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Former Member

Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee yesterday stated that former Commissioner of Police, Winston Felix still has in his possession  Government’s property in the form of a radio that is tuned into the police frequency.

He said that Felix is not  authorised to have the equipment, according to the Government Information Agency.

Rohee indicated thatnecessary actions will be taken against Felix should he refuse to return the equipment and continue to tap into Government’s operations.

The Minister made this disclosure while he was speaking at a community policing workshop yesterday morning.

During Friday’s debate on the budget, Felix had referred to the contents of a radio conversation where he said Rohee was issuing instructions to the police.


Excerpts from the Stabroeknews

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The radio is used to keep the criminals abreast of police activity.  There is no way that Felix will return it, the APNU/AFC criminal enterprise would crumble if he did. hahahaha


Rohee should ask the Commissioner of Police (ag) to charge Felix with stealing the radio. He, (Rohee) know that this thiefman has taxpayers property for so long and he kept it quiet. Wasn't it this same thiefman who arranged with the PNC henchmen to plant drugs on a woman who was flying out of the country? Maybe he(Rohee) should also be charged by the Police for being accessory to a crime. What else does he know that he is quiet about. You just can't trust Clement Rohee. What else you hiding Clementine?


Retaining  sensitive security  equipment  six years  after  demitting  office and  the Home Affair Minister  is  aware of  this  along and  did  nothing!  Rohee  should  be  banished for  life to Monkey  Mountain where  he  &  Green can scrounge  for  dung  beetles and  keep each  other company.

Originally Posted by God:

When are those PPP tiefmen Bar Rat and Rumouthar going to return all the loot they stole from the Guyanese people?

God, nah you mek dem. What you complaining about.




Felix challenges Rohee to find radio set in his possession




- Invites those making claims to conduct search
A Partner for National Unity Parliamentarian and former Commissioner of Police, Winston Felix, has refuted claims by Home Affair Minister Clement Rohee that he is in possession of a radio set owned by the Guyana Police Force.
The Government Information Agency (GINA) quoted Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, on Saturday as saying that Felix, who retired as police chief almost six years ago, is still in possession of the communications equipment issued to him by the force.
Rohee said that the former Police Commissioner is using the equipment which is still tuned into the police frequency to tap into police secrets.

An angered Felix making a point to Home Affairs Clement Rohee at Parliament yesterday.

Rohee said the former top cop is not authorized to have the equipment and should return it immediately or face the full force of the law.
However, yesterday in an invited comment on the issue Felix said he was never in possession of any radio belonging to the police Force.
“I want whoever gave me the radio to come forward and whoever wants to search let them come and search”.
The former top cop went on to explain that he does not have the necessary antenna which is needed to operate the radio set. He said the antenna attached to his home is for domestic use.
He added that he will at anytime welcome a search by anyone who believes that he is in possession of a radio.
However, Rohee said that he does not believe Felix’s story about him overhearing a conversation on a radio set while he was standing next to a police rank.
“I want to believe that he may be in possession and if he is in possession he should hand it over. If he does not we will find other means of getting him to hand it over”.
The Home Affairs Minister added that he would like the former top cop to cooperate as he would rather Felix to willingly hand over the radio set.
Responding to question of a possible search on Felix’s property for the radio set, Rohee said he would not want to go down that road and would try his best to avoid that option. “I want to avoid a search and see how best we can resolve this issue.”
According to Felix, he is of the opinion that the allegation comes in light of his budget presentation last week where he stated that the Minister was interfering in police matters. He further questioned the fact why after five years of him leaving the force that such an allegation would be made.
This issue was a topic for discussion yesterday in Parliament as it saw both Rohee and Felix exchanging heated words while Parliament took a recess due to heavy heckling.


A lot of double standards posting in this post. Felix must immediately return police property if he has it in his possession as he so implies.


We cannot condemn the PPP for theft and then keep silent while Felix allegedly has police property in his possession. The police should investigate this matter and put it to rest.


End of story.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee yesterday stated that former Commissioner of Police, Winston Felix still has in his possession  Government’s property in the form of a radio that is tuned into the police frequency.

He said that Felix is not  authorised to have the equipment, according to the Government Information Agency.

Rohee indicated thatnecessary actions will be taken against Felix should he refuse to return the equipment and continue to tap into Government’s operations.

The Minister made this disclosure while he was speaking at a community policing workshop yesterday morning.

During Friday’s debate on the budget, Felix had referred to the contents of a radio conversation where he said Rohee was issuing instructions to the police.


Excerpts from the Stabroeknews

Rohee is turning out to be the prime example of the hapless choice of leaders in the PPP. If he felt the Commissiner had state property ( not more than a $200 US idem) he ought to have made a stink about it a long time ago. Unfortunately, he was caught with his pants down directing police ( an unconstitutional action) so he in a fit of vindictiveness began to complain of "theft". That he has used this supposed inference ( Felix hearing his call sign) to invade and search the mans home speaks to jack boots politics.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

This, if real, is a classic example of PPP incompetence. Here is supposedly definitive evidence of conspiracies against them and citizens of t he state and what has become of it?????? not a damn thing. There is not even a follow up to see if some unfortunate sole was not set up by crooks in their own police department!


Where do they find you braniacs? Dont you think when he was supposedly part of a conspiracy then and there was the most pressing case for an investigation? Do you think supposition about him knowing Rohee was on the radio could only be valid if he had a radio? Dummy, if he was a top level conspirator against the PPP he would already have moles in the PPP! Let the man be and quit embarrassing yourselves. Investigating him now will reek of political persecution and vindictiveness.


He lived well and long as a corrupt cop and that was only bade possible by those equally corrupt as he is ie the PPP. Now that there are a parting of way among thieves it is a deductible conclusion that one cannot start looking for saints among them.


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