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Financial Papers approved with amendments – funds for GINA, NCN, CJIA expansion and Amaila access road again refused



The National Assembly this evening approved Financial Papers 1, 2 and 3 of 2013 with amendments after heated debate in the Committee of Supply.


The consideration of the sums of money requested by Government began with Financial Paper No. 1, seeking approval for a total of $3,384,528,708. The first item to be questioned was the sum of $217,194,998 taken from the Consolidated Fund to finance the operations of the National Communications Network (NCN) and the Government Information Agency (GINA), both of whose budgets were reduced to $1 by the Opposition during the 2013 budget debates.


Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai explains to the National Assembly, the necessity for funding to be approved for the Amerindian Development Fund

Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai

explains to the National Assembly, the necessity

for funding to be approved for the Amerindian

Development Fund


Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh explained that the monies were utilised to meet the shortfalls of the two agencies which included paying staff. However, A Partnership for Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament Carl Greenidge questioned the relevance of coming to the House for approval when the money was already spent. He claimed that this does not meet requirements set out in the constitution.


Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman however, shared a view that the Minister can in fact make proposals for more money or may use money for shortfalls, and in so doing has the right to come to the National Assembly for same. The allocations for both state media entities were however, voted against.


Similarly, sums allocated towards the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion project was also voted down whilst other sums were approved. For Financial Paper 1, only sums allocated for Hinterland Airstrips, the Specialty Hospital and the Civil Aviation Authority were approved.


Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn explains the details of the funds requested for projects under his Ministry

Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn explains

the details of the funds requested for projects

under his Ministry


Financial Paper No. 2 which requested approval for sums totalling $1,261,596,480 was approved in totality. The allocations were made towards the Commission of Inquiry for the death of Dr. Walter Rodney; Parliament; Ministry of Home Affairs for the provision of patrol boats and the Forensic Laboratory; Ministry of Health for the extension of the Caribbean Heart Institute and refurbishing of the High Dependency Unit at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC); and the Ministry of Local Government


Financial Paper No. 3 which requested approval for the sum of $7,737,984,510 was approved with amendments. Funding for the Amaila Falls access road was voted down whilst the other sums requesting approval were acceded to.


Sums were approved for the Ministry of Agriculture providing support to Guysuco and the rice industry; Public Works Ministry for the maintenance of roads, bridges and other infrastructure; the Amerindian Development Fund, and Ministry of Home Affairs’ Citizens’ Security Programme.

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