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Breaking: Mystery voice behind First Lady’s campaign ad revealed!!

Apr 15, 2015

The First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar released a highly personal advertisement this week urging voters to re-elect her husband because “our family is your family”.

The touchy feely ad includes Mrs Ramotar looking at photos of her children and playing peek a boo around a tree on the grounds of State House. But her voice was apparently not worthy of being on the audio, so a voice over was laid on top like a 1970s Kung Fu flick.

Who was the mystery person providing the sound track? The Mosquito can reveal (drum roll…. more drum roll ….even more…stop,that’s enough) it was none other than the sweet cadences of Sharon Laljee of Tactical Branding.

Listen for yourself to the First Lady’s ad

And listen here to one produced by Laljee for Yo’great, smooth and creamy…


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Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

It's not effective without her real voice.


I don't think they set out to make people believe it's Mrs. Ramotar's voice.

You make it sound as if it was a deception.

Stop making excuses for these frauds. She is talking about herself and her husband so who should we think is speaking?


That's why the ad is bad because we know it's not her voice.


“Our family is your family” definitely will not work for them in light of the "friends and family" criticism being leveled against them for the Candidates' List.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

It's not effective without her real voice.


I don't think they set out to make people believe it's Mrs. Ramotar's voice.

You make it sound as if it was a deception.

Stop making excuses for these frauds. She is talking about herself and her husband so who should we think is speaking?

She in her cover voice is trying to sell the same bilge that her husband, that fat crook, is the nations daddy. Who want a fat incompetent fool as their dad? Makes a step dad a premium!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nice, beautifully done. Shows caring and compassion. A brilliant Ad.  Kudos to the PPP

Come on Nehru, Deolatchmie should have spoke a few words on this advert.


It looking bad.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nice, beautifully done. Shows caring and compassion. A brilliant Ad.  Kudos to the PPP

Come on Nehru, Deolatchmie should have spoke a few words on this advert.


It looking bad.

The first lady can speak better than you.


You should worry about Elizabeth harper, she is the one running for Prime Minister.  Diplomacy is her field.  She will be a truly representative of the People.  Women's issues, child care, battered women. She will be correlating the activities of all the ministers. 


What will Moses  be doing when she becomes the Prime Minister?

he will be socializing with the PNC  terrorists.   

Last edited by Ramakant-P

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