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Finance Minister lauds Citizens bank for Linden branch - says will improve standards and quality of business

Georgetown, GINA, November 16, 2011
Source - GINA

Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh cuts the ribbon, to officially declare open Citizens Bank Branch in Linden

Residents of the mining community of Linden no longer have to travel to Georgetown to access the services of Citizens Bank, as a branch is now established there at a cost exceeding $200M.

The Branch was officially declared opened today by Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh in the presence of special invitees and scores of excited Lindeners.

Minister Singh told those gathered for this auspicious moment for the mining community that government, in its recognition for the need to diversify its national and domestic economy, is pleased with the shareholders, Directors and the Management of Citizens Bank in recognizing the need for such an illustrious opportunity which will improve the standards and quality of business being conducted in the community, as it is now the major transshipment hub for goods and people en route to Northern Brazil via the Lethem road.

Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh addressing the invitees at the opening of Citizens Bank, Linden Branch

“Over the years, Citizens Bank has demonstrated itself as an institution that is alert with emerging opportunities and willing to be responsive to those opportunities…this is an impressive step to open a branch in this community,” Minister Singh said.

He spoke of the recent international experience of the global financial crisis is an indication that small communities or countries like Guyana should never proverbially, “place all its eggs in one basket… we must look for opportunities to diversify the economy.”

Minister Singh also alluded to the fact that the national economies of the world are inter connected, therefore, “when policies are made at the national levels, policy makers ought to be attentive of the reality that they are operating in a global environment…in formulation of policies policy makers need to recognize the need for diversifying their economies and strengthening the economic structures and systems so that their economies can be resilient to the uncertainties of the global economy.”

Those gathered at the opening Ceremony for the Citizens Bank’s Linden Branch

This, according to Minister Singh was done by Guyana, and explained why this country did not experience much of a financial effect during the global financial crises. “I am pleased that in light of the collaborative efforts, today, Guyana has attracted major international investors for the bauxite industry, it is for national credit that we have one of the world’s leading aluminum companies such as RUSAL and BOSAI as significant investors,” Minister Singh said.

The establishment of the Toucan Call Centre along with other major investments in the bauxite sector spells a development story of modernization for Linden, as residents there have the opportunity to work in a highly technologically advanced environment, providing services to other major international countries with the use of technology.

“This represents a good example of the kinds of jobs that can be created if the requisite infrastructure is in place,” Minister Singh said.

An external view of the Citizens Bank Branch in Linden

Clifford Reece, Chairman of Citizens Bank said that today’s event marked the honouring of a commitment made to Lindeners three years ago by the Bank, that a full service branch would have been established in the community.

He further said that establishing of a branch at this location is consistent with the thinking of the decision makers of yesteryear, who saw the potential which existed and continues to exist in this region.

“When we consider the future prospects of Linden, its geographical location and its close proximity to Northern Brazil, volumes of opportunities for development are imminent,” Reece said.

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