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Former Member

NOT!!!  The govt continues to recycle old PPP projects. They finally convinced themselves that CJIA expansion was prudent despite IDB report. 

Gov’t will press on with CJIA expansion project—Patterson


-despite damning IDB report
In the wake of an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) report that concludes that the Cheddi Jagan

Minister of Public Security, David Patterson

Minister of Public Security, David Patterson

International Airport (CJIA) $150M expansion project would not bring the expected benefits to Guyana, Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson has stated that the administration has little choice but to press on.
He made this comment yesterday, when asked whether the IDB report would cause Government to rethink the project. The IDB report had stated that Guyana has limited chances of developing the traffic necessary to be called a hub.
However, in justifying the expansion project, the previous administration had pointed to the current space constraints and “growing tourism” as the reasons. Guyana’s geographic position at the northern tip of the South American continent had also been touted as ideal as a hub and a link to Asia and Africa.
Minister Patterson emphasized that the concept of the expansion came from the former People’s Progressive Party (PPP) administration and was inherited by A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC).
He reiterated that while still in opposition the coalition had been highly critical of the expansion project, as no feasibility analysis was ever done to determine its merits.
Patterson noted that he did not support the concept that CJIA would become a hub through the project, but what he did support was the extension of the run way. According to Patterson, the short runway would constitute a high risk and would be reflected in high insurance rates.
The Minister said that Guyana was committed, and that the arrangement had been refashioned to make it more in line with what the country needs.
The original components of the expansion was the extension of the runway from the original 7,500 ft to 10,800 ft to accommodate the Boeing 747-400 aircraft; doubling the Aircraft position from four to eight; installing eight Passenger boarding bridges and installing approximately 300 cameras to boost the CCTV system.

The CJIA expansion project

The CJIA expansion project

However, Government had stated that additional expenditures was not made known, including a new car park for some US$2.7M, equipment in the terminal for US$16M, the upgrade and replacement of navigational aids for US$1.3M, the perimeter fences and security lights for US$565,000, among others. Government had, however, announced that this was capped.
The original expansion project cost had generated numerous controversies. The US$138M contract with China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) had excluded the company from taxes, duties, royalties and fees of all kinds normally imposed by Guyana.
The contract was heavily criticized for its numerous concessions to the Chinese Contractor and was inked on November 10, 2011, days before the then president, Bharrat Jagdeo demitted Office.
Last year, Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan, revealed that more than 70 percent of the money for the project had already been handed over to the contractor and expended. However, it was stated that CHEC was at the time behind schedule.
The IDB report, which was done by air transport specialist, Andy Ricover, and released last November, states that based on the lack of infrastructure and scarcity of origin and destination (O&D) traffic at CJIA compared to Guyana’s larger and more connected neighbours like Brazil and Venezuela, it would be unrealistic to think of CJIA developing into a regional hub, notwithstanding the political will.
It points out that both Guyana and Suriname have limited options to develop non-stop services to most destinations in South & North America and Europe. In the report, it was explained that there are two kinds of hubs.
One works as an entry gateway to the country, distributing passengers to other local destinations. There are also those that work as a connection between two or more international flights, passing by a connecting hub.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

yuji22 posted:

PNC cannot even build a toilet. They are forced to accept ALL of the PPP's development plans because the AFC/PNC are a pack of dunces and fools.

As usual spouting your usual nonsense.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

PNC cannot even build a toilet. They are forced to accept ALL of the PPP's development plans because the AFC/PNC are a pack of dunces and fools.

As usual spouting your usual nonsense.

Django bhai, good morning.
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) report that concludes that the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) $150M expansion project would not bring the expected benefits to Guyana.

Does the cost justify the benefits?


Django gone into hiding. Skelly has to ask him easier questions. Django is the last standing PNC man on GNI just because some people hang their mouths where the soup resides.

yuji22 posted:

Django gone into hiding. Skelly has to ask him easier questions. Django is the last standing PNC man on GNI just because some people hang their mouths where the soup resides.

Yugi bhai,i am not hiding,been little busy today,alyuh forget the PPP was planning a massive expansion they had the blue print and financing all ready to go,when the Coalition gov't came in office they revisit the plan and  down sized it[terminal],keeping the runaway expansion.Now the IDB saying the expansion project will not bring benefits,Patterson is not bothering with them expansion will continue.

