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Originally Posted by Chief:

Obama insisting that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, how much low can he get?


I have now decided he is not getting my vote!!

He lost me when he claimed his daughters approve of his same sex marriage stance. He is mixed up.


This is the first time in American history, when one cannot make the assumption with out any doubt that the candidates believe in the Lordship of Jesus. 



Originally Posted by Chief:

Obama insisting that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, how much low can he get?


I have now decided he is not getting my vote!!

Obama don't have your best interest at heart. He would rather stand shoulder to shoulder with the Jews over you. Don't waste your vote, vote him out of office.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Obama insisting that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, how much low can he get?


I have now decided he is not getting my vote!!

Obama don't have your best interest at heart. He would rather stand shoulder to shoulder with the Jews over you. Don't waste your vote, vote him out of office.

It's all politics. He is saying this to get the jewish votes. Wait until after the elections and he will change his tune.



Putting Obama out of work in November is the key to putting millions of Americans back to work. Obama's economic policies have been felt profoundly and painfully. They are killing America. Back in 2010, Americans voted overwhelmingly in the mid term election to stop Obama's reckless plan. In November 2012 they will kick him out of the white house.




Back in 2008, 84,000 people packed Invesco stadium in Denver to listen to Obama give his acceptance speech---in 2012 venues had to be changed from 74,000 Bank of America to 20,000 Time warner center.


OBAMA'S LUCK HAS RUN OUT---just around the same time yuji has fallen in love with him.








Obama, the once rising star of the democratic party is fading from failed policies. He spend too much time flying on Air-force one and playing golf that distract him from his work. The American way is if he had earned the first four years in office, he would get another four years on a silver platter. But he didn't...


We hear so much about the Jewish votes in different states like Florida and Nevada and its power to knockout a candidate. How about the Guyanese votes in NYC?  With our numbers being significant I think if register and vote we can affect the outcome of the elections in NY. This winner take all system in the states can put a group of voters in an advantageous position. The Jewish people know that and they don't let the opportunity slide by. We Guyanese can vote in block and get the politicians come running after us.


Billy Ram Balgobin

Guyanese will never make it to the polling station in any significant numbers like the Jews, Blacks or Hispanic. There are free voters registration outlet throughout NYC/Queens, but still they're not budging. However, the men will assemble in rum shops and women are busy with flea market deals to full barrels to send to Guyana.


You sure about that? Check what Romney said on the issue.


I wonder who Chief's voting for now, hmmm.







40 days ago

Romney says Jerusalem is Israel's capital, vows to move embassy

(CNN) - The American embassy in Israel, currently in Tel Aviv, should move to Jerusalem, presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney said in an interview Sunday.

"A nation has the capacity to choose its own capital city, and Jerusalem is Israel's capital," Romney told CNN's Wolf Blitzer in an interview set to air Monday. "I think it's long been the policy to ultimately have our embassy in the nation's capital of Jerusalem."

- Watch Wolf Blitzer's full interview with Mitt Romney on "The Situation Room" Monday 4-7 p.m. ET

– Follow the Ticker on Twitter: @PoliticalTicker

The timing of the move, Romney said, would be made in consultation with Israel's government.

"I would follow the same policy we have had in the past, our embassy would be in the capital, and the timing of that is something I would want to work out with the government," Romney said.

No country's embassy to Israel is currently situated in Jerusalem. Nearly every nation with a diplomatic mission to Israel has its embassy in or near Tel Aviv. Some countries have embassies in Mevaseret Zion, a suburb of Jerusalem. The United States currently has a consulate in Jerusalem, which provides visas and other services.

In pledging to move the American embassy in Israel, Romney joins presidential candidates in the past that have made the same promise, including former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Neither made the move as commander in chief.

American policy has long been intentionally vague on the status of Jerusalem. A U.S. law passed in 1995 designates Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and stipulates the American embassy should move to the city from Tel Aviv. The past three presidents, however, have signed waivers suspending the law, citing security and diplomatic concerns.

