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FIRST Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger on Monday launched yet another Information Communication Technology (ICT) training programme; this time, in the Essequibo Islands-West Demerara Region (Region Three), to provide youths with skills in the areas of information technology, literacy and numeracy, entrepreneurship, sexual reproductive health, STEM subjects, and other soft skills.

The programme, which is being executed through a collaborative effort between the Office of the First Lady, the Ministry of Social Protection and the Board of Industrial Training (BIT), will run for four weeks and caters for 30 participants. Training sessions are conducted at the Leonora Secondary School, West Bank Demerara.

In brief remarks, the First Lady congratulated the participants for making the decision to be a part of the programme and told participants that the workshop does not only focus on ICT, but is also designed to prepare them for the world of work. “You are living in an age of technology and if you want to participate in a meaningful way in the world you are going to inherit, you have to have the knowledge of ICT,” she said.

Mrs. Granger also expressed her gratitude to the Ministry of Social Protection and the BIT for their continued support. “The beauty about this Board of the Industrial Training workshop is that it has a recognised certificate…This is why I want to challenge you to do your best to make yourselves employable… With the skill that you need to get ahead,” she said.

Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Richard Maughn encouraged the participants to embrace the opportunities afforded to them through the smart use of ICT to become productive citizens. “As individuals, you need to be able to make good use of information in this the age of ICT… information technology can empower your lives and it is our intention to make sure that every one of you achieve success,” he said.

Regional Executive Officer, Mr. Denis Jaikaran who also addressed the gathering, took the opportunity to thank the First Lady for her efforts to empower youths and expressed gratitude for having the programme launched in Region Three. He also pledged to award all students with a 90 per cent attendance rate, with prizes on behalf of the regional administration.

In an invited comment, participant, Ms. Tamara Dey said that the training affords her the opportunity of self-improvement and will help her to become an independent young individual “I’m hoping to gain the skill which I currently lack in information technology and I plan to use what I will learn to get employed,” she said.

Mr. Stavon David, another participant, said that he plans to use the workshop experience to enrol in a technical institute to further his education in the field of engineering.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

randolph posted:


FIRST Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger on Monday launched yet another Information Communication Technology (ICT) training programme; this time, in the Essequibo Islands-West Demerara Region (Region Three), to provide youths with skills in the areas of information technology, literacy and numeracy, entrepreneurship, sexual reproductive health, STEM subjects, and other soft skills.

The programme, which is being executed through a collaborative effort between the Office of the First Lady, the Ministry of Social Protection and the Board of Industrial Training (BIT), will run for four weeks and caters for 30 participants. Training sessions are conducted at the Leonora Secondary School, West Bank Demerara.

In brief remarks, the First Lady congratulated the participants for making the decision to be a part of the programme and told participants that the workshop does not only focus on ICT, but is also designed to prepare them for the world of work. “You are living in an age of technology and if you want to participate in a meaningful way in the world you are going to inherit, you have to have the knowledge of ICT,” she said.

Mrs. Granger also expressed her gratitude to the Ministry of Social Protection and the BIT for their continued support. “The beauty about this Board of the Industrial Training workshop is that it has a recognised certificate…This is why I want to challenge you to do your best to make yourselves employable… With the skill that you need to get ahead,” she said.

Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Richard Maughn encouraged the participants to embrace the opportunities afforded to them through the smart use of ICT to become productive citizens. “As individuals, you need to be able to make good use of information in this the age of ICT… information technology can empower your lives and it is our intention to make sure that every one of you achieve success,” he said.

Regional Executive Officer, Mr. Denis Jaikaran who also addressed the gathering, took the opportunity to thank the First Lady for her efforts to empower youths and expressed gratitude for having the programme launched in Region Three. He also pledged to award all students with a 90 per cent attendance rate, with prizes on behalf of the regional administration.

In an invited comment, participant, Ms. Tamara Dey said that the training affords her the opportunity of self-improvement and will help her to become an independent young individual “I’m hoping to gain the skill which I currently lack in information technology and I plan to use what I will learn to get employed,” she said.