Yugi bhai one more thing i want to mention i don't benefit from no government,if i don't work no food on the table,i am just a supporter.

Skelly and Base take note i respond.

Last edited by Django

So if an obviously necessary project is implemented by the coalition government, it will be called a PPP project by you clowns? It's quite obvious that regardless of which government is in power some essential projects will be implemented. Projects such as the Linden-Lethem road, deep water harbor, new Demerara River Bridge are necessary for the advancement of the nation. These are national projects, not PPP projects and will be on the slate of any government in power.


Gilbakka would love to see the APNU+AFC government restart a national airline. 

FACT: The PPP regime closed down the Guyana Airways Corporation, the national airline for decades.

If the coalition government sees wisdom in expanding the CJIA, it should recognize the benefit of a national airline too.


I wonder if you PPP lunatics realize how meager is the PPP list of accomplishments for 2+ decades.

I hope the coalition appreciates your high esteem of their capabilities in expecting so much in less than a year.


I always hope that Guyana would one day replace our National Airline, regardless which administration does it. The PPP made mistakes, and to do away with Guyana Airways is one of them. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. The current administration, approaching one year in office and did nothing for the country to date. They have been repackaging all PPP ideas, and CJIA is one of many projects they hope to complete. In terms of bringing back Guyana Airways, I wouldn't hold my breath. Let's see when they can actually complete the CJIA expansion project before giving them more responsibility. These project are too big for the PNC/AFC to handle.

The only big idea these incompetents should be given credits for, is the 70 pound goody they couldn't lift on Republic day.  

Last edited by Former Member

These AFc/APNU supporters on this board are hypocrites. They cuss and buse down the PPP when the new airport was announced.  They even blocked funding in parliament to stall the project. Now quietly like mouse they going ahead with these projects, the airport and specialty hotel. 

Notice CaribJ and Stormy conspicuously absent from this topic, two of the biggest critics of the airport project in its infancy. 

Cobra posted:

I always hope that Guyana would one day replace our National Airline, regardless which administration does it. The PPP made mistakes, and to do away with Guyana Airways is one of them. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. The current administration, approaching one year in office and did nothing for the country to date. They have been repackaging all PPP ideas, and CJIA is one of many projects they hope to complete. In terms of bringing back Guyana Airways, I wouldn't hold my breath. Let's see when they can actually complete the CJIA expansion project before giving them more responsibility. These project are too big for the PNC/AFC to handle.

The only big idea these incompetents should be given credits for, is the 70 pound goody they couldn't lift on Republic day.  

Cobra,you know when Guyanese "seh you does talk fuh take sake" you know what it mean ? Question for you which government upgraded the existing International Airport [Timehri renamed Cheddi Jagan]

The number of Infrastructural Projects thru out Guyana,built between the period of 1964 to 1992 [PNC Govt] will out numbered the the amount during the period of 1992 to 2015 [PPP Govt]

Suh when you seh they can't handle projects,you better find out.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Cobra posted:

I always hope that Guyana would one day replace our National Airline, regardless which administration does it. The PPP made mistakes, and to do away with Guyana Airways is one of them. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. The current administration, approaching one year in office and did nothing for the country to date. They have been repackaging all PPP ideas, and CJIA is one of many projects they hope to complete. In terms of bringing back Guyana Airways, I wouldn't hold my breath. Let's see when they can actually complete the CJIA expansion project before giving them more responsibility. These project are too big for the PNC/AFC to handle.

The only big idea these incompetents should be given credits for, is the 70 pound goody they couldn't lift on Republic day.  

Cobra,you know when Guyanese "seh you does talk fuh take sake" you know what it mean ? Question for you which government upgraded the existing International Airport [Timehri renamed Cheddi Jagan]

The number of Infrastructural Projects thru out Guyana,built between the period of 1964 to 1992 [PNC Govt] will out number the the amount during the period of 1992 to 2015 [PPP Govt]

Suh when you seh they can't handle projects,you better find out.

Django bhai, you ah talk fuh talk sake now. By time 2017, the treasury might be empty.


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