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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bro, you can be a pain in the ass than a sting of a bee.

I remind you of how blatant the PPP is.  High gold prices and remittances, factor over which the PPP has no control.  But factors that helped Guyana tremendously since 2008.  PPP rushes to take credit.


Well let them take the blame for the bee too.  In fact the death of this woman might well reflect how poor the delivery of healthcare in Guyana is, or the fact that Guysuco is so poorly managed that they are allowing vicious bees into their cane fields.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Let's agree on one thing. Do you want the PNC back in power?

Anything other than the current PPP will do. Guyana cannot afford another five years of uncontrolled asset stripping and corruption on the current scale. After nearly a quarter of a century of PPP rule the people have had enough.




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