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Former Member

Finance Minister on budget consultations…‘The door is always open’

Thursday, 6 February 2014, Source


GOVERNMENT remains committed to its open-door policy with regard to budgetary consultations, as it is through this mechanism that the constant exchange of views is enabled, and suggestions, issues, challenges and concerns are noted.


Dr Ashni Singh, Minister of Finance

Dr Ashni Singh, Minister of Finance


This was told the Government Information Agency (GINA) Tuesday by Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, in response to a query about the political opposition parties’ refusal to meet with Finance Ministry officials for the afore-mentioned consultations.


QUOTE: “The door is always open; there must be no doubt in their minds about that. And there must be no doubt in the minds of the people of Guyana that the Government of Guyana is open, willing and ready to meet with the Opposition at any time on the matter of Budget 2014; indeed, on any matter of national importance, but more particularly, on Budget 2014. That must be made crystal clear”


Noting that the consultation is in keeping with government’s policy to engage with various stakeholders, particularly with regard to the shaping of policy and inputs on key issues, Dr Singh said that by so doing, “…we are able to learn what their priorities are; we are able to explain issues and challenges so that they are better informed to formulate their own positions on issues.”

A typical example of consultation at work, he said, is the National Competitiveness Council, which brings together the leadership of the private sector, organised labour, and leading government officials, and is headed by the President.

The Multi-Stakeholder Steering Committee of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), he said, is another good example, in that it “… again brings together several stakeholders, and ensures that they are kept informed on major developments, major projects, ensures that their input is provided in major initiatives and in the policy-making function more generally.”

He said that it is in keeping with government’s policy that invitations have been extended to the two parliamentary political parties, the Alliance For Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

He, however, lamented that despite several calls for consultations, there appears to be no real interest, by either party, to engage on the matter of Budget 2014.

He said that APNU’s shadow Finance Minister, Mr. Carl Greenidge, even went so far as to indicate that he “sees no point in the consultations,” but, happily he is “a tiny minority” with that view, as there have been large groups of representatives which have met with the Finance Ministry to discuss and consult on the national budget.

Discussions have so far been held with the Private Sector Commission (PSC), Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG), the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) and all of these have been successful, Dr Singh said.

“The door is always open; there must be no doubt in their minds about that,” he said. “And there must be no doubt in the minds of the people of Guyana that the Government of Guyana is open, willing and ready to meet with the opposition at any time on the matter of Budget 2014; indeed, on any matter of national importance, but more particularly, on Budget 2014. That must be made crystal clear.”

Minister Singh said he is optimistic that there will be a re-think within the ranks of the Opposition. “I don’t get the sense that Greenidge’s position enjoys widespread support in the opposition,” he said. “I believe that there are some in the Opposition who would like to see these consultations happen, but I don’t know what the hierarchical structures are in the Opposition; where the authority resides, and who really enjoys the right to issue instructions to whom… I do get the clear and distinct impression that there is, at least within some quarters of the opposition that there is an interest in engaging with us.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There is a process.

He is above Brazzsington at NICIL...the process is missing some 10 years accounting.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Finance Minister says"Open deh door leh deh man come in,all aweeah one Family"

Is that de back door or front door?

the prison door is waiting for this thief


I asked a PNC friend of mine if anybody is acknowledging this guy D2.  He said 'chaps like them who been to university in the states think they know it all. But when the feet hit the ground they realize they are lacking the skills that politics require in Guyana.". This PNC friend said that bhai D2 is no different from them Accabre PPP bhais who went to symposiums in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I asked a PNC friend of mine if anybody is acknowledging this guy D2.  He said 'chaps like them who been to university in the states think they know it all. But when the feet hit the ground they realize they are lacking the skills that politics require in Guyana.". This PNC friend said that bhai D2 is no different from them Accabre PPP bhais who went to symposiums in Russia and Eastern Europe.

I cannot intercede in a love fest of fools. My regards to your PNC friend.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Using your intelligence to defend the PNC is no more effective that a brilliant lawyer trying to acquit Jeffrey Dahmer. You are doing it for a name or money.

Get is punk. I spend almost 4 years addressing the PNC crimes when it mattered. I can say with great depth I know what they did, where they did it and to whom because I read every document I can on the matter. Note, I was the one who posted the full X13 documents here some 15 years ago. I got them from A PPP source.