Mr. Stavon David, another participant, said that he plans to use the workshop experience to enrol in a technical institute to further his education in the field of engineering.

Does anyone know how this works or what the criteria were? Was there an open application process then selection? I spent a lot of time on WCD and in Essequibo. This is NOT an accurate ethnic representation.

Nehru posted:

The Djangos of the World are the worst ANIMALS on the Planet. Not because they were born brain dead means that they will forever be that DUMB and STUPID!!!

lay off the personal attacks


The Stench of Granger's and his Burnhamite Racism:


It will get worse after 2020's rigging.

This is quite disgraceful for a land of SIX races where Afros are only 28 Percent.

Shame on the First Lady !!!!!!!!!


Images (1)
  • ICT-workshop-696x456
Last edited by Former Member

has anybody even bothered to check whether ANY Indo-Guyanese were turned away?

i'll wager the answer is NONE!!

idle 'race' bacoos posting here

btw, there are 20 posing for the photo . . . the workshop was for 30


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

has anybody even bothered to check whether ANY Indo-Guyanese were turned away?

i'll wager the answer is NONE!!

idle 'race' bacoos posting here

btw, there are 20 posing for the photo . . . the workshop was for 30


Did you bother to read my earlier post asking what the process and criteria were? On one hand, rural Indo-Guyanese are known to be distrustful of anything coming from a PNC government. It's very possible fewer Indos applied. The fact that there is at least one Indo in that picture means at least one Indo applied. Now if you really wanted to help the youths in an area AND wanted to be fair, would you not have made sure you reached out to all the schools or are you telling me that is an accurate depiction of the ethnic breakdown of youths in that region? Now, on the other hand,you're a racist bigot. Some of us try to be fair here, on both sides. If it was the other way around, you would have been crying like a little girl that there must be some Afro Guyanese in that region. So you can shake whatever the ass you want.

ronan posted:
GTAngler posted:
ronan posted:

has anybody even bothered to check whether ANY Indo-Guyanese were turned away?

i'll wager the answer is NONE!!

idle 'race' bacoos posting here

btw, there are 20 posing for the photo . . . the workshop was for 30


Did you bother to read my earlier post asking what the process and criteria were? On one hand, rural Indo-Guyanese are known to be distrustful of anything coming from a PNC government. It's very possible fewer Indos applied. The fact that there is at least one Indo in that picture means at least one Indo applied. Now if you really wanted to help the youths in an area AND wanted to be fair, would you not have made sure you reached out to all the schools or are you telling me that is an accurate depiction of the ethnic breakdown of youths in that region? Now, on the other hand,you're a racist bigot. Some of us try to be fair here, on both sides. If it was the other way around, you would have been crying like a little girl that there must be some Afro Guyanese in that region. So you can shake whatever the ass you want.

indeed, it is NOT representative of the district/region’s population

thanks Captain Obvious

after all y’all anti men jump in and shake alyuh privates screaming “racism” without any reflection of the factors you, days later, now decide to tiptoe around

now yuh trying to bamboozle people bout how you trying “to be fair” . . .

g’wan dahside you bigot scamp

Obviously you've not read much of what I have written here. Either that or you didn't understand. Please ask if you need help. The only anti-man here is you. You're the one obsessed with sticking things up your ass. Keep your racist bilge for scum like yourself.

GTAngler posted:
ronan posted:

has anybody even bothered to check whether ANY Indo-Guyanese were turned away?

i'll wager the answer is NONE!!

idle 'race' bacoos posting here

btw, there are 20 posing for the photo . . . the workshop was for 30


Did you bother to read my earlier post asking what the process and criteria were? On one hand, rural Indo-Guyanese are known to be distrustful of anything coming from a PNC government. It's very possible fewer Indos applied. The fact that there is at least one Indo in that picture means at least one Indo applied. Now if you really wanted to help the youths in an area AND wanted to be fair, would you not have made sure you reached out to all the schools or are you telling me that is an accurate depiction of the ethnic breakdown of youths in that region? Now, on the other hand,you're a racist bigot. Some of us try to be fair here, on both sides. If it was the other way around, you would have been crying like a little girl that there must be some Afro Guyanese in that region. So you can shake whatever the ass you want.

indeed, it is NOT representative of the district/region’s population

thanks Captain Obvious

after all y’all antimen jump in and shake alyuh privates screaming “racism” without any reflection on the factors you, days later, now decide to tiptoe around

now yuh trying to bamboozle people bout how you trying “to be fair . . .”

g’wan dahside bigot scamp

GTAngler posted:
Some of us try to be fair here, on both sides. 

