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Fifty Guyana trainees to benefit from oil and gas courses in Texas
Published on January 16, 2017Email To Friend    Print Version


AUSTIN, USA -- At least 50 Guyanese trainees are expected to benefit from a series of oil and gas related courses that will be offered by the University of Texas – Petroleum Extension, in association with the Caribbean Learning Portal, and

The first course, which is part of a total of four short courses, will begin on February 13, 2017, and will conclude on March10, 2017.

The initial course will provide an insight into the foundation aspects of oil and gas exploration, and is intended to be part of a series of courses that will equip participants with some working knowledge of petroleum exploration.

A certificate from the University of Texas – Petroleum Extension will be issued to all participants upon successful completion of each course.

While major job opportunities are widely expected to become available in the local oil and gas sector when commercial export begins, Guyana does not have a qualified workforce in oil and gas to deal with such impending demand.

This is largely due to the fact that the sector is relatively new, compounded by the fact that Guyana does not have an internationally recognized training school catering to the oil and gas sector.

And while several efforts are being made by local stakeholders to develop an oil and gas training program, Guyanese have been somewhat reluctant to endorse this move, citing issues with international recognition.

But with the University of Texas being a leading international trainer in the field of oil and gas, the training and certification that is being offered to Guyanese by that institution would certainly address such concerns.

All of the courses will be conducted via distance learning, while local registration and facility support will be provided by (A subsidiary of Caribbean Learning Portal).

According to the program’s local representative, Malika Callender, registration for the first batch of oil and gas trainees will commence on Wednesday, January 18, 2017.

She advised that interested registrants can make further inquiries by contacting her during office hours at telephone number: 226-4738, WhatsApp: +592-610-2273 or email:

The initial registration fee is pegged at US$25, while each of the four certificate courses starts from around $180 and upwards.

However, five scholarships are available for qualifying students who may not be in a position to subscribe to the required course fees.

With each course averaging at about four to five weeks in duration, and being done mostly online, she suggested that all four of the oil and gas programs can be completed within three to four months.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

One of my buddy businessman friend from Corriverton is also ahead of the game. He  came to Louisiana and invested in two ships, the man said things will have move from the mainland to the Rigs.

I think I will have to contact Exon and find out if my staffing agency can do some recruiting for them down in Guyana. 

If any of you are interested to come on board with me, send me a private message

skeldon_man posted:

Do we know who all were selected and if nepotism played a part in the selection?

By the time you get answers for that Exxon already make a shit load of money. You will remain backward like Jagan.


What do you think is the reason for the list not being published?  But it matters not.

"The initial registration fee is pegged at US$25, while each of the four certificate courses starts from around $180 and upwards."

I can assure that the people receiving these certificates will be at the bottom of the towing pole.  The high earners would have engineering degrees and years of experience.  And know somebody at Exxon to get the job.

Bibi Haniffa
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Do we know who all were selected and if nepotism played a part in the selection?

By the time you get answers for that Exxon already make a shit load of money. You will remain backward like Jagan.

WHy because the PNC boys will keep it a secret???

Bibi Haniffa
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Do we know who all were selected and if nepotism played a part in the selection?

By the time you get answers for that Exxon already make a shit load of money. You will remain backward like Jagan.

At least I am ahead of you with a college education and has been successful in life. I accomplished my goal in America. Money is not my master. I am here to help my fellow man regardless of where they come from. At least I am not a traitor to my people.


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