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Former Member
SAN DIEGO (AP) — The Marine Corps on Wednesday notified a sergeant who has been openly critical of President Barack Obama that he is violating Pentagon policy barring troops from political activities and that he faces dismissal. Camp Pendleton Marine Sgt. Gary Stein started a Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party to encourage fellow service members to exercise their free speech rights. He declared a few weeks ago that he would not follow the unlawful orders of the commander in chief. Stein also criticized Defense Secretary Leon Panetta for his comments on Syria. Stein, a nine-year member of the Corps, said he did nothing wrong and planned to fight the charges. He had applied to extend his service, which was set to expire in a few months. "I'm completely shocked that this is happening," he said. "I've done nothing wrong. I've only stated what our oath states that I will defend the constitution and that I will not follow unlawful orders. If that's a crime, what is America coming to?" The Marine Corps said in a statement Wednesday that Stein's commanding officer ordered a preliminary inquiry on March 8 after receiving allegations that Stein posted political statements about Obama on Facebook in violation of the Pentagon's directives.

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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dat is why David Ramnarine should consider himself very lucky.


There is  a big  difference in  the  case of  David  Ramnarine. Henry  Greene 's  declaration   that funds  were  not budgeted  for  the  in-lined  ranks  and  his  directive  that commanders  should  canvass the  business community  for  support  was  shameless,  unethical and a despicable act tat undermine moral, ethics and independence  of the GPF and  should  have been vigorously resisted by  those  commanders in the  first  place.   However  having  acquiesced to this  immoral directive and having  subsequently   learned  through  the  media  of  the  90 million  dollar  caper, Mr  Ramnarine, having gone  out  with  tin cup  in  hand,  found  himself  in a disgraceful  and personally embarrassing situation . Hence, he  had  a moral  and ethical  obligation  to  set  the record straight and defend his  personal  integrity and  no  narrow departmental  Standing  Order could  or  should muzzle or stifle  those  rights.     


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