Yes you do both sides.  The Indian side and the Indian side.  You studiously refuse to comment about the exclusion of blacks during the Jagdeo era.  Suddenly ethnic inclusiveness becomes an issue for you now that there is a real risk of Indian exclusion.

Now suppose I told you that someone has decided that a focus on young blacks is being made because if the PPP wins in 2020 Guyana will once again be a nation where only the worst jobs are reserved for blacks and so they might as well be as equipped to the extent that they can do to protect themselves should this era return.

When you intelligently discuss Indian racism towards blacks as D2 on many occasions tried to get people to do then you can chat about being fair.  As of now your only concern is the potential for Indian exclusion.

Even in 2018 the private sector is mainly Indian owned and is unashamedly biased in its racist treatment of blacks.  You say NOTHING on this!

Last edited by Former Member

It's really sad that you see me as only being pro Indo Guyanese. You fall into the same category as Ronan. The only non racists are people who subscribe to your brand of racism. Just to point something out, no where did I ever use "racist" in any of my responses in that thread. I said it was not ethically representative. It takes one of your bias to interpret that as being racist. Before you speak of the private sector being mainly Indian owned in 2018 why don't you compare the statistics under Burnham. While we all know what Jagdeo and his cronies were all about, it was always that way. So are the Indians supposed to not work hard and invest because it makes you uncomfortable? What is to prevent any Afro Guyanese from doing the same? Maybe do a socio economic study before talking nonsense. 


GTANGLER,bhai there were not much empowerment of Africans during Burnham era,except for the few who did his bidding.Africans also suffered and they resented the despot.

To paint you as racist,i will certainly disagree,you daon belong to the crew on this BB.

Last edited by Django

GTANGLER,bhai there were not much empowerment of Africans during Burnham era,except for the few who did his bidding.Africans also suffered and they resented the despot.

Seriously, you have the balls to say the above. which coolie man bugger you that you hate Indians so much. You believe black people will worship you for what you are propagate. 

Dave posted:

GTANGLER,bhai there were not much empowerment of Africans during Burnham era,except for the few who did his bidding.Africans also suffered and they resented the despot.

Seriously, you have the balls to say the above. which coolie man bugger you that you hate Indians so much. You believe black people will worship you for what you are propagate. 

Well it appears you are a dimwit,where in my statement hating of East Indians are mentioned.

Do you dispute what i said ?

Django posted:
Dave posted:

GTANGLER,bhai there were not much empowerment of Africans during Burnham era,except for the few who did his bidding.Africans also suffered and they resented the despot.

Seriously, you have the balls to say the above. which coolie man bugger you that you hate Indians so much. You believe black people will worship you for what you are propagate. 

Well it appears you are a dimwit,where in my statement hating of East Indians are mentioned.

Do you dispute what i said ?

My reference of your hate for Indians coolie man Djanjo reflects your repetitive comments.. not only to this subject.

yes I dispute what you said, and you knew it also but was told Norman Maclean blind side you in the days 

Mr.T posted:

These were participants who took up the offer. It should be clear to anyone that the Indian kids had better offers.

T, the jagdeo bacoos know this

but 'race' is the ONLY avenue to power these vulgar ethnic husslers posing here can contemplate

Last edited by Former Member
Mr.T posted:

These were participants who took up the offer. It should be clear to anyone that the Indian kids had better offers.

On one hand, rural Indo-Guyanese are known to be distrustful of anything coming from a PNC government. It's very possible fewer Indos applied.

