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Fire guts Robb Street complex

…shatters glass windows of Republic Bank

By Bhisham Mohamed


A fire of unknown origin early Sunday morning gutted two businesses – one of them housed in the former Kissoon Furniture Store

Firefighters battling with the blaze on Sunday morning

Firefighters battling with the blaze on Sunday morning

building and caused severe damage to two others at Camp and Robb Streets, Georgetown. The fire, which started about 02:05h, ravaged a hardware store operated by a group of Chinese nationals, but owned by popular businessman Ridwan Khan. It also razed the Friends Hotel in the same block that was also owned by Khan and rented to the Chinese. In addition, the northern wall of the City Mall received extensive damage as a result of the inferno as well as nearby Republic Bank. The intensity of the flames shattered several glass doors of Republic Bank. According to reports received, a loud explosion was heard followed by huge flames in the hardware store, but the fire might have started in another building and swiftly moved to the hardware store. When Guyana Times visited the scene on Sunday morning, firefighters were busy containing remnant small fires as they erupted. Some officials were going through the rubble to gather information as they conduct their investigations. There was heavy presence of Police ranks at the scene and several persons living in the upper flat of the hardware store were grilled in connection with the fire. Jie Xiang Zhu, the Chinese businessman who operated the store, explained that he was at home when he received several calls informing him that the building was on fire. He stated that in less than 15 minutes he arrived at the scene and saw firefighters battling to put out the blaze. Based on reports he received, he explained that some of the staff were on the upper flat of the store and were not even aware the lower flat was on fire. They were reportedly awakened by others from the nearby hotel who had smelt smoke and realised that the place was on fire.

Aftermath of the fire on Camp and Robb Streets

Aftermath of the fire on Camp and Robb Streets

As of Sunday morning, Jie was not sure what caused the fire and more so, the origin of the fire. As a result of the confusion, he stated that he did not have the chance to speak with the fire officials. The frustrated young Chinese entrepreneur stated that his wife was devastated, since they had invested heavily in the hardware store.


Devastated He further stated that they have been renting the building for the past four years from Khan, and were sure that the building was insured. The businessman stated that he has other businesses in the city and would take some time before making a decision if he will reopen the hardware store. On the other hand, Khan told Guyana Times that he had purchase the building from AH&L Kissoon Limited over a year ago. At the time, he purchased the building the Chinese were already occupying it. Khan said he received the devastating news of the fire about 02:15h from a few friends who were in the area. It took him about five minutes to arrive at the scene only to find the hardware store engulfed in flames as well as a portion of the Friends Hotel. He was reportedly told that an explosion was heard in the lower flat of the building that sounded like a gas cylinder. Soon after the entire lower flat was engulfed in smoke and within minutes, flames were seen.  He too has not been briefed on the cause of the fire, but counted his losses to be in the millions. Khan stated that he was cognisant also that millions went up in flames for the Chinese businessman who had a well stocked store. Both businesses, he added, were insured. Fire Chief Marlon Gentle told media operatives that the Fire Service received reports of the fire and immediately dispatched fire tenders from Central Fire Station with back up tankers. Water, he stated, was sourced from the North Road canal since none of the fire hydrants in close proximity of the fire were operable. He noted that by the time the fire tenders arrived at the scene, portions of the two buildings were engulfed. Firefighters battled the blaze as well as saved nearby buildings that were under threat. Gentle stated that after some time, the fire was contained but the buildings were razed. One of the buildings, he noted, was completely gutted while the other was severely damaged. He commended the firefighters who worked extremely hard to save the nearby buildings. He stated a thorough investigation would be conducted to determine the cause of the fire. Senior Police ranks told this newspaper that after they received reports of the fire, they immediately sent ranks to cordon off the area to prevent any disturbances.

Engulfed in flames [right) is the Golden City Hardware bond. At left, a neighbouring is under threat
Engulfed in flames (right) is the Golden City Hardware bond. At left, a neighbouring is under threat

Millions of dollars worth of investments reduced to ashes  –as early-morning fire razes Camp and Robb Streets complex


A FIRE which started at approximately 02.30hrs yesterday morning completely destroyed the Golden City Hardware building on Camp and Robb Streets, formerly the Kissoon Furniture Building. The fire also gutted an adjacent building that was converted to a storage bond for the hardware store and a few small businesses nearby.When the Guyana Chronicle arrived at the scene, the fire was still raging and threatening all buildings on that corner, including the Republic Bank.

Police ranks on the scene keeping the crowd at bay

Police ranks on the scene keeping the crowd at bay

The City Mall was also at one point under threat, but firemen managed to contain the fire to just two structures, while several others suffered extensive water damage. ‘A’ Division Commander Clifton Hicken, along with senior police ranks from the division, were at the scene, as well as Fire Chief Marlon Gentle and other senior Guyana Fire Service officers. Speaking with the media yesterday morning, as his property was going up in flames, businessman Rizwan Nayeem Khan, who is also the owner of the Discount Store at Regent and Wellington Streets, explained that he was at home when he received a call that his building was on fire. The man stated that he was informed that the fire started in the front building, which stands at Camp and Robb Streets, before spreading to the storage bond located at the back of that building which was recently converted into one. The businessman further explained that when he arrived on the scene, the entire primary building was already engulfed.

Yesterday morning, firemen were forced to turn their hose to nearby buildings, including the Republic Bank, located just across the street, as the wind sent the flames in that

The atmosphere at the scene of the fire at sunrise

The atmosphere at the scene of the fire at sunrise

direction. The pressure of the water caused the glass to the façade of the Bank to be shattered. However, within hours, construction workers were on the scene and it was observed that they were laying plyboard in the space where the glass was shattered. The police were out in their numbers, and several streets around the block of the fire were closed off. Fire Chief Gentle, in an interview early yesterday morning at the scene, explained that the firefighters did their best to contain the fire to the two buildings but he noted the challenges that the men faced in battling the blaze. He spoke of heavy winds which fuelled the fire and pushed it in several directions; combustible items within the storage bond; and the other parts of the store that had some amount of restaurant activities and a damaged water pump which was pulling water from the nearby North Road canal but was affected by the intake of silt. Gentle said that the call about the fire came to the central fire station at approximately 02.35 hrs by a man who said that he heard a loud explosion inside the store and was seeing what appeared to be a ball of fire. He added that when the fire tenders arrived at the scene after being mobilized from Alberttown and the Central Fire Station, the entire building was already engulfed.

 A worker of the Golden City Hardware building who resided on the upper flat of the building

A worker of the Golden City Hardware building who resided on the upper flat of the building

The Chief Fire Officer stated that there were eleven tenders which responded to the scene and represented all fire stations within Georgetown. The closeness of the buildings did not make the work of the firefighters easy as that caused the fire to rip through the block. On the issue of the fire hydrants, the Chief Fire Officer showed the media the fire hydrants which are in the area but are of no use to the fire service. The fire has left millions in damage and several persons jobless even as investigators try to get to the bottom of the catastrophe.

By Leroy Smith


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