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It is sad that President Granger did not let go of Minister Harmon as yet.

This does not send a good message to the Guyanese public both home and abroad. PNC/APNU won because of the same type of behavior from the former Government and today instead of firing Harmon, President Granger  is questioning why  decent  people are saying that the current Government is corrupt.

Give me a break, Mr. President! You out of all the people should know better and act as the  honest statesman you profess to be.

Fire Harmon!





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Chief posted:

It is sad that President Granger did not let go of Minister Harmon as yet.

This does not send a good message to the Guyanese public both home and abroad. PNC/APNU won because of the same type of behavior from the former Government and today instead of firing Harmon, President Granger  is questioning why  decent  people are saying that the current Government is corrupt.

Give me a break, Mr. President! You out of all the people should know better and act as the  honest statesman you profess to be.

Fire Harmon!





The problem in Guyana is that corruption is so widespread that it touches and affects everyone

VishMahabir posted:
Chief posted:

It is sad that President Granger did not let go of Minister Harmon as yet.

This does not send a good message to the Guyanese public both home and abroad. PNC/APNU won because of the same type of behavior from the former Government and today instead of firing Harmon, President Granger  is questioning why  decent  people are saying that the current Government is corrupt.

Give me a break, Mr. President! You out of all the people should know better and act as the  honest statesman you profess to be.

Fire Harmon!

The problem in Guyana is that corruption is so widespread that it touches and affects everyo

Harmon is one of the best so just imagine the rest.


So far the chinee man sojourn into Guyana has bee parasitic. Just raping the land and contributing nothing to development. This is their approach throughout the world. I doubt Harmon and Granger will fully give them the boot as these two crooks need the inflow of cash from China to keep the economy going. All the talk of bringing in American/Indian and European investment while on the campaign trail has sputtered to a grinding halt as the we see this administration has no concrete plans to move the nation forward. After 11 months in power, all they have managed to do is to piggyback on PPP initiatives. 


The President has provided little to no leadership so far.  As such, those beneath him feel the need to step into that role.   Harmon sees himself as the one who should step up because The President is not doing his job.  The President is happy that Harmon is taking on that role because he doesn't give a crap.  

You need grounds to fire Harmon on.  Who will bell the cyat?  Where is Uncle Tom and Devany in all of this? What happened to the responsibilities of that Prime Minister job?  Is Harmon performing those duties? The problem here is lack of leadership.  

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The President has provided little to no leadership so far.  As such, those beneath him feel the need to step into that role.   Harmon sees himself as the one who should step up because The President is not doing his job.  The President is happy that Harmon is taking on that role because he doesn't give a crap.  

You need grounds to fire Harmon on.  Who will bell the cyat?  Where is Uncle Tom and Devany in all of this? What happened to the responsibilities of that Prime Minister job?  Is Harmon performing those duties? The problem here is lack of leadership.  

He is only qualified to steal ballot Boxes and release CRIMINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Upper Echelons of the PNC Elite now realize that Granger is not their guy.  It's one thing to win an election, it's another thing to run a country successfully. There is going to be a struggle for Supremacy.  A new leader will emerge.  Keep your eyes on Trotman, he has what it takes to outsmart all of them.

In the meantime, the economy and the country will crumble.  They will court couple coolie man who gat money to keep the engine turning.  Favors will be given to them in an act of survival. 

Bibi Haniffa
Chief posted:

Agree with both Druggie and Bibi.

Lack of leadership indeed. I am sure Moses can do a better job at leading but they will not allow this to happen.



Harmon's sole responsibility was to ensure that Moses is kept in check. Moses' Prime Minister title is merely honorary. Harmon is the real McCoy. Granger can sit back in the shadows and allow his chosen henchman Harmon to do what he does not have the courage to do himself.

On another note, Trotty was talking the other day about the meeting he had with Granger some 10 years ago in Nassau. He said that Granger told him the May 11th results was Nassau. What got lost in that whole comment that if it was for Trotty to deliver the government to the PNC, he failed miserably given his showing at the 2006 general elections. Even Ramjattan was just trugging along through 2011 until Moses invigorated the AFC before the 2011 elections and even that while securing a Coalition majority in the National Assembly did not deliver the government to the PNC. It took three plus years later and a Valentine's Day rendezvous engineered by Moses to formally Coalesce with APNU for what Granger and Trotty supposedly spoke about in Nassau. And how they repay Moses? By putting a 10 thousand ton  boot on him named Harmon.