I addressed this earlier and I asked what the application/selection process was. It isn't clear to me what better offer the Indian Kids had and from whom. Maybe I missed something. Please elaborate.

GTAngler posted:

It's really sad that you see me as only being pro Indo Guyanese. study before talking nonsense. 

I can only judge you but what you show me.  You are quick to raise Afro racism towards Indians but revert to this behavior when reminded that Indo treatment of blacks is just as appropriate.

At what point do you EVER discuss both sides of the problem? NEVER! And when people do this you call us racists.

GTAngler posted:

. So are the Indians supposed to not work hard and invest because it makes you uncomfortable? . 

Indians are expected to hire the best PERSON available.  Not the best INDIAN person available.

Just as yo0u can scream about ethnic under representation in this instance many can and do comment about under representation in Indian owned companies.

If a white owned company in North America refused to promote anyone but whites into upper echelon jobs they would be racist.  But given your racist bias its OK when Indian owned companies in Guyana do that.

So if the Indian owned private sector can be biased against blacks then why wail if a black dominated public sector show bias against Indians. And don't chat about how Indians pay taxes because I challenge you to tell him about any Indian company that doesn't get some level of support from black customers and/or the gov't (blacks also pay taxes).

Your problem is that your bias is so ingrained in you that you don't even see this.

Mr.T posted:

These were participants who took up the offer. It should be clear to anyone that the Indian kids had better offers.

Maybe yes. Maybe no, but if we want to discuss ethnic representation in Guyana we should NOT merely limit it to the public sector.

Yes it might well be that Indians have more access to the private sector so less need for these programs in order to access opportunities.

It is clear to any who visit Guyana that within the English speaking Caribbean blacks are doing worse than they are in other parts of the Caribbean.  40 years ago this was NOT the case.

caribny posted:
Mr.T posted:

These were participants who took up the offer. It should be clear to anyone that the Indian kids had better offers.

Maybe yes. Maybe no, but if we want to discuss ethnic representation in Guyana we should NOT merely limit it to the public sector.

Yes it might well be that Indians have more access to the private sector so less need for these programs in order to access opportunities.

It is clear to any who visit Guyana that within the English speaking Caribbean blacks are doing worse than they are in other parts of the Caribbean.  40 years ago this was NOT the case.

What’s holding back Blackpeople. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This is the change many you on this forum fought for.  Stop living in denial. The ugly racism of the Burnham era is staring you in the face again. 

Don’t forget those dejected old PPPites who just wanted to see the back of Jagdeo and threw out the baby 👶 with the bath water.   Now guilt and shame got them, so the are suddenly back on Jagdeo bandwagon. 

As they say, too late shall be the cry of dunces!

caribny posted:
Mr.T posted:

These were participants who took up the offer. It should be clear to anyone that the Indian kids had better offers.

Maybe yes. Maybe no, but if we want to discuss ethnic representation in Guyana we should NOT merely limit it to the public sector.

Yes it might well be that Indians have more access to the private sector so less need for these programs in order to access opportunities.

It is clear to any who visit Guyana that within the English speaking Caribbean blacks are doing worse than they are in other parts of the Caribbean.  40 years ago this was NOT the case.

Bull scheizer, racist schwein!

Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This is the change many you on this forum fought for.  Stop living in denial. The ugly racism of the Burnham era is staring you in the face again. 

Don’t forget those dejected old PPPites who just wanted to see the back of Jagdeo and threw out the baby 👶 with the bath water.   Now guilt and shame got them, so the are suddenly back on Jagdeo bandwagon. 

As they say, too late shall be the cry of dunces!

Base I thought you didn’t like the man also, so you jump back on the bandwagon also 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This is the change many you on this forum fought for.  Stop living in denial. The ugly racism of the Burnham era is staring you in the face again. 

Don’t forget those dejected old PPPites who just wanted to see the back of Jagdeo and threw out the baby 👶 with the bath water.   Now guilt and shame got them, so the are suddenly back on Jagdeo bandwagon. 

As they say, too late shall be the cry of dunces!

