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Al YUh believed every word from the State DEpt during PPP, how about NOW??):


US State Dept report says Guyana still a cocaine transit point


A key report on the global fight against narcotic trafficking and money laundering has been released by the United States (US) Department of State. Entitled the “International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR)”, it shows that Guyana has a long road ahead in combating the drug scourge.

According to the report, which was released recently, Guyana is still a transit point for cocaine destined for the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, and West Africa. The report also mapped out the route for cocaine coming from Colombia, noting that it was smuggled to Venezuela, thence to Guyana via sea or air.

“Smugglers also transit land borders with Brazil, Venezuela, and Suriname. Cocaine is often concealed in legitimate commodities and smuggled via commercial maritime vessels, air transport, human couriers, “go-fast” boats or various postal methods,” the report added.

In a domestic context, the report states that “the influence of narcotics trafficking is evident in the country’s criminal justice systems and other sectors”. Traffickers, it noted, “are attracted by the country’s poorly monitored ports, remote airstrips, intricate river networks, porous land borders, and weak security sector capacity”.

Guyana, the report noted, has a drug enforcement presence at its international airports, post offices, and, to a lesser extent, at port and land-border entry points. It acknowledged the five major agencies involved in the anti-drug fight: the Guyana Police Force (GPF); Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA); the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU); the Special Organised Crimes Unit (SOCU), and the Guyana Defence Force (GDF).

“The GDF supports law enforcement agencies with boats, aircraft, and personnel, but has limited capacity and lacks law enforcement authority. The Guyana Coast Guard (GCG), a GDF sub-component and US partner in maritime interdiction, patrols Guyana’s territorial waters and conducts humanitarian search-and-rescue missions.”

In 2012, with US funding through the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Container Control Programme (CCP) established “a multi-agency CCP Port Control Unit at the John Fernandes Wharf, Guyana’s most active port”.

The report acknowledges some success that initiative

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:

Suh who seh there are any changes,credit should be given for the thwarting the pushers.

What nonsense r@ss you talkin'? You slop can boys campaigned on WIPING OUT drug pushers and controlling crime. This where I see hypocrisy showing its colors. Where do you see "thwarting the pushers"? Are you talking about "danky kyart pushers"?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Suh who seh there are any changes,credit should be given for the thwarting the pushers.

What nonsense r@ss you talkin'? You slop can boys campaigned on WIPING OUT drug pushers and controlling crime. This where I see hypocrisy showing its colors. Where do you see "thwarting the pushers"? Are you talking about "danky kyart pushers"?

Stop talking nonsense. No one can wipe out drug pushers or any other crime and there was no campaign to WIPE THEM OUT.  

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Suh who seh there are any changes,credit should be given for the thwarting the pushers.

What nonsense r@ss you talkin'? You slop can boys campaigned on WIPING OUT drug pushers and controlling crime. This where I see hypocrisy showing its colors. Where do you see "thwarting the pushers"? Are you talking about "danky kyart pushers"?

Stop talking nonsense. No one can wipe out drug pushers or any other crime and there was no campaign to WIPE THEM OUT.  

Nonsense. Typical PNC nonsense...Trumpism. You must have graduated from the same college Trump did.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Really? No talk of end drug trade and Crime in general. Rass, i should have had my hearing Aid on during the campaign!!!!!!!!!!!

It must be that you weren't wearing your hearing aid and that is your own fault. They promised to reduce crime, not to end it. There is no one on this earth who can end crime. Anyone who believes that a government will put an end to crime is just a fool.

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Really? No talk of end drug trade and Crime in general. Rass, i should have had my hearing Aid on during the campaign!!!!!!!!!!!

It must be that you weren't wearing your hearing aid and that is your own fault. They promised to reduce crime, not to end it. There is no one on this earth who can end crime. Anyone who believes that a government will put an end to crime is just a fool.

You people deal in alternative facts...Donald Trump style.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Suh who seh there are any changes,credit should be given for the thwarting the pushers.

