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Thursday, 14 March 2013 12:55 administrator
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Charrandass Persaud of the AFC

The female medical official who was at the receiving end of a disparaging tirade inflicted by a senior Alliance for Change(AFC) party member during a public meeting in Berbice has broken her silence on the matter. Speaking at an appreciation ceremony held by the Berbice Regional Health Authority (BRHA) to commemorate International Women’s Day, Dr. Vishalya Sharma described the attack as one not just against her, but all women.

Listen to Charrandass Persaud's attack here

She said that she was extremely humbled by the statements and the support given by everyone, including the Regional Health Authority, the RDC, the Arya Samaj Movement, the Domestic Violence Counseling Centre, the Women’s Progressive Organization and various youth groups and women’s groups across the country.

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Originally Posted by albert:

So in that case, the gossip you raised justifies the attack on this woman by your colleague? This is why you folks will not achieve political power in Guyana..........i cud see you shouting Fip Motilall did it so its ok for Gerhard to do it as well

This is no gossip. The two women committed suicide and the bamboo wedding is public knowledge. Charrandas apologized and it was reported in the media. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by albert:

So in that case, the gossip you raised justifies the attack on this woman by your colleague? This is why you folks will not achieve political power in Guyana..........i cud see you shouting Fip Motilall did it so its ok for Gerhard to do it as well

This is no gossip. The two women committed suicide and the bamboo wedding is public knowledge. Charrandas apologized and it was reported in the media. 

A mere apology ? So i cud cuss Tarron Khemraj about his mother-so-and-so and a mere apology will suffice?

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by albert:

So in that case, the gossip you raised justifies the attack on this woman by your colleague? This is why you folks will not achieve political power in Guyana..........i cud see you shouting Fip Motilall did it so its ok for Gerhard to do it as well

This is no gossip. The two women committed suicide and the bamboo wedding is public knowledge. Charrandas apologized and it was reported in the media. 

A mere apology ? So i cud cuss Tarron Khemraj about his mother-so-and-so and a mere apology will suffice?


Don't you do that all the time? I think we should investigate the two suicides. 

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by albert:

So in that case, the gossip you raised justifies the attack on this woman by your colleague? This is why you folks will not achieve political power in Guyana..........i cud see you shouting Fip Motilall did it so its ok for Gerhard to do it as well

This is no gossip. The two women committed suicide and the bamboo wedding is public knowledge. Charrandas apologized and it was reported in the media. 

A mere apology ? So i cud cuss Tarron Khemraj about his mother-so-and-so and a mere apology will suffice?

You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. GO and fornicate yourself.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by albert:

So in that case, the gossip you raised justifies the attack on this woman by your colleague? This is why you folks will not achieve political power in Guyana..........i cud see you shouting Fip Motilall did it so its ok for Gerhard to do it as well

This is no gossip. The two women committed suicide and the bamboo wedding is public knowledge. Charrandas apologized and it was reported in the media. 

A mere apology ? So i cud cuss Tarron Khemraj about his mother-so-and-so and a mere apology will suffice?


Don't you do that all the time? I think we should investigate the two suicides. 

Yeh Albert tell us how you promise the young girl to help her get a visa and what favours you demanded?

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by albert:

So in that case, the gossip you raised justifies the attack on this woman by your colleague? This is why you folks will not achieve political power in Guyana..........i cud see you shouting Fip Motilall did it so its ok for Gerhard to do it as well

This is no gossip. The two women committed suicide and the bamboo wedding is public knowledge. Charrandas apologized and it was reported in the media. 

A mere apology ? So i cud cuss Tarron Khemraj about his mother-so-and-so and a mere apology will suffice?


Don't you do that all the time? I think we should investigate the two suicides. 

Big scholar trying his earnest best to deflect ..........Ramjattan running around begging not to have this story aired and you here with your four-eyed self making all sorts of excuses

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. GO and fornicate yourself.

I am making a mountain out of a mole hill? Is this what you dolts what people to believe? Its quite a small thing to the AFC for this drunkard to use an AFC public meeting to deride this woman about her body weight eh? It a good thing was only 100 or less persons in attendance


β€˜It was an attack against all women’ -says doctor who was criticized over weight

Dr. Vishalya Sharma has broken her silence over the disparaging remarks made by Alliance For Change member, Charrandass Persaud about her weight saying it was not just an attack on her but on all women.

At an appreciation ceremony held by the Berbice Regional Health Authority (BRHA), in observance of International Women’s Day, Dr. Sharma said: β€œWhat everyone perceived as an attack on me was seen as an attack on us as a united body; women.”

She said too, β€œI am extremely humbled by the statements and the support given by everyone,including the Regional Health Authority, the RDC, the Arya Samaj Movement, the Domestic Violence Counseling Centre, the Women’s Progressive Organization and various youth groups and women’s groups across the country.”

Persaud, a lawyer, had made comments about Dr. Sharma’s weight while representing the cause of another woman; Tirtawattie Shoandeo, 47, of Whim Village, Corentyne, who died following a blackout on January 20 at the New Amsterdam Hospital. At the time of the blackout she was undergoing surgery. She died hours later.

