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Minister of Finance Winston Jordan during his appearance on NCN’s Insight programme (DPI photo)

November 13 2019


For the second time, public servants this year will receive a tax-free retroactive salary increase, Finance Minister, Winston Jordan announced today, according to the Department of Public Information (DPI).

Along with their retroactive salaries, DPI said that public servants will also see the minimum wage taking a 9% hike, moving from $64,200 to $70,000.

Jordan made the announcement this morning on the National Communications Network’s (NCN) ‘INSIGHT’ radio programme.

“In three and a half years, the minimum wage has gone up by over 75%. I think by any stroke of circumstance, that is a significant development and I know that the workers are going to be happy. And I know that they are happier still because 2018, I first brought in tax-free back pay, and I asked the Cabinet, they agreed and I continue this year,” he said on the programme. 

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Gaskin speaking out of his ass. Everybody and their uncle knows that the government controls the actions of these boards. It is how PNC party paramountcy operates.

Up to GuySuCo management to decide on sugar workers’ pay increase

-AFC’s Gaskin

Government cannot be blamed for the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) workers not receiving wage increases, Alliance For Changce (AFC) Treasurer Dominic Gaskin said yesterday.


“GuySuCo is governed by a board of directors and if that Board of Directors decided that they can give a raise in pay that is entirely within their remit to do so. I don’t think you can blame the government if the Board of Directors does not see it fit to give their workers a raise…,” Gaskin said.

The Board of Directors of the state-owned sugar company is appointed by the government.


This is a vote getter.

Dem nah give one shyte bout cane cuttahs!  Dem leff dem fuh the Doctor and Doctor fuh deal wid!

PNC gotten bold and brash because dem done lock duh elekshun!


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