Israelis consider Jerusalem the capital of their country, but Palestinians also claim rights to the city as the capital of a future independent state. The status of the city is designated for final negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.

Saeb Erekat, chief Palestinian negotiator and member of the executive committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, responded to Romney's labeling of Jerusalem as Israel's capital Sunday.

"East Jerusalem is occupied territory. I don't think occupation and aggression is rewarded even during an election campaign," Erekat said. "Those who seek peace between Palestine and Israel and those who seek to save lives must stand tall for the two state solution and for East Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Palestine."

In 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama waded into the issue of Jerusalem's status, pledging before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided."

He later walked back the comment on CNN, telling Fareed Zakaria the remark was a result of "poor phrasing."

"The point we were simply making was, is that we don't want barbed wire running through Jerusalem, similar to the way it was prior to the '67 war, that it is possible for us to create a Jerusalem that is cohesive and coherent," Obama said. "I was not trying to predetermine what are essentially final status issues."

On Thursday, the subject of Israel's capital arose at the White House press briefing.

"What city does this administration consider to be the capital of Israel - Jerusalem or Tel Aviv?" a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.

"I haven't had that question in a while. Our position has not changed," Carney answered. Pressed further for the White House's position on Israel, Carney responded "you know our position" before moving on to other questions.

In a transcript of the briefing emailed later Thursday afternoon, the White House included a paragraph explaining their position.

"The status of Jerusalem is an issue that should be resolved in final status negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians," the statement read. "We continue to work with the parties to resolve this issue and others in a way that is just and fair, and respects the rights and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians."

Originally Posted by Chief:

Not voting for Obama does not mean that I will vote for for Romney.

Either I write in my own name or vote for the independent candidate if there is one.

I don't say whether I agree or disagree, but all who jumping and prancing should study words and deeds.  Obama went to Cairo, promised to "unclench" the fist and have a big reset with the Muslim/Arab world.  How is he doing?  Nuff you gon soon wish for Bush.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Not voting for Obama does not mean that I will vote for for Romney.

Either I write in my own name or vote for the independent candidate if there is one.

Either way you're wasting your frigging vote and time as though is makes a difference. Chief, stuck your vote know where...where the sun don't shine. Obama is not your brother and Romney don't even know that you existed.






Read more:


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 46% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns 45% of the vote. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.


These updates are based upon nightly interviews and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. As a result, virtually all of the interviews for today’s update were completed before President Obama’s prime-time speech last night at the Democratic National Convention.


In another poll released by American Research Group today Mitt Romney leads Barack Obama 49 to 46 after the Democratic convention this week. The poll is weighted with more Democrats than Republicans.



Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Not voting for Obama does not mean that I will vote for for Romney.

Either I write in my own name or vote for the independent candidate if there is one.

Either way you're wasting your frigging vote and time as though is makes a difference. Chief, stuck your vote know where...where the sun don't shine. Obama is not your brother and Romney don't even know that you existed.

Every muslim is a brother!!!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Either way you're wasting your frigging vote and time as though is makes a difference. Chief, stuck your vote know where...where the sun don't shine. Obama is not your brother and Romney don't even know that you existed.

Every muslim is a brother!!!

Yea, even "brother" OBL and every non-muslim is an "infidel".

Originally Posted by Chief:

This democracy allows you to vote or not to vore for the person of your choice.

Obama unclenched his fist to rattle fullah cage.  In the four years since 2008, how has the situation for muslims changed?  Those wahab terrorists are getting drones up the wazu like they never dreamed, Obama ordering strikes anytime and anywhere he sees fit, screw the objections and the Palestinian issue i on the far back burner.  Is like they no longer even exist.


Chief, you have to be curling with pain at the first black and supposedly "muslim-friendly" prezzy.  Dont make the same mistake in Guyana backing the PNC, the will smile with you and kick your ass just like Obama did.

Originally Posted by Chief:

This democracy allows you to vote or not to vore for the person of your choice.

Chief, you strike the final nail on Obama's coffin for saying that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Why is that matters to you? They say if you do not vote you cannot complain. So I hope you'll be silent for the next four years.


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