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Fire Service capacity boosted – Chinese Gov’t donates 10 fire tenders


Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee today received the keys to 10 fire tenders, and 400 suits for fire officers from officials of the Chinese Government at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Brickdam.  The vehicles and protective gear were handed over following the signing of the acceptance certificate.


Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee receives a key to one of the fire tenders from Chinese Ambassador Mr Zhang Limin

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee receives a key to one of the fire tenders from Chinese Ambassador Mr Zhang Limin


Minister Rohee stated that, “The Ministry of Home Affairs is very appreciative of this kind gesture; it is another concerted manifestation of the friendly relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Guyana”.


Two of the fire tenders donated by the Chinese Government

Two of the fire tenders donated by the Chinese Government


This relationship from which Guyana is now benefitting will obviously go a very far way in enhancing the capacity of the Guyana Fire Service in many respects, Minister Rohee stated.


He also recalled that in his Budget 2013 debate presentation he had made it known that the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) would be renamed he Guyana Fire  and Rescue Service and would go through certain transformative periods in order to ensure that the Service becomes modernised.


This is the ambition of Fire Services around the world, he said, and the GFS must not be left behind. The GFS has come a very far way, for those who are acquainted with its history would know that from seven stations there are now 16 around the country, form one and a half fire tenders there are  now 36, he stated.


Chief Fire Officer Marlon Gentle receives a key to one of the fire tender from Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee

Chief Fire Officer Marlon Gentle receives a key to one of the fire tender from Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee


The additional fire tenders will see an exponential growth in the capacity of the Fire Service to provide an effective and efficient service to the residents not only in Georgetown, but in the other regions as well, the Minister said.


Minister Rohee urged officials of the GFS to take special care of the vehicles to ensure that they are well serviced and protected and that they are used for the benefit of the people.


Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee and Chinese Ambassador Mr Zhang Limin signing the acceptance document prior to the handover of 10 fire tenders and a quantity of suits for fire officers

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee and Chinese Ambassador Mr Zhang Limin signing the acceptance document prior to the handover of 10 fire tenders and a quantity of suits for fire officers


Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Mr Zhang Limin stated that he was very pleased to attend the signing, and alluded to the long and fruitful relations between China and Guyana. The two Governments have kept good relations, as well as close friendship between their peoples.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Should the afc/pnc attain power, their recent diatribes against the Chinese indicate that they would destroy this relationship. They want the whites to invest in Guyana but the whites have run out of money and only exploit without giving back. 


 A very fine gesture and a welcomed gift. Hope the Government has taken into consideration the availability of adequate water supplies through additionally installed water hydrants that can access water during emergencies in the city; and in the suburban areas ready access of water from cleared drains and accessible  water pipes. And, yes, drivers adequately trained to drive these Fire Trucks at high speed.


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Should the afc/pnc attain power, their recent diatribes against the Chinese indicate that they would destroy this relationship. They want the whites to invest in Guyana but the whites have run out of money and only exploit without giving back. 

You are a congenital liar who would lie on his own mother. Your above statement is false.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Should the afc/pnc attain power, their recent diatribes against the Chinese indicate that they would destroy this relationship. They want the whites to invest in Guyana but the whites have run out of money and only exploit without giving back. 

The Chinese are new colonizers in 19th century predatory mode. Show me one place on the planet where they went and they did not import Chinese for their labor, support systems supplanting local labor opportunities. Further they move thousands of other Chinese into the area in a constant stream and with bribing local politicians and they soon to dominate local markets.


They take out natural resources, replace local products with cheap imitations and  build nothing that is not a part to their machinery to exploit the local region. They have no respect for local customs and given the willing complicity of local politicians to entertain graft disregard local authority completely when they can.


On entering the area they immediately begin to violate every labor or environmental laws, to cut corners and take more than offered. They always piling on excuse upon excuse for why they take in excess of their authority. They also never add to the technological capacity of the local area since they never hire any personnel or allow any local people in positions demanding specialty training. Local workers are grunts.That has begun in Guyana already. We are just a willing host to their parasitism.

Last edited by Former Member

You have to hand it to these Chinese. As soon as the PPP convinced them that the PNC might target Chinese businesses and burn them down the Chinese made provisions to protect their properties by importing their own fire engines. But in order to avoid having to pay for fire engine crews they pretend to donate the fire engines to Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

You have to hand it to these Chinese. As soon as the PPP convinced them that the PNC might target Chinese businesses and burn them down the Chinese made provisions to protect their properties by importing their own fire engines. But in order to avoid having to pay for fire engine crews they pretend to donate the fire engines to Guyana.


