your mouth the greater the concept of that QC can produce glorified twits come to focus. I know a hundred guyanese or so that came back track and are now American citizens. It think the stat is on line somewhere about those who took advantage of the amnesty provisions afforded them.

Amral posted:

Trumpmania is sweeping across all of America    i guess like Moses, Trump will be the deliverer Lol 

Many of Hillary supporters are shaking in their boots ring now. The mood across America is one of change, Americans are fed up with old school politicians.

The angry and silent white votes are now out voting for Trump. African Americans did not improve their lives under Obama so a large number of them will stay home.

Trump needs to get a team of lawyers ready since there may be rigging happening. He needs to be prepared.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Amral posted:

Trumpmania is sweeping across all of America    i guess like Moses, Trump will be the deliverer Lol 

Many of Hillary supporters are shaking in their boots ring now. The mood across America is one of change, Americans are fed up with old school politicians.

The angry and silent white votes are now out voting for Trump. African Americans did not improve their lives under Obama so a large number of them will stay home.

Trump needs to get a team of lawyers ready since there may be rigging happening. He needs to be prepared.

Man you are a jackass. Talk about what you know. No one is panicking on the Hillary side since they have the better ground game and the better metrics and are practiced in executing election day GOTV. As in any election there is the excitement but no one is in panic mode.


The possibility of rigging is not only remote it is not considered except among nutcases like you and some trump supporters because he use the term with a broad scope.


There is no silent Trump vote and the reality is trump will lose.

yuji22 posted:
Amral posted:

By the way how many of you on GNI are eligible to vote? 

My US relatives are voting, so they are representing my support for Trump.

Most are now supporting Trump, they were originally Hillary supporters but were disgusted at Hillary's crookery.

I guess stupidity does has a genetic component!

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Amral posted:

By the way how many of you on GNI are eligible to vote? 

Good question.  When you come back track you can't vote.

The more you open your mouth the greater the concept of that QC can produce glorified twits come to focus. I know a hundred guyanese or so that came back track and are now American citizens. It think the stat is on line somewhere about those who took advantage of the amnesty provisions afforded them.

True, with Trump the days of breaking the law and being rewarded will come to an end.  I agree that some do convert to very worthwhile citizens but I believe they would have been able to come legally anyway.  Regardless how they turn out, breaking the law is not the means to an end!

yuji22 posted:
Amral posted:

Trumpmania is sweeping across all of America    i guess like Moses, Trump will be the deliverer Lol 

Many of Hillary supporters are shaking in their boots ring now. The mood across America is one of change, Americans are fed up with old school politicians.

The angry and silent white votes are now out voting for Trump. African Americans did not improve their lives under Obama so a large number of them will stay home.

Trump needs to get a team of lawyers ready since there may be rigging happening. He needs to be prepared.

Utter rubbish.

1. The results can be contested ONLY when the difference is about 0.5 to 1.0 percent; like the results in 2000 for Florida which was revisited.

2. Those responsible for the election make their announcements after the results are verified; within the same evening after the election.

ba$eman posted:

As Trump experiences momentum, Hillary experiences inertia.

Lying to yourself wont help. He already lost NV since the numbers in means he has to win by 10 points and over on election. Black vote count is picking up in NC as the GOTV machine is cranked up. Pennsylvania is out of his grasp, Florida is slipping and New Hampshire is for the taking.

ba$eman posted:

As Trump experiences momentum, Hillary experiences inertia.

Hillary is bringing out the kitchen sink. President Obama, Michelle, Berine, Lewd,  Vulgar and Cuss Bird singers etc because she cannot draw the large crowds like Trump.

It is a sign of desperation. Every vote counts for both Trump and Hillary.

She still has the edge but you never know what is in the minds of voters.

Great to see democracy in action, shame on those who are cussing down the other side and calling them swines etc.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

It will be closer then people expected 10 days ago.  She is in a stronger position but it could still go the other way!

It will be close. The entire world is hoping that Americans will be sane. Look at Trump, and ask themselves whether this is the image that they wish the world to see of this great nation.

Let us hope on Tuesday sense prevails and the voters see the media obsession with emails as their lazy refusal to do real work.

yuji22 posted:
ba$eman posted:

As Trump experiences momentum, Hillary experiences inertia.

Lewd,  Vulgar and Cuss Bird

Really. I didn't think that Trump, who has used the "F" word and the "MF" word at his hatefests was planning to attend one of these rallies.

I can well imagine President Trump at the inauguration if this country makes a mistake.

Honored guests will be Putin and David Duke, Trump will threaten to arrest any one who says anything ill of him. He will announce Trump TV and announce that this will be the only media outlet allowed.  He will promptly declare war on Mexico and China. France too if those "Frenchies" say anything bad about him.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

How you know what Trump will do?

Trump is so obvious that Hillary baited him at the debates and he fell for it.

But for the fact that the FBI are a hornets nest of GOP operatives Trump would have been too terrified that he would lose GA.

But the lazy media have spent the last week obsessing on emailgate because it takes too much work for them to research the scandal of Trump's failed business empire.  In fact his financial statements reveal that his empire has serious cash flow problems. No wonder he is begging the Russian oligarchs to bail him out.


The mood is that Americans are confused and stupid.  They heard what Donald Trump said on TV and in the Primaries.  Now he is saying the opposite to win votes and Americans are falling for it.  

Republicans are now joining Donald trump because they actually believe that the Don has changed. After the election, The Don will join Bob Dole, McCain and Mit Rumney on the side lines.

Ramakant-P posted:

The mood is that Americans are confused and stupid.  They heard what Donald Trump said on TV and in the Primaries.  Now he is saying the opposite to win votes and Americans are falling for it.  

Republicans are now joining Donald trump because they actually believe that the Don has changed. After the election, The Don will join Bob Dole, McCain and Mit Rumney on the side lines.

Americans are no more stupid than you are stupid for following the PPP crooks. There is deep fear in the community about their future and they have been sold a bill of goods by the republicans with their trickle down theory of economics. Obama's economic resurgence has not reached these pockets of despair because the GOP would not support his infrastructure development plan. These people feel they are left behind and the easy reach is this loud mouthed demagogue with lots of promises with no plan.

yuji22 posted:

Think well before you cast your vote. Vote for change, Vote Trump.

yuji22 posted:

Think well before you cast your vote. Vote for change, Vote Trump.

Hillary is corrupt. End the corruption by voting Trump.

I agree with you. Trump is a very decent, honest and hardworking man .... just ask those women who he had contact with over the years ...... 

ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:

Trump has also lost Mormon Utah - one usually safe State in the Republican column.

No, he will win comfortable.  But that Mc Mullen guy could com ina heah of Hillary!

He will win UT. He isn't winning NV, and the likelihood of a PA surprise is over now that Comey has admitted that there is no evidence of illegal behavior.

So Hillary was careless, and has learned a serious lesson.

Trump is dangerous and will not be allowed to become president now that Americans will go to the polls knowing that a flawed and careless president is better than one who is Putin's disciple. 

Trump admires Putin, Saddam and Qaddafy.  I don't think that Americans want this.

yuji22 posted:

Think well before you cast your vote. Vote for change, Vote Trump.

Hillary is corrupt. End the corruption by voting Trump.

Yes change to a totalitarian state led by a thin skinned tyrant.

Now the media will spend the remaining days saying that the email scandal is over. This is all they will talk about and this is what will be on the voters minds as they go to the polls.

Yuji thanks for your bombshell that you boasted would land.

GOOD for Hillary.

And the thing is Trump isn't given you a job on Trump TV. You have the wrong accent and are too dark.


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