Base I thought you didn’t like the man also, so you jump back on the bandwagon also 

Base like go-cum.

Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Mr.T posted:

These were participants who took up the offer. It should be clear to anyone that the Indian kids had better offers.

Maybe yes. Maybe no, but if we want to discuss ethnic representation in Guyana we should NOT merely limit it to the public sector.

Yes it might well be that Indians have more access to the private sector so less need for these programs in order to access opportunities.

It is clear to any who visit Guyana that within the English speaking Caribbean blacks are doing worse than they are in other parts of the Caribbean.  40 years ago this was NOT the case.

What’s holding back Blackpeople. 


Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Mr.T posted:

These were participants who took up the offer. It should be clear to anyone that the Indian kids had better offers.

Maybe yes. Maybe no, but if we want to discuss ethnic representation in Guyana we should NOT merely limit it to the public sector.

Yes it might well be that Indians have more access to the private sector so less need for these programs in order to access opportunities.

It is clear to any who visit Guyana that within the English speaking Caribbean blacks are doing worse than they are in other parts of the Caribbean.  40 years ago this was NOT the case.

What’s holding back Blackpeople. 

I asked the same question.......don't hold your breath for an answer.

cain posted:

HAHAA Baseman doing things Trumpski style, he agrees..he doesn't agree, he believes..he doesn't believe, he knows..he knows not,  confusing tarass.

Constantly changing so no one can pin him down on anything. 

caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:

. So are the Indians supposed to not work hard and invest because it makes you uncomfortable? . 

Indians are expected to hire the best PERSON available.  Not the best INDIAN person available.

Just as yo0u can scream about ethnic under representation in this instance many can and do comment about under representation in Indian owned companies.

If a white owned company in North America refused to promote anyone but whites into upper echelon jobs they would be racist.  But given your racist bias its OK when Indian owned companies in Guyana do that.

So if the Indian owned private sector can be biased against blacks then why wail if a black dominated public sector show bias against Indians. And don't chat about how Indians pay taxes because I challenge you to tell him about any Indian company that doesn't get some level of support from black customers and/or the gov't (blacks also pay taxes).

Your problem is that your bias is so ingrained in you that you don't even see this.

You really are a clown. You went from Indian people owning business to who they should hire? You have no ambition. YOU see Afro Guyanese as people to be hired and not as the people doing the hiring and you call me racist? As I asked before, what prevents any Afro Guyanese from working and becoming successful. It's useless trying to have an intelligent conversation with you. In your eyes, racial equality is appeasement and entitlement. The only non racists are the ones who try to appease Afro Guyanese even at the expense of alienating their own ethnic group. Well, get this straight. I will NEVER turn my back on Indo Guyanese to please racist pricks like you. NOONE is entitled to anything. Work for what you want and stop hating those who make the sacrifices. As for a white company promoting only whites, if they are more qualified, then by all means do so. I worked for an all white company. I was the only person of color there except for 2 Chinese. I got the job based on my ability. I had an assistant in the office and supervised a crew in the warehouse when I left.

Dave posted:

What’s holding back Blackpeople. 

What's holding back Indians?   If they were so well off you wouldn't care whether the existing gov't discriminates against them or not.  The issue is that they aren't uniformly well off which is why there is a highly developed notion that there are current plans to marginalize Indians.

GTAngler posted:

You really are a clown. You went from Indian people owning business to who they should hire? You have no ambition. YOU see Afro Guyanese as people to be hired and not as the people doing the hiring and you call me racist? As I asked before, what prevents any Afro Guyanese from working and becoming successful. It's useless trying to have an intelligent conversation with you. In your eyes, racial equality is appeasement and entitlement. The only non racists are the ones who try to appease Afro Guyanese even at the expense of alienating their own ethnic group. Well, get this straight. I will NEVER turn my back on Indo Guyanese to please racist pricks like you. NOONE is entitled to anything. Work for what you want and stop hating those who make the sacrifices. As for a white company promoting only whites, if they are more qualified, then by all means do so. I worked for an all white company. I was the only person of color there except for 2 Chinese. I got the job based on my ability. I had an assistant in the office and supervised a crew in the warehouse when I left.

