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First Lady distributes gifts to hundreds of Industry/Ogle children

Georgetown, GINA, December 17, 2011
Source - GINA

First lady Deolatchmee Ramotar flanked by some of the members of the Women’s Progressive Organization who were present at the annual children’s Christmas party in Industry

The women’s arm of the People’s Progressive Party Civic this afternoon hosted its annual Christmas party for the children of the Industry/Ogle areas, East Coast Demerara at Sally Jettoo’s residence Crown Dam, Industry.

The children, approximately 350 ranging in ages from 2-15 years old, were treated to a Christmas clown performing tricks for them, and presents. They participated in game activities for prizes and singing of Christmas carols.

First lady Deolatchmee Ramotar presents a child with a Christmas gift

First Lady, Deolatchmee Ramotar distributed gifts to the children and joined in carol singing with them.

Mrs. Ramotar extended greetings for their Christmas holidays and told them to enjoy every part of it. She also urged them to remain focused on their school work as having an education is of utmost importance to their development.

First lady Deolatchmee Ramotar helps with the distribution of snacks at the Children’s Christmas party in Industry

The hosting of a Christmas party for the children of Industry/Ogle areas has now become a three- year old event and is sponsored by generous stakeholders.

First lady Deolatchmee Ramotar hugs a smiling lad after she had presented him his Christmas gift

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Varshanie was a younger model with other interests beyond what is expected to fill the criteria of the first lady. Former President Jagdeo managed to play his part well in Varshani's absent. The position of the first lady is rightly filled with Mrs. Ramotar.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Varshanie was a younger model with other interests beyond what is expected to fill the criteria of the first lady. Former President Jagdeo managed to play his part well in Varshani's absent. The position of the first lady is rightly filled with Mrs. Ramotar.

lol Suh now yuh telling us dat Jagdeo was his own First Lady. panman partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Is she following in the footsteps of varshanie singh jagdeo?..

Perhaps Priya!!! Big Grin


I know what you know. Big Grin
Originally posted by Mitwah:
lol Suh now yuh telling us dat Jagdeo was his own First Lady. panman partybanana partybanana

Don't be daft. He had numerous concubines to do those hand jobs for him. Amongst them were Roger and Kwame.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
lol Suh now yuh telling us dat Jagdeo was his own First Lady. panman partybanana partybanana

Don't be daft. He had numerous concubines to do those hand jobs for him. Amongst them were Roger and Kwame.
according to Jag's bodyguard, Jags has for a long time been seeing a current pretty female minister. so this debunks all the gay slander about the guy. xmas3
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
according to Jag's bodyguard, Jags has for a long time been seeing a current pretty female minister. so this debunks all the gay slander about the guy.

Isn't Priya already married?
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
according to Jag's bodyguard, Jags has for a long time been seeing a current pretty female minister. so this debunks all the gay slander about the guy.

Isn't Priya already married?

To an army personel.

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