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Fire Fire in deh wiah wiah oh oh oh .

AFC threatens to back PPP/C nominee
THE dispute between the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance for Change (AFC) over the Speaker position, in the Tenth Parliament, has taken a different twist.
AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan told the State-run National Communications Network (NCN) yesterday that, if an agreement cannot be reached with the PNCR by this month end, then the position will be handed to the ruling People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).
Dr. Roger Luncheon
“The PPP/C will win it, because their 32 will go and vote for Ralph Ramkarran,” Ramjattan said.Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramkarran, who was Speaker of the House during the Ninth Parliament, was touted by the PPP/C to remain in the post.
The AFC Leader also noted that, if APNU is not willing to negotiate, then the AFC will turn to the PPP/C for endorsement of Moses Nagamootoo, who, in his view, is the most suitable person in the opposition camp to fill the chair.
However talks with the PPP/C must be on the condition that the Speaker is derived from the opposition, preferably the AFC.
Ramjattan chided APNU's Chairman David Granger for recent comments that Nagamootoo is not suitable.
Ramjattan maintains his argument that, if the opposition is to hold the Speaker job, then the AFC should get first preference since, it is responsible for the PPP/C losing the majority in the House.
“We are gonna say: why you want your candidate to serve first as against ours? And that’s a simple thing (and) let them come back to that argument. We feel Nagamootoo should get the speakership…,” Ramjattan said.

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Originally posted by Nehru:
Fire Fire in deh wiah wiah oh oh oh .

AFC threatens to back PPP/C nominee
THE dispute between the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance for Change (AFC) over the Speaker position, in the Tenth Parliament, has taken a different twist.
AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan told the State-run National Communications Network (NCN) yesterday that, if an agreement cannot be reached with the PNCR by this month end, then the position will be handed to the ruling People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).
Dr. Roger Luncheon
“The PPP/C will win it, because their 32 will go and vote for Ralph Ramkarran,” Ramjattan said.Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramkarran, who was Speaker of the House during the Ninth Parliament, was touted by the PPP/C to remain in the post.

The AFC Leader also noted that, if APNU is not willing to negotiate, then the AFC will turn to the PPP/C for endorsement of Moses Nagamootoo, who, in his view, is the most suitable person in the opposition camp to fill the chair.

However talks with the PPP/C must be on the condition that the Speaker is derived from the opposition, preferably the AFC.
Ramjattan chided APNU's Chairman David Granger for recent comments that Nagamootoo is not suitable.

Ramjattan maintains his argument that, if the opposition is to hold the Speaker job, then the AFC should get first preference since, it is responsible for the PPP/C losing the majority in the House.

“We are gonna say: why you want your candidate to serve first as against ours? And that’s a simple thing (and) let them come back to that argument. We feel Nagamootoo should get the speakership…,” Ramjattan said.

They should not hand the speakers position on a platter to the PPP. This is poor negotiating. It would not bode well for whittling away at the PPP oligarchy if that is the case.
Originally posted by D2:
They should not hand the speakers position on a platter to the PPP. This is poor negotiating. It would not bode well for whittling away at the PPP oligarchy if that is the case.

Well its going to happen. AFC insists on Nagamootoo even though APNU will not accept him. Rather than offering an alternate candidate they stand stubbornly insistent.

Apparently the AFC has no supporters aside from PPP refugees.

If the PPP accepts Nagamootoo who landed them in their minority position in the first place then our suspicions of Nagamootoo are then correct.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by D2:
They should not hand the speakers position on a platter to the PPP. This is poor negotiating. It would not bode well for whittling away at the PPP oligarchy if that is the case.

Well its going to happen. AFC insists on Nagamootoo even though APNU will not accept him. Rather than offering an alternate candidate they stand stubbornly insistent.

Apparently the AFC has no supporters aside from PPP refugees.

If the PPP accepts Nagamootoo who landed them in their minority position in the first place then our suspicions of Nagamootoo are then correct.
The AFC has every right to demand their candidate gets the post. They happen to be the wedge between the dominant parties and would be ignored if they did not hold the one vote advantage both needs.

Insisting the AFC voters are PPP refugees because they do not trust the APNU is idiocy. They are not to be trusted and for similar ethical deficits as the PPP. Note, the AFC is not asking the PPP for support. That is a poor strategy. They should make the same demands to both the PPP and the APNU.
I say let the AFC go with the PPP. They are PPP'ites anyway. They were never the TRUE opposition.

That's why I lean to the APNU because I know what I am getting. The AFC is an unknown unproven untested commodity.

Let them go tie bundle with the PPP. I expected that ever since day one. I don't trust Moses or Ramjattan further than I can throw them. They are wolves in sheep clothing.
OH OH SURPRISE SURPRISE He dont TRUST Moses and ramjattan but he TRUST Nigel and Trotty. laad Ah Mercy. Al Yuh think fuh Al Yuh self GNI dont let me sway Al Yuh. partybanana partybanana yippie yippie. I know Ray said many times what a Great Guy he is. yippie yippie
Originally posted by Nuff:
I say let the AFC go with the PPP. They are PPP'ites anyway. They were never the TRUE opposition.

That's why I lean to the APNU because I know what I am getting. The AFC is an unknown unproven untested commodity.

Let them go tie bundle with the PPP. I expected that ever since day one. I don't trust Moses or Ramjattan further than I can throw them. They are wolves in sheep clothing.
Originally posted by Nehru:
OH OH SURPRISE SURPRISE He dont TRUST Moses and ramjattan but he TRUST Nigel and Trotty. laad Ah Mercy. Al Yuh think fuh Al Yuh self GNI dont let me sway Al Yuh. partybanana partybanana yippie yippie. I know Ray said many times what a Great Guy he is. yippie :yy
I don't trust the AFC in general. But the fact that Trotman stated he is stepping down is one reason I never mentioned his name. The current leaders of the AFC are Ramjattan and Moses. Though there is no way they could ever win an election unless they merged with the PPP like the CIVIC.

7 seats doesn't cut the mustard.

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