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First direct freight train from China to London completes 18 day journey

The first freight train from China to London arrived in the capital yesterday following a 7,456 mile journey.

The train was filmed reaching Barking, East London after an 18 day trip from Yiwu in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang.

En route, the train passed through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Belgium and France, before arriving in Britain via the Channel Tunnel.

World first: this was the first train to complete the journey nonstop [Getty Images)

World first: this was the first train to complete the journey nonstop (Getty Images)

The train carried 68 containers, which included household items, fabrics and suitcases.

It wasn’t strictly one train, however – differing rail gauge sizes meant the containers had to be switched between locomotives along the way.

The train carried 68 containers, which included household items, fabrics and suitcases.

It wasn’t strictly one train, however – differing rail gauge sizes meant the containers had to be switched between locomotives along the way.

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Trade routes through Asia connecting China to the Mediterranean Sea

The Silk Road or Silk Route was an ancient network of trade routes that were for centuries central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent connecting the East and West from China to the Mediterranean Sea.

While the term is of modern coinage, the Silk Road derives its name from the lucrative trade in Chinese silk carried out along its length, beginning during the Han dynasty (207 BCE – 220 CE). The Han dynasty expanded Central Asian sections of the trade routes around 114 BCE, largely through missions and explorations of the Chinese imperial envoy, Zhang Qian. The Chinese took great interest in the safety of their trade products and extended the Great Wall of China to ensure the protection of the trade route.

Trade on the Silk Road played a significant role in the development of the civilizations of China, the Subcontinent, Persia, Europe, the Horn of Africa and Arabia, opening long-distance political and economic relations between the civilizations. Though silk was certainly the major trade item exported from China, many other goods were traded, and religions, syncretic philosophies, and various technologies, as well as diseases, most notably plague, also spread along the Silk Routes. In addition to economic trade, the Silk Road was a route for cultural trade among the civilizations along its network.

The main traders during antiquity included the Chinese, Arabs, Turks, Indians, Persians, Somalis, Greeks, Syrians, Romans, Georgians, Armenians, Bactrians, and (from the 5th to the 8th century) the Sogdians.

In June 2014 UNESCO designated the Chang'an-Tianshan corridor of the Silk Road as a World Heritage Site.

Location On Map:
Sea Route of Silk Road

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