This is where your racism jumps up and bites your azz.  In NYC 11% of Haitian men and only 7% of Guyanese men are self employed.  The Guyanese self employment levels on par with Jamaicans.  So even if no Afro Guyanese was self employed (hardly the case) this will mean that at least 90% of Indo Guyanese men living in NYC are employees.

So basically you are giving whites carte blanche to fire 90% of Indo Guyanese men in NYC with the admonition that they should start their own businesses and let white owned/dominated entities give preference to other whites.  This without regard to whether they are the better candidate or not.

Interesting that when given the opportunity to discuss the hiring practices of white companies you scream that they should hire on merit, given whites preference only when they are the superior candidate. When it comes to Indians in Guyana no such meritocracy should obtain.  They are justified in NOT hiring blacks EVEN WHEN THE BLACK PERSON IS THE BETTER CANDIDATE.

Continue to show how uninterested you are in a fair and balanced conversation about racism in Guyana.  Loud and hysterical when you perceive blacks excluding Indians.  Loud and hysterical when made to explain the fact that Indian exclude blacks when they are able to.

In most modern societies the vast MAJORITY of people will be employees.  This applies as much to Indo Guyanese as it does to others.  It is a fallacy and a blatant lie, and also unfair to Indians to paint them all as wealthy businessmen.  In North America the vast MAJORITY of Indo Guyanese work for others.

caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:

You really are a clown. You went from Indian people owning business to who they should hire? You have no ambition. YOU see Afro Guyanese as people to be hired and not as the people doing the hiring and you call me racist? As I asked before, what prevents any Afro Guyanese from working and becoming successful. It's useless trying to have an intelligent conversation with you. In your eyes, racial equality is appeasement and entitlement. The only non racists are the ones who try to appease Afro Guyanese even at the expense of alienating their own ethnic group. Well, get this straight. I will NEVER turn my back on Indo Guyanese to please racist pricks like you. NOONE is entitled to anything. Work for what you want and stop hating those who make the sacrifices. As for a white company promoting only whites, if they are more qualified, then by all means do so. I worked for an all white company. I was the only person of color there except for 2 Chinese. I got the job based on my ability. I had an assistant in the office and supervised a crew in the warehouse when I left.

This is where your racism jumps up and bites your azz.  In NYC 11% of Haitian men and only 7% of Guyanese men are self employed.  The Guyanese self employment levels on par with Jamaicans.  So even if no Afro Guyanese was self employed (hardly the case) this will mean that at least 90% of Indo Guyanese men living in NYC are employees.

So basically you are giving whites carte blanche to fire 90% of Indo Guyanese men in NYC with the admonition that they should start their own businesses and let white owned/dominated entities give preference to other whites.  This without regard to whether they are the better candidate or not.

Interesting that when given the opportunity to discuss the hiring practices of white companies you scream that they should hire on merit, given whites preference only when they are the superior candidate. When it comes to Indians in Guyana no such meritocracy should obtain.  They are justified in NOT hiring blacks EVEN WHEN THE BLACK PERSON IS THE BETTER CANDIDATE.

Continue to show how uninterested you are in a fair and balanced conversation about racism in Guyana.  Loud and hysterical when you perceive blacks excluding Indians.  Loud and hysterical when made to explain the fact that Indian exclude blacks when they are able to.

In most modern societies the vast MAJORITY of people will be employees.  This applies as much to Indo Guyanese as it does to others.  It is a fallacy and a blatant lie, and also unfair to Indians to paint them all as wealthy businessmen.  In North America the vast MAJORITY of Indo Guyanese work for others.

So we went from you complaining about Indians owning the majority of business in Guyana to Indians should hire more Afros regardless of qualification to I am enabling the Whites because I believe in hiring the best qualified candidate. And this makes me racist? Laughable. Keep blaming the world for your shortcomings. The rest of us will continue to work hard and make our lives a success.

Last edited by GTAngler

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