What nonsense r@ss you talkin'? You slop can boys campaigned on WIPING OUT drug pushers and controlling crime. This where I see hypocrisy showing its colors. Where do you see "thwarting the pushers"? Are you talking about "danky kyart pushers"?

Stop talking nonsense. No one can wipe out drug pushers or any other crime and there was no campaign to WIPE THEM OUT.  

Nonsense. Typical PNC nonsense...Trumpism. You must have graduated from the same college Trump did.

The Coalition campaigned on reducing crime, not ending it. Only an idiot like you would come up with that nonsense about ending crime. Trump went to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. It's one of the top business schools in the country and there's nothing to be ashamed of if you go there.

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Really? No talk of end drug trade and Crime in general. Rass, i should have had my hearing Aid on during the campaign!!!!!!!!!!!

It must be that you weren't wearing your hearing aid and that is your own fault. They promised to reduce crime, not to end it. There is no one on this earth who can end crime. Anyone who believes that a government will put an end to crime is just a fool.

You people deal in alternative facts...Donald Trump style.

Ending crime is "alternative facts", the nonsense you're spouting here.

Nehru posted:

Really? No talk of end drug trade and Crime in general. Rass, i should have had my hearing Aid on during the campaign!!!!!!!!!!!

Not within the range of human hearing,need some calibrating.

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Suh who seh there are any changes,credit should be given for the thwarting the pushers.

What nonsense r@ss you talkin'? You slop can boys campaigned on WIPING OUT drug pushers and controlling crime. This where I see hypocrisy showing its colors. Where do you see "thwarting the pushers"? Are you talking about "danky kyart pushers"?

Stop talking nonsense. No one can wipe out drug pushers or any other crime and there was no campaign to WIPE THEM OUT.  

Nonsense. Typical PNC nonsense...Trumpism. You must have graduated from the same college Trump did.

The Coalition campaigned on reducing crime, not ending it. Only an idiot like you would come up with that nonsense about ending crime. Trump went to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. It's one of the top business schools in the country and there's nothing to be ashamed of if you go there.

It took a fool and idiot like you to support them and believe their garbage.

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Really? No talk of end drug trade and Crime in general. Rass, i should have had my hearing Aid on during the campaign!!!!!!!!!!!

It must be that you weren't wearing your hearing aid and that is your own fault. They promised to reduce crime, not to end it. There is no one on this earth who can end crime. Anyone who believes that a government will put an end to crime is just a fool.

So you have to be the BIGGEST FOOL on the Planet to endorse the worst possible Candidate. Or it is simply you trying your best?

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Suh who seh there are any changes,credit should be given for the thwarting the pushers.

What nonsense r@ss you talkin'? You slop can boys campaigned on WIPING OUT drug pushers and controlling crime. This where I see hypocrisy showing its colors. Where do you see "thwarting the pushers"? Are you talking about "danky kyart pushers"?

Stop talking nonsense. No one can wipe out drug pushers or any other crime and there was no campaign to WIPE THEM OUT.  

Nonsense. Typical PNC nonsense...Trumpism. You must have graduated from the same college Trump did.

The Coalition campaigned on reducing crime, not ending it. Only an idiot like you would come up with that nonsense about ending crime. Trump went to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. It's one of the top business schools in the country and there's nothing to be ashamed of if you go there.

It took a fool and idiot like you to support them and believe their garbage.

It was time for the tiefmen to be replaced and I'm happy that they were dumped on their tiefin asses. A Piss Pot Porter like you supported the tiefmen and murdering corruptocrats. 

Last edited by Mars
Nehru posted:

Lil Heducation, no one said all crimes, they said they will END the Drug Trade. The friigin thing got worst!!!!!

I guess it's a bit difficult for you to understand the difference between reducing the drug trade and ending it. It's a lot better now than Jagdeo days when everything that left Guyana was laced with coke and there was a new dead body every morning.

Last edited by Mars

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