Originally Posted by Prince Juno:
Why the Chinese are being so generous to Guyana?

Because Guyana is willing to work with the Chinese Businesses to develop Guyana. No longer is England and America the only ones money to lend and expertise to provide. I hope the Indians will soon follow.

Originally Posted by Prince Juno:
It gets to a point that Guyana cannot divorce itself from the Chinese even if they wanted to.

Basically, the caste system have ingrained in low class indians the desire not to afford anything by themselves. Handouts and left overs is quite good, such graciousness saves the vosionless from making an effort.


I promised myself not to blame the Peoples Progressive Party but instead to blame the visionless imposters who took the party by deciet. These imposters doan have a clue about the pride of a nation, to build a nation or lead a nation. 




Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Prince Juno:
It gets to a point that Guyana cannot divorce itself from the Chinese even if they wanted to.

Basically, the caste system have ingrained in low class indians the desire not to afford anything by themselves. Handouts and left overs is quite good, such graciousness saves the vosionless from making an effort.


I promised myself not to blame the Peoples Progressive Party but instead to blame the visionless imposters who took the party by deciet. These imposters doan have a clue about the pride of a nation, to build a nation or lead a nation. 




Ignorance, arrogance and STUPIDITY at it's very BEST!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Prince Juno:
It gets to a point that Guyana cannot divorce itself from the Chinese even if they wanted to.

Basically, the caste system have ingrained in low class indians the desire not to afford anything by themselves. Handouts and left overs is quite good, such graciousness saves the vosionless from making an effort.


I promised myself not to blame the Peoples Progressive Party but instead to blame the visionless imposters who took the party by deciet. These imposters doan have a clue about the pride of a nation, to build a nation or lead a nation. 




Ignorance, arrogance and STUPIDITY at it's very BEST!!!

U like freeness, don't u ? So, i doan expect u 2 have much pride in achievements. Ur boyz get real excited when they recieve bribes-foreign or local.

Originally Posted by Prince Juno:
It gets to a point that Guyana cannot divorce itself from the Chinese even if they wanted to.

Would you be saying the same if it was Americans, British or Canadian?

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The Chinese are new colonizers in 19th century predatory mode. Show me one place on the planet where they went and they did not import Chinese for their labor, support systems supplanting local labor opportunities. Further they move thousands of other Chinese into the area in a constant stream and with bribing local politicians and they soon to dominate local markets.


They take out natural resources, replace local products with cheap imitations and  build nothing that is not a part to their machinery to exploit the local region. They have no respect for local customs and given the willing complicity of local politicians to entertain graft disregard local authority completely when they can.


On entering the area they immediately begin to violate every labor or environmental laws, to cut corners and take more than offered. They always piling on excuse upon excuse for why they take in excess of their authority. They also never add to the technological capacity of the local area since they never hire any personnel or allow any local people in positions demanding specialty training. Local workers are grunts.That has begun in Guyana already. We are just a willing host to their parasitism.

They are not colonizers, but rather opportunists, no different than the Americans of the past in its glory days. However they are the only show in town and it is a symbiotic relationship. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Should the afc/pnc attain power, their recent diatribes against the Chinese indicate that they would destroy this relationship. They want the whites to invest in Guyana but the whites have run out of money and only exploit without giving back. 

The Chinese are new colonizers in 19th century predatory mode. Show me one place on the planet where they went and they did not import Chinese for their labor, support systems supplanting local labor opportunities. Further they move thousands of other Chinese into the area in a constant stream and with bribing local politicians and they soon to dominate local markets.


They take out natural resources, replace local products with cheap imitations and  build nothing that is not a part to their machinery to exploit the local region. They have no respect for local customs and given the willing complicity of local politicians to entertain graft disregard local authority completely when they can.


On entering the area they immediately begin to violate every labor or environmental laws, to cut corners and take more than offered. They always piling on excuse upon excuse for why they take in excess of their authority. They also never add to the technological capacity of the local area since they never hire any personnel or allow any local people in positions demanding specialty training. Local workers are grunts.That has begun in Guyana already. We are just a willing host to their parasitism.



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