Other that that, they remain hapless.


May 20, 2015 article.

While Moses Nagamootoo's position has been substantially curbed, that of Joseph Harmon has increased whereby he is effectively in control of the issues of the country.



Harmon, Nagamootoo share powers in Assembly

APNU/AFC allocation of ministerial responsibilities:

By Michael Younge, May 20, 2015 By GuyanaTimes,

Newly elected President David Granger

Newly elected President David Granger

President David Granger’s decision to create a new Government Ministry headed by retired Colonel Joseph Harmon could see the sharing of powers by him and Prime Minister elect Moses Nagamootoo in the Legislature and Executive as a whole.

Nagamootoo, according to the Cummingsburg Accord which was signed by the Alliance For Change and A Partnership for National Unity ahead of the coalition agreement, was expected to look after the domestic affairs of the country while chairing the Cabinet. He was also expected to make recommendations for ministerial appointments while providing organisational structures for Ministries to be approved by President Granger.

Additionally, the Prime Minister elect was slated to appoint heads of agencies and non-constitutional commissions with the required and agreed democratic mechanisms of consultation and appointment; and domestic security.

Nagamootoo, who is still to be sworn in, was also expected to be the Government’s Chief Legislator in Parliament and be fully in charge of the Government’s business. This means that he would also take full responsibility for the legislation to be piloted by the Office of the President (OP) and act on the President’s behalf as his most senior representative in Parliament.

Prime Minister elect Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister elect
Moses Nagamootoo

However, Granger on Monday announced that Harmon would be the Minister-in-Charge of the affairs of the Office of the President which would be renamed Ministry of the Presidency. President Granger also confirmed that Harmon would act the Minister of State in Parliament and will function under his direction and instruction. “Some departments will continue, some will remain, but the most important thing is that we ensure there is no disruption, simple. Comrade Harmon will be doing the job that Dr Luncheon did, with some exceptions, he won’t be doing NIS (National Insurance Scheme), but as far as OP is concerned, he is Minister-in-Charge,” Granger is quoted as saying.

Additionally, Harmon will be responsible for acting on behalf of the President himself as far Granger’s ministerial portfolios are concerned in the Legislature. This means that he could announce policy positions of the Head of Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, while also making parliamentary statements on Granger’s responsibility as far as the appointment of Constitutional Agencies and Commissions with the required and agreed democratic mechanisms of consultation and appointment.

So far, President Granger has made all of the announcements of who he has confirmed in various ministerial posting and not Nagamootoo, who should have done so after making recommendations and consultations with the President.

When contacted on Tuesday, the representative of the coalition list, Dr Harold Lutchman, said that the President can divide the powers where he sees it fit. He presumes that’s what the coalition will be doing over the next few days.

Retired Colonel Joseph Harmon

Retired Colonel Joseph Harmon

Another top executive of the coalition, Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, said that he is unsure of how the powers will be divided. “I am not entirely sure what the Prime Ministerial portfolio will be,” he admitted. He said teh Prime Minister will be responsible for a number of things, but he is unsure of what those things will be, citing that he is certain the Prime Minister will be responsible for government information. Roopnaraine did say for Harmon, in Parliament he will be representing particular areas like defence, citizenship, immigration and public service. When asked who will be senior, he suggested that Nagamootoo will remain senior in the National Assembly.


Why Granger must fired Harmon when it was predicted that's how the core principle of the PNC works? The pedophile that the PNC endorsed is sworn in, and Volda Lawrence is still on the job when the whole country is telling Granger to kick her out. If Granger had any class, Ramjattan should have been gone a long time. Granger himself is a racist, liar and a thief. He took one year to plan how to w/hore out $300 million of taxpayers money in one day, whereas he turned Republic day into a military parade. So, who is this neemakaram Granger you calling, Mr. ?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Moses can pull the plug on this gov't. by calling on Berbicians to not vote for APNU/AFC in 2020.  However, I'm afraid the plug has already been pulled by the people themselves

What wrong with you, Balgobin? Moses never pulled off Berbician votes for the coalition, and he can't pull the plug on them to save his ass either. The people don't respect him or trust him anymore. The man is a traitor.