That being said, why would I not do to the PPP what I did to the PNC? They are no different and their naked corruption is taking us to a dark place that even the PNC has no option to do. WHo is paying me?


i have a problem you aligning yourself with the PNC.  You are out to defend every criticism of the PNC on this forum. It is clear for everyone to see. I have my problems the ruling party, especially when it comes to the system they are using to elect/select the party's presidential candidate. I believe if the PPP is not pragmatic enough it will fail and the years of hard struggle could very well be in jeopardy. I have never argued that corruption is non-existent.  It existed in the CBJ admin. and have gotten worse today. We must fight it but we must not go to the extreme where the oppositon, which is more corrupted and dangerous in my view, stand to gain  and not the Guyanese people. Do you wna to the replace the PPP with something worse?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

i have a problem you aligning yourself with the PNC.  You are out to defend every criticism of the PNC on this forum. It is clear for everyone to see. I have my problems the ruling party, especially when it comes to the system they are using to elect/select the party's presidential candidate. I believe if the PPP is not pragmatic enough it will fail and the years of hard struggle could very well be in jeopardy. I have never argued that corruption is non-existent.  It existed in the CBJ admin. and have gotten worse today. We must fight it but we must not go to the extreme where the oppositon, which is more corrupted and dangerous in my view, stand to gain  and not the Guyanese people. Do you wna to the replace the PPP with something worse?

You can have whatever problem you envision it is with me but it will not bother me. I write my own views as I see them. The PNC is not a threat to me now. The PPP is. The PNC is not robbing us blind. The PPP is. Ashni Singh is a scoundrel and is part of this systemic bleeding the nation experiences. Brazzington works for him and luncheon so all of those crooked formulations from the Berbice river bridge to the Marriott are on his head. In the future if the PNC wins who do you think is going to be ask to answer? Brazzington will say I am doing my masters bidding. His Master is Ashni and Luncheon.


And I do not fite virtual battles except that it resides in game space in my computer. I am not going to fight the PNC for what they will potentially do. I will fight the PPP for what t hey are doing. What the PNC will do does not bother me. I will address that as I see it. I anticipated good from these fellows look what I got. No I am not going to expect good or bad of people. I will address them on what the do.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

i have a problem you aligning yourself with the PNC.  You are out to defend every criticism of the PNC on this forum. It is clear for everyone to see. I have my problems the ruling party, especially when it comes to the system they are using to elect/select the party's presidential candidate. I believe if the PPP is not pragmatic enough it will fail and the years of hard struggle could very well be in jeopardy. I have never argued that corruption is non-existent.  It existed in the CBJ admin. and have gotten worse today. We must fight it but we must not go to the extreme where the oppositon, which is more corrupted and dangerous in my view, stand to gain  and not the Guyanese people. Do you wna to the replace the PPP with something worse?

You can have whatever problem you envision it is with me but it will not bother me. I write my own views as I see them. The PNC is not a threat to me now. The PPP is. The PNC is not robbing us blind. The PPP is. Ashni Singh is a scoundrel and is part of this systemic bleeding the nation experiences. Brazzington works for him and luncheon so all of those crooked formulations from the Berbice river bridge to the Marriott are on his head. In the future if the PNC wins who do you think is going to be ask to answer? Brazzington will say I am doing my masters bidding. His Master is Ashni and Luncheon.


And I do not fite virtual battles except that it resides in game space in my computer. I am not going to fight the PNC for what they will potentially do. I will fight the PPP for what t hey are doing. What the PNC will do does not bother me. I will address that as I see it. I anticipated good from these fellows look what I got. No I am not going to expect good or bad of people. I will address them on what the do.

The PNC is not a threat to me now. The PPP is. The PNC is not robbing us blind. The PPP is.


How so? You do not live in Guyana and never lived in Guyan for any significant period of time. Want to explain this to us?


Yes I remember the Burnham years. I cannot say I punished because my family had money and most of the time I was abroad. What I remember clearly of the Burnham years is the courage, the tenacity of black people rejecting the dictatorship.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

i have a problem you aligning yourself with the PNC.  You are out to defend every criticism of the PNC on this forum. It is clear for everyone to see. I have my problems the ruling party, especially when it comes to the system they are using to elect/select the party's presidential candidate. I believe if the PPP is not pragmatic enough it will fail and the years of hard struggle could very well be in jeopardy. I have never argued that corruption is non-existent.  It existed in the CBJ admin. and have gotten worse today. We must fight it but we must not go to the extreme where the oppositon, which is more corrupted and dangerous in my view, stand to gain  and not the Guyanese people. Do you wna to the replace the PPP with something worse?