Dr. Vishalya Sharma

Dr. Vishalya Sharma

Persaud has since apologised for being β€œout of line” and said he β€œintended to focus on the administration of the New Amsterdam Hospital…”

He said he β€œinadvertently compared her duty at the hospital with her size. My intention was not to defame her because of her size. I have a lot of oversized friends.”

Without dwelling much on the issue, Dr. Sharma said she was surprised at the support she got and that it β€œfurther strengthened her love and commitment to our beautiful country.”

She mentioned the silent supporters and activists and also singled out members of the hospital staff for publicly condemning the remarks on television.

She said it was not easy to see the issue raised in the media every day, especially during the period in her life when she was mourning the death of her father.

β€œTo my fellow women, I would proudly say that we all stand united to support each other… As the events unfolded, I can now say I am proud because of what everyone close to me as a united group, has achieved.”

According to Dr. Sharma, β€œHistory has taught us that nothing is unachievable” and remarked on the achievements of international women, including those who fought in wars.

She said they were all simple women who made their mark and also remembered contributions from local women including Desiree Bernard and Janet Jagan.

β€œThe laws of Guyana, thanks to our constitution, give women the rights that they deserve. We demand the respect that is due to us as citizens of this beautiful land.”

β€œOur leaders have brought us a far way and women are now recognized as leaders… I feel proud to say these words; I am a woman because it conveys a strong message…”

Dr. Sharma said she belongs to the Himalayan tradition that taught her to live her life β€œaccording to the teachings of my religion and my family traditions.”

She said proudly that she has learnt to love and take pride in β€œserving humanity and would continue to do so with all my love dedication and the noblest intention despite what happened around me.”

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. GO and fornicate yourself.

I am making a mountain out of a mole hill? Is this what you dolts what people to believe? Its quite a small thing to the AFC for this drunkard to use an AFC public meeting to deride this woman about her body weight eh? It a good thing was only 100 or less persons in attendance

There are some things that are more bad than some. The bamboo wedding and the two suicides were much worse events.  







Originally Posted by albert:



Apparently one box wasn't enough for this chamar .......So he takes to abusing women. One can only imagine what transpires at home. And the other clowns are here justifying it and making all sorts of correlations to support this nonsense. THIS IS THE CHANGE THE AFC PROMISED......

Now you are a Brahmin....well. Please inform us how this PPP regime with its acute hypersensitivity to issuee neglects the Sexual Offences act languishes in the OP awaiting attention. Why is it the official glad rag and scumdogs like you have not mentioned even one time the atrocious beating we saw of an amerindian woman and her child by an agent of the state?


You folks are as fake as a 3 dollar bill and it is transparent to all except your PPP sheep. You cannot gain a nickle of political currency from trying to convince us that telling a woman in charge of a health facility that she is encumbered by being fat is so out of line to be deemed an national tragedy. Get real punks.


That lady is fat and the Amerindian woman was mercilessly beaten and her child suffered a fractured leg at the hands of the police. We saw it on video. Take your pick where the national tragedy exists. Sorry, as tactless as the act of upsetting her by telling her a truth, fat lady loses.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. GO and fornicate yourself.

I am making a mountain out of a mole hill? Is this what you dolts what people to believe? Its quite a small thing to the AFC for this drunkard to use an AFC public meeting to deride this woman about her body weight eh? It a good thing was only 100 or less persons in attendance

Go and fornicate yourself. CHarandas had the decency to apologised. Did Jagdeo apologise for the way he treated Varsnee. Do you want to tell us about your involvement with the young ladies who commited suicides?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

In that case I wonder what Varshnie should say. Well Rohee's wife is not alive to tell any tale. So too is Peck's wife? 




Man your IQ is really low. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

In that case I wonder what Varshnie should say. Well Rohee's wife is not alive to tell any tale. So too is Peck's wife? 


Why don't you comment on the high number of  cases of brutality against women that are habitual practiced against Guyanese women! But what would you care since you are here almost daily disrespecting your wife in celebrating your supposedly numerous sexual escapades.


Again where was your indignation against the Police for brutally beating a native woman and her sons as at least a dozen of his associates watch without even a sense he was doing wrong. Note the Minister of Amerindian Affairs has not even once opened her mouth, not has the party communications officer or any in the PPP. Actually, there is a black out on their press!


Yet daily those creeps are all across social media, and on the News lamenting the " gross assault on women" because an intemperate gentleman called a fat woman fat!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. GO and fornicate yourself.

I am making a mountain out of a mole hill? Is this what you dolts what people to believe? Its quite a small thing to the AFC for this drunkard to use an AFC public meeting to deride this woman about her body weight eh? It a good thing was only 100 or less persons in attendance

 You piece of filth! were you concerned with women you would be complaining on the brutality agaist the Amerind woman and her child that we all saw and understand was nakedly oppressive, contemptuous of the lady's rights and truly offensive with respect to treatment to a woman ( not to mention her child).


But nasty news crew in the PPP to which you belong has noting to say. Yet you are trying to sell to us the idea that it is so injurious to woman because a gentleman called a fat woman fat...cyar your disgusting behind somewhere else. What is offensive is you should try to sell that for a political nickle when you would get a dollar if you did the right thing and seek after justice for our women in general.


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