If you want to see real anti-koolie racism wait until Granjer replace Harmon with a hardcore anti-koolie racist. The CIA has a term called blowback it's when they replace their enemy with their friend who becomes worst than their enemy. Keep listening to the BS that the AFC East Indians are peddling. Granjer has made them powerless and they are looking for a scapegoat to hang their stupidity.


Last edited by Prashad

Harmon’s China trip more than Govt reveals


“Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It’s self-defence. It’s patriotism.”  That is the belief of serving American Vice- President, Joe Biden.

Minister Joseph Harmon and the BaiShanLin’s in a private jet in China.

All believers of Biden’s mantra are keen on finding out exactly what was the nature of Minister of State, Joseph Harmon’s recent trip to China.
When questions were raised initially, Harmon’s press secretary, Malika Ramsey, sent out a statement that sought to set the record straight about the controversial trip.
However, the information contained in that press statement runs counter to the evidence presented in a photograph that was subsequently leaked to this newspaper.
The statement indicated that Harmon and an In-House Legal Counsel at National Industrial and Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL), Ms. Natalia Seepersaud, visited China on state business.
The purpose of the visit was to engage in discussions with regard to the payment of the US$5 million balance owed for the purchase of 20 percent of Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT) shares by Chinese company, Datang Telecom Technology and Industry Group from NICIL in 2012.
The statement said that separately, but during the same period, a team from the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) comprising Head Project Coordinator, Fitzroy Corlette, and Supervisor, David Hermonstine, along with the representative of the Chinese companies in Guyana, Clinton Williams, visited China to participate in negotiations with NUTECH, a Chinese security scanning equipment supplier, for the acquisition of container and baggage scanners.
Nowhere in the statement was anything said about the officials of a controversial logging company, BaiShanLin, being part of that trip.
However, a photograph shows Joseph Harmon, with BaiShanLin’s Managing Director, Chu Hongbo and family, and with the NICIL representative.
The picture appears to be taken on a private jet.
This leaves one to question whether the state did sponsor this jet for BaiShanLin, his family, and Harmon to fly to China or was this favour from BaiShanLin to Harmon.
Harmon has maintained a worrying silence as the media reported on a series of his recent shady actions. The Minister had promised to hold a press conference but never did.
Sources within Cabinet told Kaieteur News that Harmon did not give any information to Cabinet in any way about a meeting with BaiShanLin during that time.
As far as Cabinet knows, Harmon and the NICIL representative were supposed to be the only two persons on that “official” trip.
Recent reports in the press gave an insight into Harmon’s relationship with BaiShanLin, a company he once referred to as a spirogyra—a nasty bacterium that gobbles up everything in its path.
Harmon halted an official operation involving BaiShanLin.
The operation was being executed by GRA in collaboration with officials from the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU).
GRA was going to seize two of BaiShanLin’s vehicles due to the fact that the Chinese company failed to pay the required duties within the legally stipulated timeframe.
But before the GRA and SOCU officials could carry out the seizures, they received a call from Harmon who instructed that the vehicles must not be removed, that the ranks should leave the company alone, and walk away from the premises.
Eventually the vehicles were seized. But the government is still to say how it intends to address Harmon’s actions which some are describing as rogue behaviour.
Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan, is still to update the media of an investigation he had promised to launch into the matter.
Jordan had said, “I am going to investigate the veracity of this allegation.” But efforts to contact him subsequently proved futile.
Anti-corruption advocates are outraged. They all expressed disappointment in Harmon and said Guyana cannot be made to suffer a repeat of what was had under the rule of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C).

Chief posted:

It is sad that President Granger did not let go of Minister Harmon as yet.

This does not send a good message to the Guyanese public both home and abroad. PNC/APNU won because of the same type of behavior from the former Government and today instead of firing Harmon, President Granger  is questioning why  decent  people are saying that the current Government is corrupt.

Give me a break, Mr. President! You out of all the people should know better and act as the  honest statesman you profess to be.

Fire Harmon!

What stupidity.  Do you think you playing doll house?  What kind of leadership qualities you have, as soon as you disagree with a loyalist you fire.  Banna, gwan da side and stay in your lil hole!


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