You can have whatever problem you envision it is with me but it will not bother me. I write my own views as I see them. The PNC is not a threat to me now. The PPP is. The PNC is not robbing us blind. The PPP is. Ashni Singh is a scoundrel and is part of this systemic bleeding the nation experiences. Brazzington works for him and luncheon so all of those crooked formulations from the Berbice river bridge to the Marriott are on his head. In the future if the PNC wins who do you think is going to be ask to answer? Brazzington will say I am doing my masters bidding. His Master is Ashni and Luncheon.


And I do not fite virtual battles except that it resides in game space in my computer. I am not going to fight the PNC for what they will potentially do. I will fight the PPP for what t hey are doing. What the PNC will do does not bother me. I will address that as I see it. I anticipated good from these fellows look what I got. No I am not going to expect good or bad of people. I will address them on what the do.

The PNC is not a threat to me now. The PPP is. The PNC is not robbing us blind. The PPP is.


How so? You do not live in Guyana and never lived in Guyan for any significant period of time. Want to explain this to us?


Yes I remember the Burnham years. I cannot say I punished because my family had money and most of the time I was abroad. What I remember clearly of the Burnham years is the courage, the tenacity of black people rejecting the dictatorship.

I lived there long enough to grasp the nature of a dictatorship, to be competent to write about with first hand understanding and to experience and apprehend whatever sense of alienation that existed in the society. 


Even so, I can read, have family who was part of the struggle and many others a bit older than me who grew up in the period. My mother my sister my 65 cousins all can inform me of their experience.


I also happen to be at a school with a large Guyanese contingency and we were all close. I can say with some realization that it was  the first time I experienced  Indians and blacks and others being fully intermingled and having  a deep love and understanding and respect for each other. It was not about who is PNC or PPP. And what else would students speak of when their family lived under the regime. Further, most of us needed the network to be able to survive as kids alone in the US. I dare say much of that network survives for me since my Guyanese friends are t he one I knew from school and many are still around me.


I do not need you to approve  any  credential to authorize me to speak on anything. You need to address what I say for its accuracies or inaccuracies.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

i have a problem you aligning yourself with the PNC.  You are out to defend every criticism of the PNC on this forum. It is clear for everyone to see. I have my problems the ruling party, especially when it comes to the system they are using to elect/select the party's presidential candidate. I believe if the PPP is not pragmatic enough it will fail and the years of hard struggle could very well be in jeopardy. I have never argued that corruption is non-existent.  It existed in the CBJ admin. and have gotten worse today. We must fight it but we must not go to the extreme where the oppositon, which is more corrupted and dangerous in my view, stand to gain  and not the Guyanese people. Do you wna to the replace the PPP with something worse?

You can have whatever problem you envision it is with me but it will not bother me. I write my own views as I see them. The PNC is not a threat to me now. The PPP is. The PNC is not robbing us blind. The PPP is. Ashni Singh is a scoundrel and is part of this systemic bleeding the nation experiences. Brazzington works for him and luncheon so all of those crooked formulations from the Berbice river bridge to the Marriott are on his head. In the future if the PNC wins who do you think is going to be ask to answer? Brazzington will say I am doing my masters bidding. His Master is Ashni and Luncheon.


And I do not fite virtual battles except that it resides in game space in my computer. I am not going to fight the PNC for what they will potentially do. I will fight the PPP for what t hey are doing. What the PNC will do does not bother me. I will address that as I see it. I anticipated good from these fellows look what I got. No I am not going to expect good or bad of people. I will address them on what the do.

The PNC is not a threat to me now. The PPP is. The PNC is not robbing us blind. The PPP is.


How so? You do not live in Guyana and never lived in Guyan for any significant period of time. Want to explain this to us?


Yes I remember the Burnham years. I cannot say I punished because my family had money and most of the time I was abroad. What I remember clearly of the Burnham years is the courage, the tenacity of black people rejecting the dictatorship.

I lived there long enough to grasp the nature of a dictatorship, to be competent to write about with first hand understanding and to experience and apprehend whatever sense of alienation that existed in the society. 


Even so, I can read, have family who was part of the struggle and many others a bit older than me who grew up in the period. My mother my sister my 65 cousins all can inform me of their experience.


I also happen to be at a school with a large Guyanese contingency and we were all close. I can say with some realization that it was  the first time I experienced  Indians and blacks and others being fully intermingled and having  a deep love and understanding and respect for each other. It was not about who is PNC or PPP. And what else would students speak of when their family lived under the regime. Further, most of us needed the network to be able to survive as kids alone in the US. I dare say much of that network survives for me since my Guyanese friends are t he one I knew from school and many are still around me.


I do not need you to approve  any  credential to authorize me to speak on anything. You need to address what I say for its accuracies or inaccuracies.

