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It has been almost 25 years since Indo Guyanese broke the shackles of an Afro Dominated PNC dictatorship led by Burnham and Hoyte.


It was a subtle attempt to exterminate Indo Guyanese by discrimination against them and rigging every election in an calculated plan to exploit and dominate them.


As we celebrate Indian Arrival day, we must reflect on our struggles and history and remember that History has a habit of repeating itself.


PNC has changed their name but it is the same old PNC. Today, prominent Indo Guyanese like Moses and Ramjattan have joined forces with the PNC as seen in Parliament.


It was only after Sugar Workers protested and told Moses and the AFC to go and cut cane that they buckled under pressure.


Remember your history. We can learn a thing or two from our Jewish brothers and sisters. Let us celebrate Indian Arrival day and never forget the rape, torture, murder and oppression that Indo Guyanese suffered under a racist PNC.

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

It has been almost 25 years since Indo Guyanese broke the shackles of an Afro Dominated PNC dictatorship led by Burnham and Hoyte.


It was a subtle attempt to exterminate Indo Guyanese by discrimination against them and rigging every election in an calculated plan to exploit and dominate them.


As we celebrate Indian Arrival day, we must reflect on our struggles and history and remember that History has a habit of repeating itself.


PNC has changed their name but it is the same old PNC. Today, prominent Indo Guyanese like Moses and Ramjattan have joined forces with the PNC as seen in Parliament.


It was only after Sugar Workers protested and told Moses and the AFC to go and cut cane that they buckled under pressure.


Remember your history. We can learn a thing or two from our Jewish brothers and sisters. Let us celebrate Indian Arrival day and never forget the rape, torture, murder and oppression that Indo Guyanese suffered under a racist PNC.

Quit pressing the race button. Indians are as racist as any so I do not even care for an apology from the PNC. IF the give it it would be welcome and serve to bridge an emotional hurdle but It is not necessary. The PPP is more repulsive in the way the handle the state assets and race matters in an era supposedly "democratic". I doubt burnham had a killing machine as prodigious as RK. We know such is not the case.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Brothers and sisters, please take notes from PNC dinosaurs who till this day defend the PNC.

Dinosaurs are paleontological. If you care to disinter bones then make sure it is for purposes of rehabilitating or discovering truths and not for spreading deceit or discontent.


Who defends the PNC here, may I ask?


Shut your mouth.


You are the most racist around here. You call all Indo Guyanese dalits.


Every time an Indo Guyanese speak out against the oppressive PNC Afro led dictatorship, you rush to defend your kith and kin.


PNC must apologize to Indo Guyanese. This is what we demand as we celebrate Indian Arrival day. 


Time for the PNC to apologize.


As we all very well know the PPP was and still is part of the PNC. The founding fathers can testify to that. So all the criminal intentions that the PNC held during their reign was passed on to the PPP when it was the turn of Jagan to fill his pocket.

I always have to smile when I read on GNI about the crimes of the PNC. They were sanctioned by the PPP in each and every single case. Jagan never condemned the PNC for the way it ruled Guyana. He only condemned the PNC for not giving him his fair share of the loot.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Shut your mouth.


You are the most racist around here. You call all Indo Guyanese dalits.


Every time an Indo Guyanese speak out against the oppressive PNC Afro led dictatorship, you rush to defend your kith and kin.


PNC must apologize to Indo Guyanese. This is what we demand as we celebrate Indian Arrival day. 


Time for the PNC to apologize.

An affirmed racist calling me a racist is a laugh. And again, by designation, Indio Guyanese are dalits. You may not care to hear it but that, knucklehead, is the title awarded you no less than by the illustrious Gandhiji!


Where has anyone condemned a speaking out against the PNC? One chastises idiots like you for contaminating the debate with your racist bilge.


Indian Arrival day has been swiped from the hands of Indians who cared to make it a cultural expression of Indian fecundity in reproducing the best of India. You and the PPP race masseurs have conscripted this act of cultural celebration to another instrument of political quackery. Fortunately, you do not speak for idians.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Shut your mouth.


You are the most racist around here. You call all Indo Guyanese dalits.


Every time an Indo Guyanese speak out against the oppressive PNC Afro led dictatorship, you rush to defend your kith and kin.


PNC must apologize to Indo Guyanese. This is what we demand as we celebrate Indian Arrival day. 


Time for the PNC to apologize.

still "SPEAKING LIES TO POWER" . . . hmmmm?


and, who is the "WE" you post on behalf of mr half-man?


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