Second hand information. I am not questioning your credentials; I am questioning your use of you speaking in the first person.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Second hand information. I am not questioning your credentials; I am questioning your use of you speaking in the first person.

Most of your education is second hand information. What is your first hand information that negates anything I said.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Second hand information. I am not questioning your credentials; I am questioning your use of you speaking in the first person.

Most of your education is second hand information. What is your first hand information that negates anything I said.

All of our education is second hand; including yours. I go to Guyana twice a year and spend at least 3-4 weeks each time. I lived through some of the PNC years. That's more than what you can say for yourself.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Second hand information. I am not questioning your credentials; I am questioning your use of you speaking in the first person.

Most of your education is second hand information. What is your first hand information that negates anything I said.

All of our education is second hand; including yours. I go to Guyana twice a year and spend at least 3-4 weeks each time. I lived through some of the PNC years. That's more than what you can say for yourself.

 If you have such expertise why spend so much time imagining the worse in people? Next time focus on your first hand information.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Second hand information. I am not questioning your credentials; I am questioning your use of you speaking in the first person.

Most of your education is second hand information. What is your first hand information that negates anything I said.

All of our education is second hand; including yours. I go to Guyana twice a year and spend at least 3-4 weeks each time. I lived through some of the PNC years. That's more than what you can say for yourself.

 If you have such expertise why spend so much time imagining the worse in people? Next time focus on your first hand information.

Never did I say I am an expert on anything. I don't have to explain my perception of people to you. You have an eternal hate for Indians. Go back and check your posts.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Second hand information. I am not questioning your credentials; I am questioning your use of you speaking in the first person.

Most of your education is second hand information. What is your first hand information that negates anything I said.

All of our education is second hand; including yours. I go to Guyana twice a year and spend at least 3-4 weeks each time. I lived through some of the PNC years. That's more than what you can say for yourself.

 If you have such expertise why spend so much time imagining the worse in people? Next time focus on your first hand information.

Never did I say I am an expert on anything. I don't have to explain my perception of people to you. You have an eternal hate for Indians. Go back and check your posts.

Do not project your visceral response to black folks to me. You do not get to define me. I am much of India as you.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Second hand information. I am not questioning your credentials; I am questioning your use of you speaking in the first person.

Most of your education is second hand information. What is your first hand information that negates anything I said.

All of our education is second hand; including yours. I go to Guyana twice a year and spend at least 3-4 weeks each time. I lived through some of the PNC years. That's more than what you can say for yourself.

 If you have such expertise why spend so much time imagining the worse in people? Next time focus on your first hand information.

Never did I say I am an expert on anything. I don't have to explain my perception of people to you. You have an eternal hate for Indians. Go back and check your posts.

Do not project your visceral response to black folks to me. You do not get to define me. I am much of India as you.

Shameless liar!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Second hand information. I am not questioning your credentials; I am questioning your use of you speaking in the first person.

Most of your education is second hand information. What is your first hand information that negates anything I said.

All of our education is second hand; including yours. I go to Guyana twice a year and spend at least 3-4 weeks each time. I lived through some of the PNC years. That's more than what you can say for yourself.

 If you have such expertise why spend so much time imagining the worse in people? Next time focus on your first hand information.

Never did I say I am an expert on anything. I don't have to explain my perception of people to you. You have an eternal hate for Indians. Go back and check your posts.

Do not project your visceral response to black folks to me. You do not get to define me. I am much of India as you.

Shameless liar!

and you would know! Man, you are as sick as a scab. I have as great an understanding of the culture as you have given I am of it as well and had enough cultural immersion to know it totally. That I call myself Amerind is because My mother is Amerind and I value and respect the primacy of her influence. Now go chew on your hate a bit more.


Further, my daughters grew up in Goa and  are more Indian than you will ever be so why would I hate them or anything of them?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
I am much of India as you.

.. and much of China, .. much of US_of_A, .. much of Canada, .. much of England, .. etc., etc., etc..

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
I am much of India as you.

.. and much of China, .. much of US_of_A, .. much of Canada, .. much of England, .. etc., etc., etc..

D2 wrote:

"The PNC is not a threat to me now. The PPP is. The PNC is not robbing us blind. The PPP is".


Yes I remember the Burnham years. I cannot say I punished because my family had money and most of the time I was abroad. What I remember clearly of the Burnham years is the courage, the tenacity of black people rejecting the dictatorship.


He is not Guyanese. He is lying. He is a student of KN and Stabroek News. He hates Indians. Wonder why? Did one of his wives run off with a coolie man?


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